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Some common ______1____can help you in building effective document management. The files can be found easily when you [label] your files and folders with names such as ___2____ and school names. You can have a quick idea of the ___3___types if you search through folders in thumbnail view. You also need to remove __4____files to make it clear and put things similar together in a folder. And keeping files in ____5___ order is a good way to sort out all files. Of course, you should___6_____ and reorganize files from a certain period of time to make sure they are in the_____7_____ place.


更多 “ 请在下列空白处填上适当的单词:Some common ______1____can help you in building effective document management. The files can be found easily when you [label] your files and folders with names such as ___2____ and school names. You can have a quick idea of the ___3___types if you search through folders in thumbnail view. You also need to remove __4____files to make it clear and put things similar together in a folder. And keeping files in ____5___ order is a good way to sort out all files. Of course, you should___6_____ and reorganize files from a certain period of time to make sure they are in the_____7_____ place. ” 相关考题
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