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Most linguists are convinced that the ability to speak, while uniquely human, is simply a combination of             A                              Bcognitive skills that have been passed on to our species through evolution. No error    C                    D                E


更多 “问答题Most linguists are convinced that the ability to speak, while uniquely human, is simply a combination of             A                              Bcognitive skills that have been passed on to our species through evolution. No error    C                    D                E” 相关考题
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考题 5 The swiftest and most effective communications take place among people withA. common points of viewB dissimilar interestsC. advanced degreesD. the ability to reduce perception barriersE. good encoding skills

考题 87 The swiftest and most effective communications take place among people withA. common points of viewB. dissimilar interestsC. advanced degreesD. the ability to reduce perception barriersE. good encoding skills

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考题 Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?A.ViscosityB.Sulfur contentC.Pour pointD.Cetane number

考题 Which of the following would CDC most probably recommend?[A] Health weighs more than wealth.[B] Prevention is better than cure.[C] Actions speak louder than words.[D] Better late than never.

考题 ()sets man apart from the rest of the animals is his ability to speak. A、ThatB、WhichC、WhoD、What

考题 When linguists write grammars or lexicographers compile dictionaries they must use metalanguage.()

考题 To advertise his new movie, the director rode a Camel at Cannes, which was, so to speak, the most outrageous _______ I have ever seen. A、free sampleB、publicity stuntC、banner adD、hoarding

考题 Prior was born with a rare disease that limits his ability to move freely and damage his ability to speak.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Tom doesn’t speak French, nor ____. A.do IB.I doC.speak ID.I speak

考题 Which factors must be most considered when developing acceptance criteria(72)A.Match with requirementsB.User availabilityC.Ability to benchmark systemD.Schedule of system delivery

考题 Which of the following statements can best be inferred from the passage?A. Fishes only "speak" to communicate with each other.B. Researches are now being made to study the significance of fish sounds.C. Sea animals have a sharper hearing ability than men.D. Sounds made by fish cannot be transmitted through the air.

考题 Our__________ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.A.sensible B.senseless C.sensitive D.sensory

考题 Many linguists believe that evolution is( )for our ability to produce and use language.They claim that our highly evolved brain provides us with an innate language ability not found in lower organisms.A.reliable B.responsible C.available D.accountable

考题 ______ that he would get a promotionsoon, he felt grateful and worked even harder.A.Having convinced B.Been convinced C.Convincing D.Convinced

考题 Which language do you speak at home?()AI speak English very wellBI can speak English and FrenchCEnglish is my mother tongueDEnglish, most of the time

考题 单选题A customer needs the ability to recover their data if a total system failure occurs.  Which two of the following are the most important considerations in determining the solution?()A Network utilizationB Total amount of storage installedC Amount of open files in the backupD Amount of critical data in the backup or restore

考题 单选题The statement language acquisition might be our best hope (lines 68-69) means that ______.A the ability to speak is a great asset to the survival of the human speciesB studying how language is learned will help answer deeper questions about psychologyC the study of linguistics is helping to make cognitive science a more popular subjectD an individual who does not learn to speak will not develop cognitive skillsE cognitive science has been given little notice until now

考题 单选题Ellen Mason is most convinced of _____A the way sleep deprivation affects health.B the link between sleep and heart diseases.C the hormones and chemicals changes in the body.D the importance of sleep for good health.

考题 单选题What made the most negative impression on foreign visitors?A The country’s vastness.B The informal friendliness of Americans.C The fact that the American accent is hard to understand.D The fact that not many Americans can speak a foreign language.

考题 单选题The linguists’ main interest had been to _____ and describe languages.A analyzeB expressC commandD comment

考题 问答题Most linguists are convinced that the ability to speak, while uniquely human, is simply a combination of             A                              Bcognitive skills that have been passed on to our species through evolution. No error    C                    D                E

考题 单选题Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?()A ViscosityB Sulfur contentC Pour pointD Cetane number

考题 单选题Which language do you speak at home?()A I speak English very wellB I can speak English and FrenchC English is my mother tongueD English, most of the time

考题 单选题Many great scientists and inventors of the past, such as Nikola Tesla, has possessed the ability of extraordinary, visualization skills that enabled them to analyze the most minute details of complex machines before the devices were even constructed.A has possessed the ability of extraordinary visualization skillsB have been able to possess extraordinary visualization skillsC possessed skills in visualization that was extraordinaryD possessed extraordinary visualization skillsE possessed skills of visualizing that was extraordinary

考题 单选题As sought after for speaking ability, African Grey parrots, being considered valuable by both researchers and pet owners.A As sought after for speaking ability, African Grey parrots, being considered valuable by both researchers and pet owners.B African Grey parrots sought after for their ability to speak who are considered valuable by both researchers and pet owners.C Sought after for their speaking abilities, African Grey parrots are considered valuable by both researchers and pet owners.D Sought after for their speaking abilities, researchers and pet owners consider African Grey parrots valuable.E Sought after because of their speaking ability, researchers and pet owners who are considering African Grey parrots valuable.

考题 单选题The data mentioned in line 13 most likely include information regarding ______.A the literacy levels of different countriesB the best methods for teaching infants to speakC the ability of primates and other mammals to communicateD the structure of the human brainE the intricacy of the expression of human language