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A high () of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties






更多 “ A high () of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties A、sliceB、percentC、rateD、proportion ” 相关考题
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考题 Young____ , Daniel Hellberg was the best candidate for the job.A. as was heB. as he wasC. although he wasD. although was he

考题 I ( ) recommend to you Mr.Robinson, my best friend, who always aims ( ) in his work. A、highly/ highlyB、highly/ highC、high/ highlyD、high/ high

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考题 Young ______ he is, he handles things skillfully.A、ifB、thoughC、whileD、as

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考题 二分查找算法中,待查元素找不到时需要满足的条件是()。A.low<=high为假B.low<=high为真C.low=high为真D.low<high为真

考题 下面进行二分搜索的正确代码是A.def BSearch(data,x): low=0 high=len(data)-1 while(low<=high): mid=(low+high)//2 if(data[mid]==x): return mid elif(data[mid]<x): high=mid-1 else: low=mid+1 return -1#B.def BSearch(data,x): low=0 high=len(data)-1 while(low<=high): mid=(low+high)//2 if(data[mid]==x): break elif(data[mid]<x): low=mid+1 else: high=mid-1 return -1#C.def BSearch(data,x): low=0 high=len(data)-1 mid=(low+high)//2 while(low<=high): if(data[