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Why are you interesting in working with this firm?


更多 “ Why are you interesting in working with this firm? ” 相关考题
考题 – How's the movie? Interesting? – ( ). A、It was shown late until midnightB、It was starred by a few famous peopleC、Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVD、I was seated far away in the corner

考题 3. He is __________ in reading this __________book.A. interested ,interesting B. interesting ,interestedC. interesting,interestingD. interested,interested

考题 58.A. interestedB. interestsC. interestD. interesting

考题 那听起来很有趣。_______ _______interesting.

考题 A、comfortB、fenceC、shockD、firm

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考题 [A] comfortable [B] weak [C] risky [D] firm

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