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What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?()

Manning requirements


Minimum freeboard permitted


Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carry


Waters upon which the vessel may be operated


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更多 “单选题What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?()A Manning requirementsB Minimum freeboard permittedC Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryD Waters upon which the vessel may be operated” 相关考题
考题 What insurance document will be issued as evidence of cover when an exporter sells goods insured under an open cover agreement?A.A third party inspection certificateB.An insurance policyC.A black list certificateD.An insurance certificate

考题 Who ________the inspection certificate? A publishes ;B issues ;C suggests

考题 A draft is like a check that can be endorsed but it isn't a title to goods, like ______.A.a bill of ladingB.an inspection certificateC.a certificate of originD.an insurance certificate

考题 听力原文:M: Could you tell me what specific document you will provide?W: Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bills of lading, an invoice, an export license, an insurance policy, a certificate of origin, and a certificate of inspection.Q: What document the woman did not mention?(14)A.Bills of lading.B.Consular invoice.C.Insurance policy.D.Certificate of origin.

考题 The official identification of a vessel is found in the ______.A.Certificate of InspectionB.Classification CertificateC.Loadline CertificateD.Certificate of Documentation

考题 Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate ______.A.has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB.expires six months after it is issuedC.must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD.is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be ______.A.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC.generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD.equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?A.Manning requirementsB.Minimum freeboard permittedC.Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryD.Waters upon which the vessel may be operated

考题 The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel,including the operating sequences and procedures,design characteristics,a description of the system,and required personnel will be found in the ______.A.Oil Transfer Procedures ManualB.Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment ManualC.Code of Federal RegulationsD.Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

考题 The Certificate of Inspection for your tanker authorizes the carriage of grade A and lower products. Which chemical may NOT be carried unless it is specifically endorsed on the Certificate of Inspection?A.AmyleneB.Diisobutyl PhthalateC.Oleic acidD.Vinyl acetate

考题 Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the ______.A.SOLAS Certificate is issuedB.Loadline Certificate is renewedC.classification society approval is issuedD.permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 汉译英:“数量证书”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. Certificate of Weight B. Certificate of Quarantine C. Certificate of Inspection D. Certificate of Quantity

考题 After inspection of the above shipment, they found 6 cases ().AlossBmissingCmissedDlosing

考题 Inspection and quarantine documents required for import goods include ().A、bills of ladingB、foreign invoiceC、weight noteD、certificate of origin

考题 A Technical and Delivery Assessment (TDA) is a structured technical inspection of a completed solution design. After the inspection is complete, what deliverable can the customer expect?()A、Verification of the expected performance of the new solution.B、A document used by IBM manufacturing to build and ship the system solution.C、An IBM Quality Assurance Certificate which is supplied to the customer with the system.D、A list of actions that are recommended to reduce risk and create a successful implementation.

考题 单选题Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the().A SOLAS Certificate is issuedB Load Line Certificate is renewedC classification society approval is issuedD permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 单选题If the Certificate of Inspection of a damaged tank barge has expired,which certificate may be issued to allow its movement to a repair facility? ()A Change of employmentB Permit to proceedC Application for inspectionD Temporary Certificate of Inspection

考题 单选题The Certificate of Inspection of a damaged tank barge has expired. What certificate authorizes the barge to move to a repair facility for repair and inspection?()A Application for InspectionB Change of EmploymentC Permit to ProceedD Temporary Certificate of Inspection

考题 单选题Temporary Certificates of Inspection for offshore drilling units are effective until the ().A Operations Manual is approvedB Minerals Management Service approval is issuedC classification society approval is issuedD permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 单选题A Technical and Delivery Assessment (TDA) is a structured technical inspection of a completed solution design. After the inspection is complete, what deliverable can the customer expect?()A Verification of the expected performance of the new solution.B A document used by IBM manufacturing to build and ship the system solution.C An IBM Quality Assurance Certificate which is supplied to the customer with the system.D A list of actions that are recommended to reduce risk and create a successful implementation.

考题 单选题Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the().A SOLAS Certificate is issuedB Loadline Certificate is renewedC classification society approval is issuedD permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 单选题At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be().A at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 单选题Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().A has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB expires six months after it is issuedC must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 单选题The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel,including the operating sequences and procedures,design characteristics,a description of the system,and required personnel will be found in the().A Oil Transfer Procedures ManualB Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment ManualC Code of Federal RegulationsD Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

考题 单选题The Certificate of Inspection for your tanker authorizes the carriage of grade A and lower products. Which chemical may NOT be carried unless it is specifically endorsed on the Certificate of Inspection? ()A AmyleneB Diisobutyl PhthalateC Oleic acidD Vinyl acetate

考题 单选题What is NOT a requirement of the reinspection for a tank barge with a certificate of inspection valid for two years? ()A The reinspection will be made between the fourteenth and sixteenth monthsB The inspector shall examine all accessible parts of the vessels's hullC The inspector shall examine the vessel's machinery as well as equipmentD The scope of the reinspection shall be the same as for the inspection for certification,but in less detail

考题 单选题What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?()A Manning requirementsB Minimum freeboard permittedC Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryD Waters upon which the vessel may be operated

考题 单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()A inform chief engineer officer immediatelyB stop the generatorC let the duty officer in bridge determine how to doD wait for help