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The bedroom needs( ).

A. decorating

B. to decorate

C. decorate

D. decorated


更多 “ The bedroom needs( ).A. decoratingB. to decorateC. decorateD. decorated ” 相关考题
考题 AThis is the twins' bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same.This bed is Lily's and that one is Lucy's. The-twins have two chairs and one desk. Their clock, books and pencil cases are on the desk. Their backpacks are behind the chairs Some nice flowers(花) are on the desk. Some pictures are on the wall. Is there a base-ball? Yes, it,s under Lily's bed. The bedroom is very nice.( )21. The twins are ________ .A. at homeB. have a nice roomC. in different roomD. in the same room

考题 The lost bell is found in the parents' bedroom.()

考题 Children’s pictures are used to ________ the walls of the classroom. A. dirtyB. demandC. decorateD. fade

考题 How should we ( ) the poster to make it more attractiveA.demonstrateB.describeC.decorateD.decrease

考题 Physicists from all over the world came to the U.S. to ______ the hundredth anniversary of Einstein’s birth.A、congratulateB、celebrateC、decorateD、participate

考题 All the following tools and techniques are helpful to accurately confirming customers’needs,except( 72 )。A.questionnairesB.prototyping approachesC.fishbone diagramsD.interviews

考题 My ship {needs} a pilot.A.requiresB.hasC.takesD.gets

考题 Which of the following can NOT be regarded as a feature of successful English teacher? A.Thinking of learners' needs. B.Having a good command of English. C.Facilitating communicative activities. D.Following the course book only.

考题 Which of the following can Not be regarded as a feature of successful English teacher? A.Thinking of learners' needs. B.Having a good command of English. C.Facilitating communicative activities. D.Following the course book only.