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【填空题】根据视频内容在横线上填上适当的单词。 Numbers, shù zì, have long _______ hierarchy order and symbols of nature in China.

更多 “【填空题】根据视频内容在横线上填上适当的单词。 Numbers, shù zì, have long _______ hierarchy order and symbols of nature in China.” 相关考题
考题 B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。36.I have two_______ (racket) ,you can have one.

考题 What is not the recommended kind of email address or screen name according to the passage?A、long name with different letters.B、A long name with different numbers.C、A name with the combination of letters and numbers.D、A name with unusual symbols.

考题 请在下列空白处填上适当的单词:Some common ______1____can help you in building effective document management. The files can be found easily when you [label] your files and folders with names such as ___2____ and school names. You can have a quick idea of the ___3___types if you search through folders in thumbnail view. You also need to remove __4____files to make it clear and put things similar together in a folder. And keeping files in ____5___ order is a good way to sort out all files. Of course, you should___6_____ and reorganize files from a certain period of time to make sure they are in the_____7_____ place.

考题 请用下列适当的单词填空:Alphabetical / sort / company / files / keep1.It will not work on directories which have__________in them.2.Please help me________ the files by size.3.It's a good idea to_________ duplicate files on disk.4.We open the files in _________order.5.We will arrange files on all staff in our__________.

考题 程序运行后,利用冒泡法对数组a中的数据按从小到大排序。请在空白处填上适当的内容,将程序补充完整。Ptivate Sub Form_load()Dima(1T05)As Integer,n=5a(1)=20:a(2)=25:a(3)=10:a(4)=40:a(5)=15______Forz=1 To n-mIf a(z)>a(z+1)Thent=a(z)a(z)=(z+1)a(z+1)=tEnd IfNextZNext

考题 在下面横线上填上适当的语句,完成程序。include using namespace std; class Base { in 在下面横线上填上适当的语句,完成程序。include<iostream>using namespace std;class Base{int x;public:Base(int i){x=i;}~Base(){});class Derived:public Base{public:______//完成类Derive构造函数的定义};iht main(){Derived obj

考题 请在(3)处填上最佳答案。[A] digits[B] numbers[C] amounts[D] sums

考题 填空题你(nǐ)坐(zuò)在(zài)这儿(zhèer)想(xiǎng)什么(shénme)呢(ne)?____

考题 填空题她(tā)坐(zuò)在(zài)椅子(yǐzi)上(shàng)学习(xuéxí)。____

考题 判断题妈(mā)妈(mā)说(shuō):“别(bié)在(zài)走(zǒu)路(lù)的(de)时(shí)候(hòu)看(kàn)书(shū)。”★妈(mā)妈(mā)不(bù)让(ràng)我(wǒ)在(zài)走(zǒu)路(lù)的(de)时(shí)候(hòu)看(kàn)书(shū)。(  )A 对B 错

考题 填空题你(nǐ)的(de)同学(tongxué)在(zài)哪儿(nǎér)上(shàng)作?____

考题 填空题一(yī)个(gè)在(zài)桌子(zhuōzǐ)上面(shàngmian),一(yī)个(gè)在(zài)桌(zhuō)子(zǐ)下(xià)面(mian)。____

考题 填空题今天下午(jīntiānxiàwǔ)我们(wǒmen)在(zài)哪个(nǎge)____上课(shàngkè)?

考题 单选题Bacon's idea of such an approach is made _____ in one of his aphorisms; commonly used symbols for understanding nature are those of the ant and spider.A metaphoricallyB ironicallyC euphemisticallyD cynically

考题 填空题医生(yīshēng)!医生(yīshēng)在(zài)哪儿(nǎér)?____

考题 填空题别(bié)找(zhǎo)了(le),手机(shǒujī)在(zài)桌(zhuō)了(le)上(shàng)呢(ne),电脑(diànnǎo)____。

考题 单选题Stations are grouped by countries arranged in the()order of their country symbols.A alphabeticalB figureC name of stationsD series

考题 填空题我(wǒ)进(jìn)去(qù)的(de)时(shí)候(hòu),他(tā)们(men)正(zhèng)在(zài)看(kàn)电(diàn)视(shì)。____

考题 填空题张医生(zhāngyīshēng)在(zài)工作(gōngzuò)。____

考题 填空题我(wǒ)进(jìn)教(jiào)室(shì)的(de)时(shí)候(hòu),她(tā)们(men)正(zhèng)在(zài)说(shuō)话(huà)。____

考题 填空题你(nǐ)在(zài)找(zhǎo)什么(shénme)呢(ne)?____

考题 填空题上课(shàngkè)的(de)时候(shíhòu),他(tā)喜欢(xǐhuān)坐(zuò)在(zài)我(wǒ)的(de)____。

考题 填空题男(nán):坐(zuò)在(zài)____上(shàng)的(de)那(nà)个(gè)人(rén)是(shì)李(lǐ)医(yī)生(shēng)吗(ma)?  女:不(bú)是(shì),那(nà)是(shì)李(lǐ)医(yī)生(shēng)的(de)朋(péng)友(yǒu)。

考题 填空题你(nǐ)怎么(zěnme)了(le)?医(yī)生(shēng)说(shuō)什(shén)么(me)了(le)?____

考题 填空题那(nà)两(liǎng)个(gè)字(zì)是(shì)什(shén)么(me)意思(yìsi)?____

考题 填空题现(xiàn)在(zài)十(shí)点(diǎn)多(duō)了(le)。____

考题 填空题学生们(xuéshēngmen)在(zài)____老师(lǎoshī)说话(shuōhuà)。

考题 填空题男:你(nǐ)在(zài)和(hé)谁(shuí)____?  女:王(wáng)医(yī)生(shēng)。