网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
在下列源代码文件Test.java中, ( )是正确的类定义。
A.public class test{
B.public class Test{ public int x=0;public int x=0; public test (intx) public Test (int x){ {this.x=x; this.x=x;} }} }
C.public class Test extends T1,T2{
D.protected class Test extends T2{ public int=0;public int x=0; public Test(int x){Public Test (int x){ this.x=x;this.x=x: }} }}
更多 “ 在下列源代码文件Test.java中, ( )是正确的类定义。A.public class test{B.public class Test{ public int x=0;public int x=0; public test (intx) public Test (int x){ {this.x=x; this.x=x;} }} }C.public class Test extends T1,T2{D.protected class Test extends T2{ public int=0;public int x=0; public Test(int x){Public Test (int x){ this.x=x;this.x=x: }} }} ” 相关考题
有如下类定义:class Test{public:Test(){ a = 0; c = 0;} // ①int f(int a)const{this-a = a;} // ②static int g(){return a;} // ③void h(intB . {Test::b = b;}; // ④private:int a;static int b;const int c;};int Test::b = 0;在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是A . ①B . ②C . ③D . ④
下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak();}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak(){}}C.public class Animal{ public abstract void speak();}D.public abstract class Animal{ public abstract void speak(){}}
阅读下面程序class Test implements Runnable{public static void main(String[] args){Test t = new Test();t.start();}public void run(){ }}下列关于上述程序的叙述正确的是A) 程序不能通过编译,因为 start() 方法在 Test 类中没有定义B) 程序编译通过,但运行时出错,提示 start() 方法没有定义C) 程序不能通过编译,因为 run() 方法没有定义方法体D) 程序编译通过,且运行正常
设A为已定义的类名,则下列声明A类的对象a的语句中正确的一项是A.public A a=new A();B.public A a=A();C.A a=new class();D.aA;
下面属于Class的方法有( )。A.public class getName()B.public classLoader getClassLoader()C.public class getComponentType()D.以上答案都正确
下列关于Test类的定义中,正确的是______。A) class Test implements Runnabte{public void run(){}public void someMethod(){}B) class Test implements Rnuuable{public void run();}C) class Test implements Rnuuable{public void someMethod();}D) class Test implements Rnuuable{public void someMethod();{}}A.B.C.D.
下列哪个方法可用于创建一个可运行的类? ( )A.public class X implements Runable {public void run(){...,.,}}B.public class X implements Thread {public void run(){......}}C.public class X implements Thread {public int run(){……}}D.public class X implements Runable {protected void run(){.....}}
在如下源代码文件Test.java中, 哪个是正确的类定义?()
A.public class test { public int x = 0; public test(int x) { this.x = x; } }B.public class Test{ public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x = x; } }C.public class Test extends T1, T2 { public int x = 0; public Test (int x) { this.x = x; } }D.public class
下列类头定义中,错误的是( )。
A.class x { .... }B.public x extends y { .... }C.public class x extends y { .... }D.class x extends y implements y1 { .... }
设A为已定义的类名,下列是声明A类的对象a的语句中正确的是A.public A a=new A( );B.public A a=A();C.A a=new class();D.a A;
应在下面程序下划线中填写的正确的语句是( )。 include using namespace std;
应在下面程序下划线中填写的正确的语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: void test(){cout<< "this is A!";} }; class B:public A{ void test(){ ______ //显示调用基类函数test() cout<< "this is B!"; } }; void main(){}A.A::test()B.test()C.B::test()D.this->test()
下列程序的运行结果是【 】。 include class test { private: int num; public: tes
下列程序的运行结果是【 】。include <iostream. h>class test{private:int num;public:test()int TEST() {return num+100;}~test()};test::test(){num=0;}test::~test(){cout<<"Destructor is active"<<endl;}void main(){test x[3]cout<<x[1]. TEST()<<endl;}
以下创建RandomAccessFile类实例对象的代码,哪些是正确的( )。
类Test定义如下,将下列______方法插入③行处是不合法的。 ( )①public class Test{②public float Method(float a,float b){}③④}A.public float Method(float a,float b,float c){}B.public float Method(float c,float d){}C.public int Method(int a,int b){}D.private float Method(int a,int b,int c){}
下列哪个选项的java源文件代码片段是不正确的?A.package testpackage; public class Test{ }B.import java. io. *; package testpaekage; public class Test { }C.import java.io.*; class Person { } public class Test { }D.import java.io.*; import java. awt.*; public class Test{ }
在下列源代码文件Test.java中,正确定义类的代码是( )。A.pblic class test { public int x=0; public test(int x) { this. x=x;} }B.public class Test { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this. x=x;} }C.public class Test extends T1,T2{ public int x = 0; public Test(int x){ this. x = x; } }D.protected class Test extends T2{ public int x = 0; public Test(int x) { this. x = x; } }
类Test定义如下,将下列( )方法插入③行处是不合法的。 ①publicClass Test{ ②public float Method(floatA,float b){} ③ ④}A.public float Method(floatA,float b,floatC){}B.public float Method(noatC,float d) {}C.public int Method(intA,int b){}D.private float Method(intA,int b,intC){}
有如下类定义: class Test { public: Test(){a=0;c=0} //① int f(int a)const{this->a=a;} //② static int g(){return a;} //③ void h(int b){Test::b;}; //④ private: int a; static int b; const int C; }; int Test::b=0; 在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是( )。A.①B.②C.③D.④
类testl定义如下: public class test1 { public float amethod(float a,float b){ } }A.public foat amethod(float a,float b,foat c){ }B.public float amethod(float c,float d){ }C.public int amethod(int a,int b){ }D.private float amethod(int a,int b,int c){ }
设A为已定义的类名,则下列声明A类的对象a的语句中正确的是( )。A.public A a=new A();B.public A a=A();C.A a=new class();D.a A;
下列哪个选项的java源文件程序段是不正确的? ( )A.package testpackage; public class Test{ }B.import java.io.*; package testpackage; public class Test{ }C.import java.i.*; class Person{} public class Test{ }D.import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; public class Test { }
类Test定义如下,将下列哪个方法插入③行处是不合法的( )?① public class Test{② public float Method(float a,float B) { }③ ______④ }A.public float Method(float a,float b,float C) { }B.public float Method(float c,float d){ }C.public int Method(int a,int B) { }private float Method(int a,int b,int C) { }D.private float Method(int a,int b,int C) { }
有如下类定义: class Test { public: Test{a=0;c=0;}//① int f(im A.const{this-a=a;}//② static int g{return a;f//③ void h(int B.{Test:.b=b;};//④ private: int a; static int b; const int C; }; int Test::b=0: 在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是( )。A.①B.②C.③D.④
要运行一个名为Test.class的类文件,需要在DOS提示符下输入( )命令。A.javac TestB.javac Test. classC.java TestD.java Test. class
下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。 A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}S
下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak{);}C.public class Animal{ pubilc abstract void speak;}D.public abstract class Animal{ pubile abstract void speak{};}
在下列源代码文件Test.java中,哪个选项是正确的类定义? ( )A.public class test { public int x=0; public test(int x) { this.x=x; } }B.public class Test { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }C.public class Test extends Ti,T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }D.protected class Test extends T2 { public int x=0; public Test(int x) { this.x=x; } }
package test1; public class Test1 { static int x = 42; } package test2; public class Test2 extends test1.Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“x = “ + x); } } What is the result?() A、 x = 0B、 x = 42C、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 2 of class Test2.D、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 3 of class Test1.E、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 4 of class Test2.