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Browser Capabilities 组件注册名:MSWC.BrowserType。



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考题 【问题 2】(4 分)1.在ASP内置对象中,有两个对象与cookie操作有关。其中 (4) 用来写cookie内容, (5) 用来读cookie内容。备选答案:A.application B.asperror C.responseD.request E.session F.server2.在ASP内置组件中,使用(6)可以在主页上交替地变换广告,使用(7)可以读写服务器文件。A.Browser Capabilities B.File Access C.AD RotatorD.Content Linking E.Database Access

考题 browsercapabilities组件注册名为:mswc.browsertype。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Web browser is simply a terminal emulator, designed to display text on a screen. The two essential differences between an ordinary terminal emulator and a Web browser are that the browser knows how to deal with(71), and that it has a mechanism for(72)graphical files. Display text, display graphics, and(73)hypefiinks, there's 99 percent of the(74)value. That's not to say that the manufacturers didn't go all-out to attach a hyperactive efflorescence of useless capabilities onto their browsers. Remember when media channels in the browser were a big deal, instead of the clutter you can't wait to delete from your favorites of bookmarks menu? Remember when client-side Java applets were supposed to become the preferred(75)for application development? Remember frames and all their nasty side effects?A.superlinksB.linksC.hyperlinksD.connections

考题 使用( )可以创建方便快捷的导航系统。A.Browser Capabilities组件B.Database Access组件C.Content Linking组件D.Ad Rotator组件

考题 使用( )可以访问存储在服务器端的数据库。A.Browser Capabilities组件B.Database Access组件C.Content Linking组件D.Ad Rotator组件

考题 使用( )可以在Web页面上插入广告横幅播放器。A.Browser Capabilities组件B.Database Access组件C.Content Linking组件D.Ad Rotator组件

考题 使用( )可以了解客户端所用浏览器类型。A.Browser Capabilities组件B.Database Access组件C.Content Linking组件D.Ad Rotator组件

考题 在ASP组件中,______可以方便地在Web页面中插入广告的播放器。 A.Ad Rotator B.Browser Capabilities C.DatabaseAccess D.File Access

考题 27、【单项选择题】 ☆ 收藏本题 A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__. (73)应选?A.A.functional requirements B.A.technical requirements C.an operational requirements D.A.service requirements

考题 A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called __(71)__. Requirements written from the developer's perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called __(72)__. Requirements evolve from detailed statemens of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in whick the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is __(73)__. The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to __(74)__. That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of __(75)__. (72)应选?A.operational requirements B.business requirements C.technical requirements D.system requirements

考题 应收账款质押登记的出质人为单位的,查询人应以出质人()进行查询。A、法定注册名称的简称B、法定注册名称的拼音缩写C、完整、准确的法定注册名称D、法定注册名称的英文缩写

考题 注册融资租赁登记公示系统用户时,在用户信息中填写的用户名称是指该机构的()。A、法定注册名称的简称B、法定注册名称的拼音缩写C、法定注册名称的全称D、公章上的名称

考题 若需要建立大量链接的页面为访问者提供导航时,可以采用()组件。A、Context LinkingB、AD RotatorC、Browser capabilitiesD、Page Counter

考题 Browser Capabilities 组件注册名:MSWC.BrowserType。

考题 Browser/AppliCation/Server四层架构中,COM组件部署在哪一层()A、BrowserB、Web服务器C、应用服务器D、数据库

考题 Browser

考题 When designing a system to use WS-Federation, which browser Single Sign-On (SSO) method should be used?()A、Browser GETB、Browser POSTC、Browser ArtifactD、Browser Response

考题 browser浏览器

考题 利用Browser Capabilities 组件来侦测()浏览器的性能A、服务器B、客户端

考题 A customer wants to have employees work from remote locations as well as in the office.  All communications must be secure and files must be protected from access by unauthorized people.  The employee’s applications (database inserts and reads) are only accessed with a web browser.  Which of the following capabilities is necessary?()A、SSLB、PGPC、File encryption programD、Public key encryption

考题 下列有关文件浏览器(File Browser)描述错误的是()。A、File Browser可以浏览图像文件B、File Browser可以查找图像文件C、File Browser可以删除图像文件D、File Browser可以改变图像文件大小

考题 You create a server control that inherits from WebControl. You need to enable the server control to emit markup for a new kind of mobile device. You must not alter the code in the server controls. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Create a class that inherits HtmlTextWriter and that can emit the new markup.B、Create a class that inherits StreamWriter and that can emit the new markup.C、Reference the class in the capabilities element of the new device's browser definition file.D、Reference the class in the controlAdapters element of the new device's browser definition file.

考题 单选题利用Browser Capabilities 组件来侦测()浏览器的性能A 服务器B 客户端

考题 单选题Browser/AppliCation/Server四层架构中,COM组件部署在哪一层()A BrowserB Web服务器C 应用服务器D 数据库

考题 单选题注册融资租赁登记公示系统用户时,在用户信息中填写的用户名称是指该机构的()。A 法定注册名称的简称B 法定注册名称的拼音缩写C 法定注册名称的全称D 公章上的名称

考题 多选题You create a server control that inherits from WebControl. You need to enable the server control to emit markup for a new kind of mobile device. You must not alter the code in the server controls.()ACreate a class that inherits HtmlTextWriter and that can emit the new markup.BCreate a class that inherits StreamWriter and that can emit the new markup.CReference the class in the capabilities element of the new device's browser definition file.DReference the class in the controlAdapters element of the new device's browser definitionfile.

考题 单选题应收账款质押登记的出质人为单位的,查询人应以出质人()进行查询。A 法定注册名称的简称B 法定注册名称的拼音缩写C 完整、准确的法定注册名称D 法定注册名称的英文缩写