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The relational database model requires the data be(71)through programs that don't rely on the position of the data in the database. This is in direct(72)to the other database mode, where the program has to follow a series of pointers to the data it seeks. A program(73)a relational database simply asks for the data it seeks; the DBMS performs the necessary searches and(74)the information. The(75)on how the search is done are specific to the DBMS and vary from product to product.






更多 “ The relational database model requires the data be(71)through programs that don't rely on the position of the data in the database. This is in direct(72)to the other database mode, where the program has to follow a series of pointers to the data it seeks. A program(73)a relational database simply asks for the data it seeks; the DBMS performs the necessary searches and(74)the information. The(75)on how the search is done are specific to the DBMS and vary from product to product.A.accessedB.movedC.readD.wrote ” 相关考题
考题 ●One use of networks is to let several computers share (71) such as file systems,printers,and tape drives.(71) A.CPUB.memoryC.resourcesD.data

考题 ● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)A.riskB.problemC.resultD.data

考题 ●A firewall is a (71) system designed to (72) an organization′s network against threats.(71) A.operatingB.programmingC.securityD.data(72) A.preventB.protectC.examineD.exploit

考题 ()不是成本驱动因子的产品属性。A、RELY所需的软件可靠性B、SCED所需的开发进度C、DATA数据库规模D、CPLX产品复杂性

考题 Onthedevelopmentdatabaserac0,therearesixrawdevices:/dev/raw/raw1through/dev/raw/raw6./dev/raw/raw1and/dev/raw/raw2are8GBeach,andtherestare6GBeach.Anexistingdiskgroup+DATA1,ofNORMALREDUNDANCY,uses/dev/raw/raw1and/dev/raw/raw2.Whichseriesofthefollowingcommandswilldroponeofthefailuregroupsfor+DATA1,createanewdiskgroup+DATA2usingtwooftheremainingfourrawdevices,andthencancelthedropoperationfrom+DATA1?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 A firewall is a(71)system designed to(72)an organization's network against threats.A.operatingB.programmingC.securityD.data

考题 One use of networks is to let several computers share(71)such as file systems, printers, and tape drives.A.CPUB.memoryC.resourcesD.data

考题 One of the most widely used routing protocols in IP networks is the Routing Information Protocol(RIP).RIP is the canonical example of a routing protocol built on the (71) algorithm.Routing protocols in internetworks differ slightly from the idealized graph model.In aninternetwork,the goal of the routers to forward packets to various (72) .Routers running RIP send their advertisement about cost every (73) seconds.A router also sends an update message whenever an update from another router causes it to change itsrouting table.It is possible to use a range of different metrics or costs for the links in a routing protocol.RIP takes the simplest approach,with all link costs being equal (74) Thus it always tries tofind the minimum hop route.Valid distances are 1 through (75) .This also limits RIP torunning on fairly small networks.(71)A.distance vectorB.link stateC.floodingD.minimum spanning tree

考题 ( )is an intermediate repository of data.A.Universal Serial Bus B.Buffer C.DatA.record D.Database

考题 长期存储在计算机内,有组织的、可共享的大量数据的集合是()。 A、数据(Data) B、数据库(DataBase) C、数据库管理系统(DBMS) D、数据库系统(DBS)A.数据(Data)B.数据库(DataBase)C.数据库管理系统(DBMS)D.数据库系统(DBS)