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our company has an Active Directory domain. The company has a main office and a branch office. Both the offices have domain controllers that run active directory-integrated DNS zones. All client computers are configured to use the local domain controllers for DNS resolution. The domain controllers at the branch office location are configured as read-only domain controllers (RODC). You change the IP address of an exisiting server named SRV2 in the main office. You need the branch office DNS servers to reflect the change immediately.What should you do?()

A.Run the dnscmd /zoneupdatefromDs command on the branch office server.

B.Run the dnscmd /zoneupdatefromDs command on a domain controller in the main office.

C.Change the domain controllers at the branch offices from RODCs to standard domain controllers.

D.Decrease the minimum (default) TTL option to 15 minutes on the start of authority (SOA) record for the zone.


更多 “ our company has an Active Directory domain. The company has a main office and a branch office. Both the offices have domain controllers that run active directory-integrated DNS zones. All client computers are configured to use the local domain controllers for DNS resolution. The domain controllers at the branch office location are configured as read-only domain controllers (RODC). You change the IP address of an exisiting server named SRV2 in the main office. You need the branch office DNS servers to reflect the change immediately.What should you do?()A.Run the dnscmd /zoneupdatefromDs command on the branch office server.B.Run the dnscmd /zoneupdatefromDs command on a domain controller in the main office.C.Change the domain controllers at the branch offices from RODCs to standard domain controllers.D.Decrease the minimum (default) TTL option to 15 minutes on the start of authority (SOA) record for the zone. ” 相关考题
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