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WebSQL is a SQL-like(36)language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web(37)make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a page, all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through paths that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common Gateway Interface.






更多 “ WebSQL is a SQL-like(36)language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web(37)make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a page, all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through paths that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common Gateway Interface.A.queryB.transactionC.communicationD.programming ” 相关考题
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