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Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a(120)by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary the user is(121)to possible misspelling and possible corrections are often(122). Spell checker does not recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aid to proofreading, but it can not catch the(123)of one correctly spelled word for another(such as form. for from). Thus it does not(124)a document is free of spelling errors.






更多 “ Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a(120)by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary the user is(121)to possible misspelling and possible corrections are often(122). Spell checker does not recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aid to proofreading, but it can not catch the(123)of one correctly spelled word for another(such as form. for from). Thus it does not(124)a document is free of spelling errors.A.documentB.equipmentC.programD.statement ” 相关考题
考题 Word默认的模板名为________。A.Normal.dotB.Normal.docC.Word.dotD.Word.doc

考题 以下关于Word 2010和Word 2003文档说法,错误的是()。A.Word2003程序在安装兼容插件后,可兼容Word2010文档B.Word2010程序可直接兼容Word2003文档C.Word2010文档与Word2003文档的扩展名不同D.Word2010文档与Word2003文档互不兼容()。

考题 阅读以下说明和C语言函数,将应填入(n)处的语句写在对应栏内。【说明】本程序从正文文件text.in中读入一篇英文短文,统计该短文中不同单词及出现次数,并按词典编辑顺序将单词及出现次数输出到正文文件word.out中。程序用一棵有序二叉树存储这些单词及其出现的次数,边读入边建立,然后中序遍历该二叉树,将遍历经过的二叉树上的结点内容输出。【函数】include <stdio.h>include <malloc.h>include <ctype.h>include <string.h>define INF "text.in"define OUTF "word.our'typedef struct treenode {char *word;int count;struct treenode *left, *right;} BNODE;int getword(FILE *fpt, char *word){ char c;c=fgetc(tpt);if (c==EOF)return 0;while(!(tolower(c)>= 'a' tolower(c)<= 'z')){ c=fgetc(fpt);if (c==EOF)return 0;} /* 跳过单词间的所有非字母字符 */while(tolower(c)>= 'a' tolower(c)<= 'z'){ *word++=c;c=fgetc(fpt);}*word='\0';return 1;}void binary_tree(BNODE **t, char *word){ BNODE *ptr, *p; int compres;p=NULL;(1);while (ptr) /* 寻找插入位置 */{ compres=strcmp(word, ptr->word);/* 保存当前比较结果 */if (!compres){ (2); return;}else{ p=ptr;ptr=compres>0 ? ptr->right: ptr->left;}}ptr=(BNODE *)malloc(sizeof(BNODE));ptr->left=ptr->right=NULL;ptr->word=(char *)malloc(strlen(word)+1);strcpy(ptr->word, word);(3);if (p==NULL)*t=ptr;else if (compres>0)p->right=ptr;elsep->left=ptr;}void midorder(FILE *fpt, BNODE *t){ if (t==NULL)return;midorder(fpt,(4));fprintf(fpt, "%s %d\n", t->word, t->count);midorder(fpt, t->right);}void main(){ FILE *fpt; char word[40];BNODE *root=NULL;if ((fpt=fopen(INF, "r"))==NULL){ printf("Can't open file %s\n", INF);return;}while(getword(fpt, word)==1)binary_tree((5));fclose(fpt);fpt=fopen(OUTF, "w");if (fpt==NULL){ printf("Can't open fife %s\n", OUTF);return;}midorder(fpt, root);fclose(fpt);}

考题 下面关于word2003,描述正确的是()。A.word2003是Microsoftoffice套件之一B.word2003就是word7.0版C.word2003是表格处理软件D.word2003比word2000主要加入了插入艺术字的功能

考题 阅读下列C程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】本程序从正文文件text.in中读入一篇英文短文,统计该短文中不同单词及出现次数,并按词典编辑顺序将单词及出现次数输出到正文文件word.out中。程序用一棵有序二叉树存储这些单词及其出现的次数,边读入边建立,然后中序遍历该二叉树,将遍历经过的二叉树上的结点的内容输出。include <stdio.h>include <malloc.h>include <ctype.h>include <string.h>define INF "text.in"define OUTF "wotd.out"typedef struct treenode{char *word;int count;struct treenode *left,*right;}BNODEint getword (FILE *fpt,char *word){ char c;c=fgetc (fpt);if ( c=EOF)return 0;while(!(tolower(c)>='a' tolower(c)<='z')){ c=fgetc (fpt);if ( c==EOF)return 0;} /*跳过单词间的所有非字母字符*/while (tolower (c)>='a' tolower (c)<='z'){ *word++=c;c=fgetc (fpt);}*word='\0';return 1;}void binary_tree(BNODE **t,char *word){ BNODE *ptr,*p;int compres;P=NULL; (1);while (ptr) /*寻找插入位置*/{ compres=strcmp (word, (2) );/*保存当前比较结果*/if (!compres){ (3);return;}else{ (4);ptr=compres>0? ptr->right:ptr->left;}}ptr= (BNODE*) malloc (sizeof (BNODE)) ;ptr->left = ptr->right = NULL;ptr->word= (char*) malloc (strlen (word) +1) ;strcpy (ptr->word, word);ptr->count - 1;if (p==NULL)(5);else if (compres > 0)p->right = ptr;elsep->left = ptr;}void midorder (FILE **fpt, BNODE *t){ if (t==NULL)return;midorder (fpt, t->left);fprintf (fpt, "%s %d\n", t->word, t->count)midorder (fpt, t->right);}void main(){ FILE *fpt; char word[40];BNODE *root=NULL;if ((fpt=fopen (INF,"r")) ==NULL){ printf ("Can't open file %s\n", INF )return;}while (getword (fpt, word) ==1 )binary_tree (root, word );fclose (fpt);fpt = fopen (OUTF, "w");if (fpt==NULL){ printf ("Can't open file %s\n", OUTF)return;}midorder (fpt, root);fclose(fpt);}

考题 以下代码可以做长单词折叠显示的是()。A.word-break:break-word;B.word-break:wrap;C.word-wrap:break-word;D.word-wrap:normal;

考题 1、以下代码可以做长单词折叠显示的是()。A.word-break:break-word;B.word-break:wrap;C.word-wrap:break-word;D.word-wrap:normal;

考题 设将单词保存在变量word中,使用一个字典类型 counts={}统计单词出现的次数,可采用以下代码()A.counts[word] = count[word]+ 1B.counts[word] = 1C.counts[word] = count.get(word , 0)+1D.counts[word] = count.get(word ,1)+1

考题 设将单词保存在变量 word 中,使用一个字典类型 counts={},统计单词出现的次数可采用以下代码 ‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‪ ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪A.counts[word] = count.get(word,0) + 1B.counts[word] = count.get(word,1) + 1C.counts[word] = 1D.counts[word] = count[word] + 1

考题 “SWAP_WORD” 交换WORD中的两个WORD 。()