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A.kills the process whose PID is 9

B.kills all processes belonging to UID 9

C.sends SIGKILL to the process whose PID is 9

D.sends SIGTERM to the process whose PID IS 9


更多 “ 命令kill9的含义是()。A.kills the process whose PID is 9B.kills all processes belonging to UID 9C.sends SIGKILL to the process whose PID is 9D.sends SIGTERM to the process whose PID IS 9 ” 相关考题
考题 PID的含义是指()。

考题 某供应商关系模式为: Provider(PID,Pname,Tel,GoodsID,GoodsClassID,GoodsName,GoodsPrice)该关系模式应满足如下函数依赖: PID→Pname,PID→TEL,GoodsID→GoodsClassID, GoodsID→GoodsName,GoodsName→GoodsPrice则这个关系模式的主码为______。A.(PID,GoodsName)B.(PID,GoodsClassID.(PID,GoodsI(PID,GoodsPrice)

考题 请分析以下程序。 int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid==0) printf("I am the child process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid()); else printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid());} 那么,该程序正确运行后的结果是A.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744 I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987B.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744C.I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987D.不输出任何信息

考题 当waitpid函数的pid参数设置为()表示等待任一子进程终止。A.pid==-1B.pid==0C.pid>0D.pid 当waitpid函数的pid参数设置为()表示等待任一子进程终止。A.pid==-1B.pid==0C.pid>0D.pid

考题 对于如下C语言程序 int main() { pid_t pid; int x=1; pid = fork(); if(pid==0) printf("I am the child process, x=%d\n", ++x); else printf("I am the parent process, x=%d\n", --x); } 在UNIX操作系统中正确编译链接后,其正确的运行结果是A.I am the child process, x=2B.I am the parent process, x=0C.I am the parent process, x=2D.I am the child process, x=0

考题 The villagers,()had been destroyed by the flood, were helped by the Red Cross. A、all whose homesB、all of their homesC、all of whose homesD、all their homes

考题 What is an advantage of multiple software processes running in the Junos OS?() A. Each process has its own protected memory space.B. Each process is started manually by the user at boot.C. All processes are dependent on each other.D. Multiple processes allow each routing protocol to be independent.

考题 What is an advantage of multiple software process running in the Junos OS?() A. Each process has its own protected memory spaceB. Each process is started manually by the user at bootC. Aall processes are dependent on each otherD. Multiple processes allow each routing protocol to be independent

考题 某供应商关系模式为:Provider(PID,Pname,Tel,GoodsID,GoodsClassID,GoodsName,Good-sPrice)该关系模式应满足如下函数依赖:PID→Pname,PID→TEL,GoodsID→GoodsClassID,GoodsID→GoodsName,GoodsName→GoodsPrice则这个关系模式的主码为______。A) (PID,GoodsName)B) (PID,GoodsGlassID)C) (PID,GoodsID)D) (PID,GoodsPricA.B.C.D.

考题 The residents, ___________had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A.all their homes B.all whose homes C.all of whose homes D.all of their homes

考题 kill-02345(某pid)命令的返回码为非0,原因可能是()A、该pid的进程不存在B、该用户没有该pid的进程的权限C、该pid的进程无法退出D、该pid的进程正在睡眠中

考题 什么是数字PID调节器?PID的含义分别是什么?

考题 UNIX中强制删除进程的命令是()。A、delete pidB、kill -6 pidC、kill -9 pidD、del pid

考题 kill-08080命令的返回码为非0,原因可能是?()A、该PID的进程不存在B、用户没有该PID所属进程的权限C、该PID的所属进程无法退出D、该PID的所属进程正处于sleep状态

考题 PID的含义是比例、积分和微分。

考题 Process-level redundancy is implemented by a system manager process that creates the standby process.What two functions are provided by the system-level process called Qnet Symlink Manager (QSM)?()A、backing up the information for the broken connectionsB、provides common information for connecting processes and servicesC、detection of a failed connectionD、provides an abstract name for a process or serviceE、distribution of symbolic link information

考题 Which of the following processes are likely to be found in a microkernel?()A、Lightweight messagingB、Memory managementC、Hardware abstractionD、Host stackE、Process schedulingF、All of the above

考题 You wish to kill a process with a PID of 123. Select the command which exiting.()A、 kill-1 123B、 kill-9 123C、 kill-15 123D、 kill-17 123

考题 What is an advantage of multiple software process running in the Junos OS?()A、Each process has its own protected memory spaceB、Each process is started manually by the user at bootC、Aall processes are dependent on each otherD、Multiple processes allow each routing protocol to be independent

考题 What is an advantage of multiple software processes running in the Junos OS?()A、Each process has its own protected memory spaceB、Each process is started manually by the user at bootC、All processes are dependent on each otherD、Multiple processes allow each routing protocol to be independent

考题 数字PID控制算法分为()PID控制算法和()PID控制算法。

考题 What is an advantage of multiple software processes running in the Junos OS?()A、Each process has its own protected memory space.B、Each process is started manually by the user at boot.C、All processes are dependent on each other.D、Multiple processes allow each routing protocol to be independent.

考题 当waitpid函数的pid参数设置为()表示等待任一子进程终止。A、pid==-1B、pid==0C、pid0D、pid-1

考题 单选题View the Exhibit and identify the component marked with a question mark. ()A Checkpoint (CKPT)B Process Monitor (PMON)C Archiver Processes (ARCn)D Recoverer Process (RECO)E Memory Manager process (MMAN)

考题 单选题You wish to kill a process with a PID of 123. Select the command which exiting.()A  kill-1 123B  kill-9 123C  kill-15 123D  kill-17 123

考题 多选题Process-level redundancy is implemented by a system manager process that creates the standby process.What two functions are provided by the system-level process called Qnet Symlink Manager (QSM)?()Abacking up the information for the broken connectionsBprovides common information for connecting processes and servicesCdetection of a failed connectionDprovides an abstract name for a process or serviceEdistribution of symbolic link information

考题 问答题什么是数字PID调节器?PID的含义分别是什么?