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更多 “ Athlete(ANo,AName,ASex,Age,ATeam),主键为ANo。Item(INo,IName,ITime,IPlace),主键为INo。Games(ANo,INo,Score,Credit),主键为(ANo,INo)。 ” 相关考题
设在工程中定义了下列类型: Type Stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 Strsex As String*1 Smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作 A. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End Sub B. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub C. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub D. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub
已知一个关系数据库的模式如下:market(mno,mname,city)、item(ino,iname, type,color)、sales(mno,ino,price),其中,market表示商场,它的各属性依次为商场号、商场名和所在城市;item表示商品,它的各属性依次为商品号、商品名、商品类别和颜色; sales表示销售,它的各属性依次为商场号、商品号和售价。查询长沙每个商场都销售,且售价均超过3000元的商品的商品号和商品名的SQL语句为:SELECT ino, iname FROM itemWHERE (24)(SELECT* FROM marketWHERE (25) AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT*FROM salesWHERE (26) AND price>3000))查询在不同的商场中最高售价和最低售价之差超过100元的商品的商品号、其最高售价和最低售价的SQL语句为:SELECT ino, MAX(price), MIN(price)FROM sales(27) HAVING MAX(price)-MIN(price)>100A.EXISTSB.NOTEXISTSC.IND.NOTIN
设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer stmame As String*20 strsex As String*1 smark As Single End Type 在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Command1_click() Dimstudent As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End SubB.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubC.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1_click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub
设在工程中定义了下列类型:Type Stutypeino As Integerstrname As String*20strsex As String*1smark As SingleEnd Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .Strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End SubB.Sub Command1_Click() Dim Student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubC.Sub Comnland1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .Strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub
●试题三有下列关于运动会管理系统的ER图,如图10所示。图中矩形表示实体,圆表示属性,双圆表示关键字属性,菱形表示实体之间的关系。假定已通过下列SQL语言建立了基本表。CREATE TABLE ATHLETE(ANO CHAR (6) NOT NULL,ANAME CHAR (20) ,ASEX CHAR (1) ,ATEAM CHAR (20) );CREATE TABLE ITEM(INO CHAR (6) NOT NULL,INAME CHAR (20) ,ITIME CHAR (12) ,IPLACE CHAR (20) ;CREATE TABLE GAMES(ANO CHAR (6) NOT NULL,INO CHAR (6) NOT NULL,SCORRE CHAR (10) );为了答题的方便,图中的实体和属性同时给出了中英文两种文字,回答问题时只需写出英文名即可。【E-R图】图10 E-R图【问题】填充下列SQL程序1~4中的 (1) ~ (7) ,使它们分别完成相应的功能:程序1:统计参加比赛时男运动员人数。SELECT (1)FROM ATHLETEWHERE ASEX=′M′;程序2:查100872号运动员参加的所有项目及其比赛时间和地点。SELECT ITEM,INO,IN A ME,ITIME,IPLACEFROM GAMES,ITEMWHERE (2) ;AND (3) ;程序3:查参加100035项目的所有运动员名单。SELECT ANO,ANAME,ATEAMFROM ATHLETEWHERE (4) ;(SELECT (4) (5)FROM GAMESWHERE GAMES.ANO=ATHLETE.ANO AND INO='100035');程序4:建立运动员成绩视图。(6) ATHLETE-SCOREAS SELECT ATHLETE,ANO,ANAME,ATEAM,INAME,SCOREFORM (7) WHERE ATHLETE.ANO=GAMES.ANO AND GAMES.INO=ITEM.INO;
A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()ANo, I have no ideaBLet me give you a handCAfter I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion
— Would you like to see the menu? —()ANo, thanks. I already know what to orderBYour menu is very clearCI hear the food here is tastyDThe setting is very comfortable
Happy New Year to you and your parents!()ANo,thank youBYou are happy, tooCYes, we are happyDThe same to you