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A) but

B) because

C) unless

D) when


更多 “ A) butB) becauseC) unlessD) when ” 相关考题
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考题 Youhaveexecutedthiscommandtochangethesizeofthedatabasebuffercache:SQL>ALTERSYSTEMSETDB_CACHE_SIZE=2516582;Systemaltered.Toverifythechangeinsize,youexecutedthiscommand:SQL>SHOWPARAMETERDB_CACHE_SIZENAMETYPEVALUE------------------------------------------------db_cache_sizebiginteger4194304Whyisthevaluesetto4194304andnotto2516582()A.Because4194304isthegranulesizeB.Because4194304isthestandardblocksizeC.Because4194304isthelargestnonstandardblocksizedefinedinthedatabaseD.Because4194304isthetotalsizeofdataalreadyavailableinthedatabasebuffercache

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