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Network access protection (NAP) is configured for the corporate network. Users connect to the corporate network by using portable computers. The command policy required confidentiality of data when is in transmit between the portable computers and the servers. You need to ensure that users can access network resources only from computers that comply with the company policy. What should you do?()

A.Create an Ipsec enforcement network policy.

B.Create an 802.1xenforcemen tnetwork policy.

C.Createa wired network(IEEE802.3)Group policy.

D.Create an extensible authentication protocol(EAP)enforcement network policy.


更多 “ Network access protection (NAP) is configured for the corporate network. Users connect to the corporate network by using portable computers. The command policy required confidentiality of data when is in transmit between the portable computers and the servers. You need to ensure that users can access network resources only from computers that comply with the company policy. What should you do?()A.Create an Ipsec enforcement network policy.B.Create an 802.1xenforcemen tnetwork policy.C.Createa wired network(IEEE802.3)Group policy.D.Create an extensible authentication protocol(EAP)enforcement network policy. ” 相关考题
考题 ● NAC’s (Network Access Control ) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (66) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (67) solution; additional proactive and (68) security measures must be implemented. Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 10Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security (69) . In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures — real-time, multilevel (70inspection and microsecond threat containment.(66)A. automated B. distinguished C. authenticated D. destructed(67)A. crisis B. security C. favorable D. excellent(68)A. constructive B. reductive C. reactive D. productive(69)A. defense B. intrusion C. inbreak D. protection(70)A. port B. connection C. threat D. insurance

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考题 ● NAC’s(Network Access Control ) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (66) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (67) solution; additional proactive and (68) security measures must be implemented. Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 10Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security (69) . In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures — real-time, multilevel (70) inspection and microsecond threat containment.(66)A. automated B. distinguished C. authenticated D. destructed(67)A. crisis B. security C. favorable D. excellent(68)A. constructive B. reductive C. reactive D. productive(69)A. defense B. intrusion C. inbreak D. protection(70)A. port B. connection C. threat D. insurance

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考题 NAC's(Network Access Control)role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and( )users.However,NAC is not a complete LAN( )solution;additional proactive and( )security measures must be implemented,Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 10Gbps,ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance.Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security(请作答此空).In addition to NAC,enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures—real-time,multilevel( )inspection and microsecond threat containment.A.defense B.intrusion C.inbreak D.protection

考题 NAC's (Network Access Control) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and ( )users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN( )solution; additional proactive and ( )security measures must be implemented, Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 10Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security(请作答此空). In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures—real-time, multilevel( )inspection and microsecond threat containment.A.defense] B.intrusion C.inbreak D.protection

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