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State the primary types of tables found in a data warehouse and the order which they must be loaded to enforce referential integrity.



更多 “ State the primary types of tables found in a data warehouse and the order which they must be loaded to enforce referential integrity.简述数据仓库中的表的基本类型,以及为了保证引用完整性该以什么样的顺序对它们进行加载。 ” 相关考题
考题 A MySQL replication slave is set up as follows: User all InnoDB tablesReceives ROW-based binary logs Has the read-only optionThe replication slave has been found in an error state.You check the MySQL error log file and find the following entries:2013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Could not execute Write_rows event on table test.tl; Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key’PRIMARY’ , Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log 56_master-bin.000003, end_log_pas 653, Error_code: 10622013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [Warning] Salve: Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key ‘PRIMARY’Error_code: 10622013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Error running query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix theproblem, and restart the slave SQL thread with SLAVE START”, We stopped at log ‘56_masterbin.000003’ position 496 What are two possible causes for this error to occur?()A.The slave was created with mysqldump –u root –p – skip-lock-table—all-databases /data/data.sqlB.The slave user does have INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE permission and cannot execute the write_rows functionC.For tables with UNIQUE keys, statement-based replication must be used maintain integrityD.The root user on the slave has executed FLUSH LOGS, causing the relay-log to doublewriteE.The applications have the SUPER privilege, which allows them to update rows

考题 设有下列定义:struct sk{ int m;float x;}data,*q;若要使q指向data中的m域,正确的赋值语句是( )。A.q=data.m;B.*q=data.m;C.q=(struct sk*)data.m;D.q=(struct sk*)data.m;

考题 设有如下定义: struct sk { int m; float x; }data,*q; 若要使q指向data中的m域,正确的赋值语句是( )。A.q=data.m;B.*q=data.m;C.q=(struct sk*)data.m;D.q=(struct sk*)data.m;

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考题 设有下列定义:struct sk{ int m; float x; }data,*q;若要使q指向data中的m域,正确的赋值语句是( )。A.q=data.m;B.q=data.m;C.q=(struct sk*)data.m;D.q=(struct sk*)data.m;

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考题 设有如下定义:struct sk{ int m;floatx;}data,*q;若要使q指向data中的m域,正确的赋值语句是( )。A)q=data.m;B)*q=data.m;C)q=(struct sk*)data.m;D)q=(struct sk*)data.m;

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