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Your company has active directory certificate services (AD CS) and network access protection (NAP) deployed on the network. You need to configure the wireless network to accept smart cards. What should you do?()

A.Configure the wireless network to use WPA2, PEAP and MSCHAP v2.

B.Configure the wireless network to use WPA2, 802.1X authentication and EAP-TLS.

C.Configure the wireless network to use WEP, 802.1X authentication, PEAP, and MSCHAP v2.

D.Configure the wireless network to use WEP,PEAP, and MSCHAP v2 and also require strong user passwords.


更多 “ Your company has active directory certificate services (AD CS) and network access protection (NAP) deployed on the network. You need to configure the wireless network to accept smart cards. What should you do?()A.Configure the wireless network to use WPA2, PEAP and MSCHAP v2.B.Configure the wireless network to use WPA2, 802.1X authentication and EAP-TLS.C.Configure the wireless network to use WEP, 802.1X authentication, PEAP, and MSCHAP v2.D.Configure the wireless network to use WEP,PEAP, and MSCHAP v2 and also require strong user passwords. ” 相关考题
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