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It was not long before she came.()


更多 “ It was not long before she came.() ” 相关考题
考题 A: What does she look like? B:(). A、She likes playing tennisB、She's slim with long, straight black hairC、She's very nice and kind

考题 听力原文:W: Who's your new secretary, Tom?M: I'm pleased with the work she's been doing so far.What do we know about Tom's secretary?A.She's not efficient.B.She's often late.C.She's capable.D.She's honest.

考题 ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: _______________. A. before-class planning and after-class planningB. before-class preparation and after-class feedbackC. before-class planning and after-class reflectionD. macro planning and micro planning

考题 The following statements concerning long-term debt are true except that ______.A.long-term debt is a liability of a period longer than one yearB.long-term debts are paid in installmentsC.despite of different payment plans, long-term debts are never classified as current liabilitiesD.the loan borrowed by the company is a typical example of long-term debt

考题 将运算符“+”重载为非成员函数,下列原型声明中,错误的是( )。A.MyClockoperator+(MyClock,long);B.MyClockoperator+(MyClock,MyCloek);C.MyCloekoperator+(long,long);D.MyClockoperator+(long,MyCloek):

考题 10.1 have a good friend.______ name is Jane._____ is thirteen.A. Her ; HerB. She's; SheC. Her;SheD. She;She

考题 Loran-C is which type of navigation system ________.A.Hyperbolic,long-range navigation systemB.Short-range electronicC.Long-range,high frequency navigation systemD.Long-range,with a frequency of 1950 kHz

考题 Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"? A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does". B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does". C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows". D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".

考题 It′ s a long time __________ I saw youlast. --Yes, and what a pity! It will be a longtime __________ we see each other again. A.since; before B.when; since C.before; when D.before; since

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