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更多 “ WhichofthefollowingwouldbetheFIRSTsteptoconfigureaVirtualI/OServer(VIOS)?() A.BoottheHMCwiththeVIOSmedia.B.AssignSAN-attacheddiskstothedatabasepartitions.C.CreatelogicalvolumesfortheVIOSonrootvgdisks.D.IdentifythelocationoftheinternalSCSIdisksfortheVIOS. ” 相关考题
考题 Anadministratoristryingtodiagnoseastowhy&e AnadministratoristryingtodiagnoseastowhyanewVIOclient(vio_client1)cannotseeanallocateddisk(hdisk4)fromaVIOserver(VIOS-A).TheclientvirtualSCSIadapterhasaslotIDof5andthecorrespondingVIOservervirtualSCSIadapterhasaslotIDof3.TheadministratorchecksthevirtualSCSIconfigurationfromtheHMCusingthefollowinglshwrescommand.lshwres–rvirtualio--rsubtypescsi-m9117-570*65ABCDE--levellpar-F\lpar_name,slot_num,remote_lpar_name,remote_slot_num,backing_deviceVIOSA,5,vio_client2,2,hdisk3VIOS-A,4,vio_client1,4,hdisk4VIOS-A,3,vio_client1,6,hdisk5VIOS-A,2,vio_client3,2,hdisk6vio_client2,2,VIOS-A,5,hdisk0vio_client1,4,VIOS-A,4,hdisk0vio_client1,5,VIOS-A,3,nullvio_client3,2,VIOS-A,2,hdisk0Fromtheoutputabove,whatisthemostlikelyreasonwhytheclientcannotseethemappedstorage?()

考题 On which product media can the IVM install code be located?() A.Base AIX Install media.B.Base VIOS Install media.C.AIX Expansion Pack media.D.VIOS Expansion Pack media.

考题 AcustomerwantstotakeadvantageofIBM’sMicro-PartitioningcapabilitiesfortheirnewAIXapplications.ThepSeriestechnicalspecialistshouldrecommendpurchasingwhichofthefollowing?() A.p5hardware,AIX5.2,VirtualI/OServerB.POWER4hardware,AIX5.3,VirtualI/OServer,C.p5hardware,AIX5.3,AdvancedPOWERVirtualizationfeatureD.POWER4hardware,AIX5.2,AdvancedPOWERVirtualizationfeature

考题 AIX5Lv5.3providesinitialsupportforwhichofthefollowingnewfeatures?() A.WorkloadManager,POWER5supportB.64-bitkernelsupport,JFS2supportC.DynamicLPAR,CapacityupgradeondemandD.Micro-Partitioning,VirtualI/OServer

考题 Thedatabaseonap5-570Micro-PartitionhasgrownandbackupsarenotmeetingtheServiceLevelAgreement.ThereareseveralpartitionsusingtheVirtualI/OServertoaccessthestoragearray.ThedatabasebackuphashighCPUutilizationwhiletheothershavelowCPUutilization.WhatadjustmentcanthetechnicalspecialistmaketoensurethattheServiceLevelAgreementisachieved?()A.Addmemorytothedatabasepartitiontoimproveresponsetime.B.AddadditionalHostBusAdapterstotheservertoimproveIOthroughput.C.ModifyCPUallocationstofavorthedatabasepartition.D.IncreaseCPUallocationstotheVirtualI/OServer.

考题 AcustomerisplanningonhavingasingleVirtualI/OServer(VIOS)configurationinaPower750.Theyhaveselecteda4-port1GbIntegratedVirtualEthernet(IVE).Therewillbenoothernetworkcards installedinthesystem.OneIVElogicalportwillbeusedintheVIOServerandwillbeusedasthephysicalportinaSharedEthernetAdapter(SEA).WhatisthemaximumnumberofIVElogicalportsavailabletouseinotherLPARs?()A.1B.7C.15D.31

考题 Company.comhastwoPOWER5servers.Theywantthetwoservers’virtualEthernetstoappearonthesameIPsubnet.WhichofthefollowingwillconnecttheclientvirtualEthernetadapterstothephysicalEthernetswitchconnectingthetwoservers?()A.ConfigureaSharedEthernetAdapterontheVirtualI/OServer.B.UsethesamevirtualLANIDoneachLPAR.C.SetupIProutingthroughanLPARoneachsystem.D.SetupanIPfirewallthroughanLPARoneachsystem.

考题 WhendoingcapacityplanningfortheVirtualI/OServer,whatisthemostimportantconsideration?() A.TheI/OworkloadneedsoftheclientLPARsB.TheprocessingrequirementsoftheclientLPARsC.ThememoryrequirementsoftheclientLPARsD.ThevirtualEthernetrequirementsbetweenclientLPARs

考题 WhatisthecorrectsequencetosetupaVirtualI/OServer?()1.BoottoSMS2.CreatetheVIOSpartition3.InstallVIOSsoftware4.Acceptlicense A.4,2,1,3B.2,1,4,3C.2,1,3,4D.1,2,3,4

考题 AtechnicalspecialisthasinstalledaHostBusAdapter(HBA)onap5-550server.ThesystemhasfourAIX5LV5.3partitionsandaVirtualI/Oserver.TheHBAwillbeusedtoconnectallfourpartitionstoaDS8000storagearray.Whatelsemustbeperformedtomakethestorageavailabletothepartitions?()A.AllocatetheHBAtoaclientpartition.B.RestarttheVirtualI/OServertodetectthechanges.C.InstallthedevicedriverfortheDS8000ineachofthefourAIXpartitions.D.AllocatetheHBAtotheVIOserverpartitionandinstallnecessarydrivers.

考题 On which product media can the IVM install code be located?()A、Base AIX Install media.B、Base VIOS Install media.C、AIX Expansion Pack media.D、VIOS Expansion Pack media.

考题 An administrator needs to load additional disk drivers on the VIOS in order to attach to the SAN. Which of the following will enable this?()A、 run updateios B、 run cfgdriver C、 run oem_setup_env D、 run driver_install 

考题 A system administrator has successfully backed up the VIOS software and is ready to perform a VIOS software update. Which command will the administrator use to update the software from a CD? ()A、 smit update_allB、 geninstall -d /dev/cd0 allC、 installp -acgX -d /dev/cd0 allD、 updateios -dev /dev/cd0 -accept -install

考题 I/O驱动程序(I/OServer)负责力控与控制设备的通信,它将I/O设备寄存器中的数据读出后,传送到力控的(),最后界面运行系统会在画面上动态显示。A、中间变量库B、实时数据库C、历史数据库D、间接变量库

考题 Which of the following would be the FIRST step to configure a Virtual I/O Server(VIOS)?()A、Boot the HMC with the VIOS media.B、Assign SAN-attached disks to the database partitions.C、Create logical volumes for the VIOS on rootvg disks.D、Identify the location of the internal SCSI disks for the VIOS.

考题 An administrator wants to know what version of VIOS is running on their server. Which of the following commands will show the VIOS version?()A、 oslevel B、 ioslevel C、 oslevel -s D、 ioslevel -v

考题 A System p distribution customer is very concerned about Reliability, Availability and  Serviceability (RAS). They are planning to install several p6 servers in their facilities and want to be able to move an LPAR from one System p to another.  Which of the following would accomplish this()A、System p servers using similar SAN storageB、System p servers must share an HMCC、System p servers must have the same level HMCD、System p servers with VIOS

考题 Which of the following is a feature of Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM)? ()A、 It has a GUI interface for upgrading system firmware. B、 It creates and manages AIX/Linux and VIOS type LPARs. C、 It can be managed by the Hardware Management Console (HMC). D、 It supports Live Partition Mobility on POWER6 systems and above.

考题 A System p administrator in a manufacturing customer plans to migrate an AIX 5.2 system to a new LPAR on an existing System p using VIOS.  Which of the following must be completed prior to this migration ()A、Upgrade system firmware to latest levelB、Upgrade to AIX 5.3C、Upgrade HMC to version 6.1D、Convert rootvg filesystems to JFS2

考题 An administrator is trying to diagnose as to why a new VIO client (vio_client1) cannot see an allocated disk (hdisk4) from a VIO server (VIOS-A). The client virtual SCSI adapter has a slot ID of 5 and the corresponding VIO server virtual SCSI adapter has a slot ID of 3. The administrator checks the virtual SCSI configuration from the HMC using the following lshwres command.  lshwres –r virtualio --rsubtype scsi -m 9117-570*65ABCDE  --level lpar -F / lpar_name,slot_num,remote_lpar_name,remote_slot_num,backing_device VIOS A,5,vio_client2,2,hdisk3 VIOS-A,4,vio_client1,4,hdisk4 VIOS-A,3,vio_client1,6,hdisk5 VIOS-A,2,vio_client3,2,hdisk6 vio_client2,2,VIOS-A,5,hdisk0 vio_client1,4,VIOS-A,4,hdisk0  vio_client1,5,VIOS-A,3,null vio_client3,2,VIOS-A,2,hdisk0 From the output above,  what is the most likely reason why the client cannot see the mapped storage?()A、 The hard disk has been inccorectly mapped on the VIO server.B、 The hard disk has been incorrectly addressed on the VIO client.C、 The client SCSI adapter has been mapped to the incorrect server SCSI adapter.D、 The server SCSI adapter has been mapped to the incorrect client server adapter.

考题 车型vios的中文名称是() A、威驰B、迈锐宝C、探险者D、嘉年华

考题 单选题On which product media can the IVM install code be located?()A Base AIX Install media.B Base VIOS Install media.C AIX Expansion Pack media.D VIOS Expansion Pack media.

考题 单选题An administrator needs to load additional disk drivers on the VIOS in order to attach to the SAN. Which of the following will enable this?()A  run updateios B  run cfgdriver C  run oem_setup_env D  run driver_install 

考题 单选题Which of the following is a feature of Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM)? ()A  It has a GUI interface for upgrading system firmware. B  It creates and manages AIX/Linux and VIOS type LPARs. C  It can be managed by the Hardware Management Console (HMC). D  It supports Live Partition Mobility on POWER6 systems and above.

考题 单选题Company.com wants to put two Micro-Partitions on a p5-570 and attach to a SAN. What is the best LPAR configuration to maximize SAN availability using four Host Bus Adapters (HBAs)?()A Two HBAs assigned to each redundant VIOS which provides VSCSI access to LUNsB Two HBAs assigned to each LPAR with each LPAR owning HBAs on the same PCI bussesC Two HBAs assigned to each LPAR with each LPAR owning HBAs on separate PCI bussesD One HBA assigned to each LPAR and two HBAs assigned to a VIOS providing VSCSI access to LUNs

考题 单选题An administrator wants to know what version of VIOS is running on their server. Which of the following commands will show the VIOS version?()A  oslevel B  ioslevel C  oslevel -s D  ioslevel -v

考题 单选题A system administrator has successfully backed up the VIOS software and is ready to perform a VIOS software update. Which command will the administrator use to update the software from a CD? ()A  smit update_allB  geninstall -d /dev/cd0 allC  installp -acgX -d /dev/cd0 allD  updateios -dev /dev/cd0 -accept -install