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All the information of his interest ________ will be monitored by relevant authorities.






更多 “ All the information of his interest ________ will be monitored by relevant authorities.A、deviceB、commerceC、examD、transaction ” 相关考题
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考题 Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A.exit B.cancel C.exchange D.interest

考题 I had neither time nor inclination to hear about the afflicted cow.A: energy B: patience C: dullness D: interest

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考题 团队目标设定的SMART原则指的是:A.明确的(Specific) 可衡量的(Measurable) 可实现的(Attainable) 可复制的(Replicable) 时间限制的(TIme-based)B.明确的(Specific) 可衡量的(Measurable) 可实现的(Attainable) 相关的(Relevant) 时间限制的(TIme-based)C.特别的(Special) 可衡量的(Measurable) 可实现的(Attainable) 相关的(Relevant) 时间限制的(TIme-based)D.明确的(Specific) 可衡量的(Measurable) 可实现的(Attainable) 相关的(Relevant) 时间限制的(TIme-limited)