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A) last

B) move

C) live

D) survive


更多 “ A) lastB) moveC) liveD) survive ” 相关考题

考题 17______.A.aliveB.lifeC.liveD.survive

考题 The flight should take off at 10 p.m., but we()had to wait until twelve.A、at lastB、as a resultC、in effectD、on purpose

考题 He ____ borrowed money for five years before his death.A: lived byB: lived onC: lived withD: lived through

考题 Could you please tell me ____________________ ? A、how long have you lived hereB、how long you lived hereC、how long you have lived hereD、you have lived here how long

考题 如果要在程序中显示一个弹出菜单,需调用( )方法。 A.PrintB.MoveC.RefreshD.PopupMenu

考题 Asajuniornetworkadministratorofyourcompany,youhavebeenaskedtomovetheprinterspooloffthesystempartitionandontoanotherharddisktosolvediskspaceissues.Howwillyoumovetheprinterspooltoanotherdrive?() A.Fromthecommandpromptrunthecommand‘movec:\winnt\system32\spoolprinters[desired location]‘.B.Fromthecommandpromptrunthecommand‘movec:\winnt\spoolprinters[desiredlocation]‘.C.FromtheAdvancedtabofprinterserverproperties.D.Configuretheprint$shareonyourcomputertopointtothedesiredlocation.

考题 You can ( )a file when you no longer need it.A. renameB. moveC. copyD. delete

考题 Linux下,lastb读取的日志文件是()。 A.utmpB.wtmpC.btmpD.lastlog

考题 在Visual FoxPro中,用来移动表单的方法是( )。A)HideB)MoveC)SetFocusD)Release

考题 They relied on the advice of their professional advisers.A:lived on B:depended on C:lived off D:believed in

考题 Which bank can convert the Japanese yen into the Chinese yuan?A:replace B:move C:report D:change

考题 Today it is common to access the Internet from a variety of______devices like smartphones and tablets.A.mobile B.move C.moving D.shift

考题 请在第______处填上正确答案。A.last B.previous C.latest D.newest

考题 You can find it in our____brochure, along with some of our other models.A.last B.late C.lately D.latest

考题 用于网络测试的DOS命令是( )。 A. sfc B. move C. ping D. copy

考题 I recognized him right away even though Richard disguised well.A:at last B:on time C:gradually D:at once

考题 It was convenient()close to work.A、to livingB、livingC、liveD、lived

考题 下面用于查看/var/log/wtmp日志的命令是()A、lastB、lastlogC、lastwtmpD、lastmp

考题 Scrapers are used to ()the rust on the plates.A、removeB、moveC、shiftD、water

考题 删除文件命令为()A、mkdirB、moveC、mvD、rm

考题 对文件重命名的命令为()。A、rmB、moveC、mvD、mkdir

考题 如何查看过去的登入记录?()A、lastB、vi/var/log/wtmpC、whoD、tail/var/log/wmtp

考题 Linux下,lastb读取的日志文件是()。A、utmpB、wtmpC、btmpD、lastlog

考题 TextField是下列哪个内置对象的函数()?A、CoreB、moveC、Client/severD、Authopring

考题 如何显示最近登录的用户列表()A、lastB、vi/var/log/wtmpC、whoD、tail/var/log/wmtp

考题 单选题According to the information given in the passage, if two20-year-old twins lived on earth, and one of them left on a journey for Alpha Centauri at very close to the speed of light, then managed to survive the journey and return to earth having aged 40 years during the journey, what could she expect to find upon her return to earth?A Her great-grandmotherB Her twin at the age of 20C Her twin at the age of 40D Her twin at the age of 60E Her twin’s great-grandchildren