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Which two statements in a source NAT configuration are true regarding addresses, rule-sets, or rules that overlap?()(Choose two.)

A. Addresses used for NAT pools should never overlap.

B. If more than one rule-set matches traffic, the rule-set with the most specific context takes precedence.

C. If traffic matches two rules within the same rule-set, both rules listed in the configuration are applied.

D. Dynamic source NAT rules take precedence over static source NAT rules.


更多 “ Which two statements in a source NAT configuration are true regarding addresses, rule-sets, or rules that overlap?()(Choose two.) A. Addresses used for NAT pools should never overlap.B. If more than one rule-set matches traffic, the rule-set with the most specific context takes precedence.C. If traffic matches two rules within the same rule-set, both rules listed in the configuration are applied.D. Dynamic source NAT rules take precedence over static source NAT rules. ” 相关考题
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考题 The number of home users and small businesses that want to use the Internet is ever increasing. The shortage of addresses is becoming a serious problem. A quick solution to this problem is called network address translation(NAT).NAT enables a user to have a large set of addresses( )and one address, or a smallset of addresses,externally. The traffic inside can use the large set; the traffic( ), the small set. To separate the addresses used inside the home or business and the ones used for the Internet, the Internet authorities have reserved three sets of addresses as ( ) addresses. Any organization can use an address out of this set withoutpermission from the Internet authorities. Everyone knows that these reserved addresses are for private networks.They are ( ) inside the organization, but they are not unique globally. No router will (请作答此空) a packet that has one of these addresses as the destination address.The site must have only one single connection to the global Internet through a router that runs the NAT software.A.reject B.receive C.deny D.forward

考题 The number of home users and small businesses that want to use the Internet is ever increasing. The shortage of addresses is becoming a serious problem. A quick solution to this problem is called network address translation(NAT).NAT enables a user to have a large set of addresses(请作答此空)and one address, or a smallset of addresses,externally. The traffic inside can use the large set; the traffic(), the small set. To separate the addresses used inside the home or business and the ones used for the Internet, the Internet authorities have reserved three sets of addresses as () addresses. Any organization can use an address out of this set withoutpermission from the Internet authorities. Everyone knows that these reserved addresses are for private networks.They are () inside the organization, but they are not unique globally. No router will () a packet that has one of these addresses as the destination address.The site must have only one single connection to the global Internet through a router that runs the NAT software.A.absolutely B.completely C.internally D.externally