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If you want to know the train schedule, please _____ at the booking office.

(A) acquire (B) inquire (C) request (D) require




更多 “ Ifyouwanttoknowthetrainschedule,please_____atthebookingoffice.(A)acquire(B)inquire(C)request(D)require ” 相关考题
考题 下面哪个属于request对象的属性()。 A.request.servervariablesB.request.formC.request.totalbytesD.request.querystring

考题 Generally speaking, the best time to inquire the result of the job interview is in the end of it when all the candidates have finished their interview.()

考题 ——Why don't you call to inquire () that?——Because I'm very busy. A、aboutB、forC、onD、at

考题 ServletAforwardedarequesttoservletBusingtheforwardmethodofRequestDispatcher.WhatattributeinB’srequestobjectcontainstheURIoftheoriginalrequestreceivedbyservletA?() A.REQUEST_URIB.javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC.javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

考题 WhichretrievesallcookiessentinagivenHttpSErvletRequestrequest?() A.request.getCookies()B.request.getAttributes()C.request.getSession().getCookies()D.request.getSession().GetAttributes()

考题 WhichELexpressionevaluatestotherequestURI?() A.${requestURI}B.${request.URI}C.${request.getURI}D.${request.requestURI}E.${requestScope.requestURI}F.${pageContext.request.requestURI}

考题 询问来意A.ask for helpB.inquire about intentionsC.serve for youD.lose one’s way

考题 [A] acquire[B] achieve[C] obtain[D] fulfill

考题 “留言”的英文应翻译为()A、MessageB、InformationC、MailD、Inquire

考题 On the wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct processorder that this client and access point goes through in order to create a connection?()A、association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseB、association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC、probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseD、probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseE、None of the other alternatives apply

考题 Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()A、REQUEST_URIB、javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC、javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

考题 询问来意()A、ask for helpB、inquire about intentionsC、serve for youD、lose one’s way

考题 Django的View中如何取得请求X-App-Code的值?()A、request.META["HTTP_X_APP_CODE"]B、request.HEADERS["X-APP-CODE"]C、request.REQUEST["HTTP_X_APP_CODE"]D、request.REQUEST["X-APP-CODE"]

考题 With this()mind, we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.A、inB、onC、atD、inside

考题 On the Company wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP).  What is the correct  process order that this Company client and access point goes through in order to create a  connection?()A、 association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseB、 association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC、 probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseD、 probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseE、 None of the other alternatives apply

考题 A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that the client and  access point go through to create a connection?()A、 probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseB、 association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC、 probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseD、 association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/response

考题 Which retrieves all cookies sent in a given HttpSErvletRequest request?()A、 request.getCookies()B、 request.getAttributes()C、 request.getSession ().getCookies()D、 request.getSession (). GetAttributes()

考题 Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A、${requestURI}B、${request.URI}C、${request.getURI}D、${request.requestURI}E、${requestScope.requestURI}F、${pageContext.request.requestURI}

考题 You need to design a strategy to meet the company’s requirements for e-mail. What should you do?()A、Configure and publish a certificate template that is suitable for S/MIME, Deploy a Group Policy object (GPO) so that a certificate that is based on this template is automatically issued to all domain usersB、Specify Group Policy objects (GPOs) and IPSec policies that require all client computers to use Kerberos authentication to connect to mail serversC、For each mail server, acquire an SSL server certificate from a commercial CA whose root certificate is already trustedD、Require IPSec encryption on all TCP connections that are used to send or receive e-mail messages

考题 You need to design a Security strategy for the wireless network at all resort locations.What should you do?()A、Connect the wireless access points to a dedicated subnet. Allow the subnet direct access to the Internet,but not to the company network.Require company users to establish a VPN to access company resourcesB、Install Internet Authentication Service (IAS) on a domain controller.Configure the wireless access points to require IEEE 802.1x authenticationC、Establish IPSec policies on all company servers to request encryption from all computers that connect from the wireless IP networksD、Configure all wireless access points to require the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for all connections. Use a Group Policy object (GPO) to distribute the WEP keys to all computers in the domain

考题 单选题Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()A REQUEST_URIB javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

考题 单选题The Chief Tally would like to inquire()the rotation of the discharging ports.A atB onC aboutD after

考题 单选题On the Company wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP).  What is the correct  process order that this Company client and access point goes through in order to create a  connection?()A  association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseB  association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC  probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseD  probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseE  None of the other alternatives apply

考题 单选题A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that the client and  access point go through to create a connection?()A  probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseB  association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC  probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseD  association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/response

考题 单选题Why was this letter written?A To order a replacement for a damaged itemB To ask about the rules at a swimming poolC To request reimbursement for a purchaseD To inquire about a product advertised on TV

考题 单选题Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A ${requestURI}B ${request.URI}C ${request.getURI}D ${request.requestURI}E ${requestScope.requestURI}F ${pageContext.request.requestURI}

考题 单选题Which retrieves the binary input stream on line 13?()A  request.get Writer ():B  request.get Reader ():C  request.get Input Stream():D  request.get Resource As Stream():E  request.get Resource As Stream (Servlet Request. REQUEST):