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Viruses can't be transmitted by(74)and(75)is not a common route for virus infiltration.

A.booting a PC from an infected medium

B.accessing to ROM

C.opening an infected file

D.executing an infected program


更多 “ Viruses can't be transmitted by(74)and(75)is not a common route for virus infiltration.A.booting a PC from an infected mediumB.accessing to ROMC.opening an infected fileD.executing an infected program ” 相关考题
考题 ●Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:Insider attacks and outsider attacks. A system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) users. Detecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment, but also helps to prevent future attacks. These attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems.(71) A.vulnerableB.weekC.sensitivelyD.helpless(72) A.reliableB.secureC.indestructibleD.steady(73) A.visitB.accessC.I/OD.read/write(74) A.powerB.rightsC.authorizedD.common(75) A.searchedB.checkedC.testedD.detected

考题 “Must I finish my homework now?” “No, you() . But you() finish it this evening. ” A. mustn’ t…mustB. needn’ t…mustC. can’ t…canD. can’ t…must

考题 The price you quoted is so high that we () help ()this transaction.A、can…to cancelB、can't...cancelingC、can…cancelingD、can't…to cancel

考题 ●The (75)is designed specifically as a security system for preventing unauthorized communications between one computer network and another computer network.(75)A.firewallB.protocolC.hackerD.virus

考题 ---- Look! The man at the gate ________ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning.--- - No, it ________ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.A.must, can’t B.must, mustn’t C.can’t, can’t D.can’t, mustn’t

考题 Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Firefox, but recently some new (71) have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very(72)because of its speed, it is currently the world’s fastest browser, and because it is much smaller(73) existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also (74)the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, you can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one corner, or pay $40 for the ad-free (75) of Opera.A.popular B. notorious C.wonderful D.common

考题 Without proper safeguards,every part of a network is vulnerable to a security breach or unauthorized activity from(71),competitors,or even employees.Many of the organizations that manage their own(72)network security and use the Internet for more than just sending/receiving e-mails experience a network(73)—and more than half of these companies do not even know they were attacked.Smaller(74)are often complacent,having gained a false sense of security.They usually react to the last virus or the most recent defacing of their website.But they are trapped in a situation where they do not have the necessary time and(75)to spend on security. A.attack B.collapse C.breakdown D.virus

考题 A virtual (71) network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely (72). It prevents (73) people fromeavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely. Traffic on the virtual network is sent securely by establishing an encrypted connection across the Internet known as a (74).A remote access VPN securely connects a device outside the corporate office. A site-to-site VPN connects the corporate office to branch offices over the Internet. Site-to-site VPNs are used when distance makes it impractical to have direct network connections between these offices. Think of site-to-site access as (75) to network. A.encodedB.encryptedC.storedD.transmitted

考题 A virtual (71) network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely (72). It prevents (73) people fromeavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely. Traffic on the virtual network is sent securely by establishing an encrypted connection across the Internet known as a (74).A remote access VPN securely connects a device outside the corporate office. A site-to-site VPN connects the corporate office to branch offices over the Internet. Site-to-site VPNs are used when distance makes it impractical to have direct network connections between these offices. Think of site-to-site access as (75) to network. A.channelB.pathC.tunnelD.route

考题 routingincircuit-switchingnetworkshastraditionallyinvolvedastaticroutingstrategywiththeuseof(71)pathstorespondtoincreasedload.modernroutingstrategiesprovidemoreadaptiveandflexibleapproaches.theroutingfunctionofapacket-switchingnetworkattemptstofindtheleast-costroutethroughthenetwork,withcostbasedonthenumberofexpecteddelay,orothermetricsinvirtuallyallpacket-switchingnetworks,somesortfadaptiveroutingtechniqueisused.adaptiveroutingalgorithmstypicallyrelyonthe(73)informationabouttrafficconditionsamongnodes.inmostcases,adaptivestrategiesdependnstatusinformationthatis(74)atoneplacebutusedatanother.thereisatradeoffheretweenthequalityoftheinformationandtheamountof(75).theexchangedinformationitselfaloadontheconstituentnetworks,causingaperformancedegradationA.rejected B.collected C.discarded D.transmitted