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NET is both a business strategy from Microsoft and its(6)of(7)support for what are known as Web services, the ability to use the Web rather than your own computer for various services. Microsoft's goal is to provide individual and business users with a(8)interoperable and Web-enabled interface for applications and computing devices and to make computing activities increasingly Web browser-oriented. The NET(9)includes servers; building-block services, such as Web-based data storage; and device software. It also includes Passport, Microsoft's fill-in-the-form-only-once identity(10)service.






更多 “ NET is both a business strategy from Microsoft and its(6)of(7)support for what are known as Web services, the ability to use the Web rather than your own computer for various services. Microsoft's goal is to provide individual and business users with a(8)interoperable and Web-enabled interface for applications and computing devices and to make computing activities increasingly Web browser-oriented. The NET(9)includes servers; building-block services, such as Web-based data storage; and device software. It also includes Passport, Microsoft's fill-in-the-form-only-once identity(10)service.A.individualB.collectionC.setD.unit ” 相关考题
考题 The ability to tolerate pain varies ______ person ______ person. (A) between … and(B) both … and(C) from … to(D) of … to

考题 ● 要跟踪到达主机corp7.microsoft.com的路径,输入的命令是 (62) 。(62)A. tracert corp7.microsoft.comB. rout corp7.microsoft.comC. ping corp7.microsoft.comD. netstat corp7.microsoft.com

考题 YournetworkcontainsasingleActiveDirectorysite.Support50simultaneousinstallationsofWindows7MinimizetheimpactofnetworkoperationsduringthedeploymentofthenewcomputersMinimizetheamountoftimerequiredtoinstallWindows7onthenewcomputersWhatshouldyouincludeinyourplan?()

考题 IdentifyfourfeaturesofWebLogicthatprovidevalueaboveandbeyondasimpleJavaEEcontainer.() A.ActiveGridLinkforRACB.supportforenterpriseWebServicesstandardsbeyondJavaEEspecificationC.IntegrationwithEnterpriseManagerD.marketleadingperformanceE.JavaEE6SpecificationSupportF.JavaSE7support

考题 NET的描述,错误的是______。A.Microsoft.NET是一个程序运行平台B..NETFramework管理和支持.NET程序的执行C.VisualStudio.NET是一个应用程序集成开发环境D.编译.NET时,应用程序被直接编译成机器代码A.B.C.D.

考题 要跟踪到达主机corp7.microsoft.com的路径,输入的命令是______。A.tracert corp7.microsoft.comB.rout corp7.microsoft.comC.ping corp7.microsoft.comD.netstat corp7.microsoft.com

考题 Microsoft .NET平台主要包括两个内核,即通用语言运行时(Common Language Runtime,简称CLR)和( )。A.ASPB.SQIC.JavaD.Microsoft .NET框架类库

考题 Microsoft .NET框架类库由什么组成?

考题 A network administrator wants to permit Telnet traffic initiated from the address book entry the10net in a zone called UNTRUST to the address book entry Server in a zone called TRUST.However, the administrator does not want the server to be able to initiate any type of traffic from the TRUST zone to the UNTRUST zone.Which configuration statement would correctly accomplish this task?()A. from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address any; destination-address any; application any; } then { deny; } } } from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }B. from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address Server; destination-address any; application any; } then {deny; } } } from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }C. from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-ftp; } then { permit; } } }D. from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address Server; destination-address any; application any; } then { permit; } } } from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match {source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }

考题 Microsoft于________年6月推出了用来代替COM的.NET。这是Microsoft面向第三代Internet的计算计划,是Microsoft继用Windows取代DOS之后的又一项战略性举措。A.1996B.1999C.2000D.2002