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Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.这句话的中文意思是()







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更多 “单选题Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.这句话的中文意思是()A 银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。B 管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。C 孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。” 相关考题
考题 Children should be taught not to __________ handicapped people. A.glare atB.stare atC.glance atD.peep at

考题 Nowadays children in this area are taught at school()at home, but 60 years ago no children were taught at school()those from rich families. A、rather than; other thanB、other than; exceptC、other than; rather thanD、besides; except

考题 22. This article has taught us ________ways for studying.A.manyB.fiveC.threeD.four

考题 听力原文:The bank has special obligation to depositors, because it makes profits from their money as well as its own.(4)A.The bank makes profits only from its own money.B.The bank makes profits from not only the deposits but also its own money.C.The bank has special obligation to make profits.D.The bank makes profits by having special obligations to depositors.

考题 Children should be taught how to get along with ( ). A、othersB、any otherC、anotherD、other

考题 Many families have taught their children to place litter in the trash can ( ) this catchy phrase. A. in response toB. in responseC. respond toD. respond

考题 American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks. In December 1987, the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami, Florida. It is a real bank that accepts money for savings and makes loans, and it is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.The bank is open for one hour two days a week. Students can put their money into the bank and withdraw it as they wish. Officials from a local bank helped the students start the bank. They trained twenty-three of them to do all the different kinds of bank jobs, from counting money to guarding the bank. The students needed money to start the bank. They raised more than $ 2,000 by selling 50-dollar shares in the bank to parents, teachers, the local bank workers, and customers. Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business. They have learned about raising and investing money and how to use computers and other banking equipment. They have also learned how to ask for a job and to be responsible for their jobs.1. Who helped these children start a bank()A. ParentsB. TeachersC. Bank staff2. How did children raise money for their bank()A. Their schools provided financial support for them.B. They sold shares to their parents, teachers, local bank workers and customers.C. They found an organization to donate a set of fund.3. Who is currently operating Twiglet Bank()A. TeenagersB. CommunityC. Government4. Which is not TRUE for the benefits of children from operating their own banks()A. They learned how to use computers and banking equipment.B. They learned how to find a job and do it well.C. They learned how to produce the money.5. What is the best title for this passage()A. A Bank of MiamiB. A Students’ BankC. The Operation of American Banks

考题 听力原文:The bank's foreign exchange department has to keep constant track of the positions in the various currencies.(7)A.The bank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.B.The hank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.C.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the various foreign currency liabilities.D.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the positions in the various currencies.

考题 听力原文:If a customer informs his bank that a draft which has been issued to him has been lost, the drawee bank should be noticed immediately.(8)A.The customer should first notify the drawee bank of the loss of his draft.B.The customer should first notify the drawer bank of the loss of his draft.C.The customer should first notify the remitting bank of the loss of his draft.D.The customer should first notify the collecting bank of the loss of his draft.

考题 翻译Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.A. 银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。B. 管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。C. 孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。

考题 Why is the British bank able to offer its customer a banker's draft drawn in dollar?A.Its US correspondent bank prefers to make the payment.B.It will send dollar in cash by airmail.C.It has a dollar account with another bank in an American city where the beneficiary lives.D.Its customer has a dollar account with it.

考题 The children are taught to respect different ________ of different countries. A. cultureB. customC. culturesD. customes

考题 By the time I left the school, she _______ English for three years. A.has teachedB.has taughtC.had teachedD.had taught

考题 A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( )A. the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreementB. the bank has not recorded all of its transactionsC. any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. Taking part in the Council's trial schemes are children who__________.A.living in Milton and go to Impington school B.living in Impington and go to Milton school C.living in Milton and go to Milton school D.living in Impington and go to Impington school

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. ?Agreement to pay for the new bus service has been obtained from__________.A.the school's headmaster B.the education department C.the bus company D.the parents

考题 Children should be taught how to get along with___.A.Another B.other C.others D.any other

考题 It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her mother,so she dialed"zero",An operator immediately called the fire department.Help was sent,and a tragedy avoided. Days before this emergency,the mother had taught her child how to telephone for help.Children as young as two and one-half years old can be taught to use the phone in emergency situations.Here are some points. Memorizing certain facts is important.Teach your children their names,and the section of town where you live.Try to keep what they learn within their abilities.Simple information,learned well,is better than difficult information only partly learned. Be sure your children know how to use the telephone.They should be taught to dial"zero"for the operator,at the very least.And they should be taught to dial"911"if it is used in your town. Practice over a period of several days.Over-learning is necessary so the child can act automatically in case of emergency. If you would like a booklet giving instructions on calling for help,write Telephone For Help,Box 99,Bowling Green Station,New York,NY 10004. From this passage,why is it a good idea for children to learn how to use the telephone?A.Children have fun dialin B.Emergencies happen without warnin C.Children can wake their parent D.Dialing can help children with their math stud

考题 Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.这句话的中文意思是()A银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。B管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。C孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。

考题 Human capacity for language has a g()basis, but the details of language have to be taught and learned.

考题 Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A、The issusing bankB、The advising bankC、The confirming bankD、The negotiating bank

考题 单选题Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.这句话的中文意思是()A 银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。B 管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。C 孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。

考题 单选题Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A The issusing bankB The advising bankC The confirming bankD The negotiating bank

考题 单选题She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools. _____ she taught, her principals had a high opinion of her.A WhereverB EverywhereC In as much asD In such schools that

考题 单选题A reimbursing bank has received a valid claim under its reimbursement undertaking and is instructed by the issuing bank not to honour the claim. In accordance with the URR725, the reimbursing bank should: ()A Reques tthe claiming bank to cancel the claimB Instruct the claiming bank to contac tthe beneficiaryC Honour the claim and debit the issuing bank’s accountD Dishonour the claim as per the issuing bank’s instruction

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A Maggie had two children.B Maggie was once a slave.C Maggie was good at math.D Maggie taught for a while.

考题 单选题She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools. ______ she taught, her principals had a high opinion of her.A Wherever B EverywhereC In as much asD In such schools that

考题 单选题From the passage, we learn that _____.A World Bank has done nothing to help the poor in the worldB IMF only helps the rich in the worldC World Bank controls all the banks in the worldD There are some demonstrations against World Bank in recent years