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The Oracle Database 11g database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. The archived redo log files are stored on three locations. The Flash Recovery Area is one of the locations. The details are given below:Which statement is true regarding what this command accomplishes?()

A. All archived redo log files backed up at least twice to tape are deleted.

B. All archived redo log files backed up at least once to tape are eligible for deletion.

C. All archived redo log files backed up at least twice to tape are deleted from the flash recovery area.

D. All archived redo log files in local archiving destinations and the flash recovery area backed up at least twice to tape are eligible for deletion.


更多 “ The Oracle Database 11g database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. The archived redo log files are stored on three locations. The Flash Recovery Area is one of the locations. The details are given below:Which statement is true regarding what this command accomplishes?()A. All archived redo log files backed up at least twice to tape are deleted.B. All archived redo log files backed up at least once to tape are eligible for deletion.C. All archived redo log files backed up at least twice to tape are deleted from the flash recovery area.D. All archived redo log files in local archiving destinations and the flash recovery area backed up at least twice to tape are eligible for deletion. ” 相关考题
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