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The waterfront is notorious for bringing out thievery in the human spirit, as any owner will testify.









解析: notorious声名狼藉的。infamous名声不好的。arrogant傲慢的,自大的。weird怪诞的,神秘的。spotted有污点的。
更多 “单选题The waterfront is notorious for bringing out thievery in the human spirit, as any owner will testify.A infamous B arrogant C weird D spotted” 相关考题
考题 We assign human and non-human resources in the _____ phase of the budget.A . conceptualB . planningC . developmentD . implementationE . close-out

考题 Any minute we could be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the field.我们随时都会被出入机场的敌机发现。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 77 We assign human and non-human resources in the _____ phase of the budget.A. conceptualB. planningC. developmentD. implementationE. close-out

考题 Praise is like sunshine ___________ the human spirit. A. toB. offC. uponD. over

考题 Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while _______ attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country. A、to payB、payingC、being paid

考题 When any nonhuman organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as _______ .A novel B remote C distant D foreign

考题 He would venture far out into places seldom visited by human beings.

考题 The human can react to any situation, some of which he may never have imagined.()

考题 He has good team spirit, being able to work with any type of people. (翻译)

考题 If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ______ any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen's enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A.byB.toC.atD.for

考题 Nothing in these Rules shall ______ any vessel,or the owner,master or crew thereof,from the consequences of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman,or by the special circumstances of the case.A.exonerateB.exhaustC.exerciseD.examine

考题 Services rendered notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition of the owner or the master of the vessel or the owner of any other property in danger _______ on board the vessel shall not give rise to payment under this Convention.A.which is not and has not beenB.which was notC.which wasD.which is not but will be taken by the salver

考题 It is a Rule requirement that the Owner should advise LR of any damage which may affect the classification of a ship and that all repairs necessary for the ship to retain her class are carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors. In which circumstances, the Owner/Master may not necessary report to the classification?()A、Portside anchor lostB、Starboard auxiliary engine broken downC、Fresh water cock in Kitchen found drip leakingD、Cargo hold hopper plating cracked by grab

考题 翻译:any war risk insurance on the ship to be for owner’s account。

考题 We are not in a position to make any offer as the goods are().A、with out stockB、out of stockC、no stockD、not in stock

考题 单选题If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.A byB toC atD for

考题 单选题The sales manager was so adamant about her idea that it was out of the question for any one to talk her out of it.A adaptableB anxiousC firmD talkative

考题 单选题A casualty report of an intentional grounding of a ship is required under what condition?()A Under any conditionB If the grounding lasts over 24 hoursC If it creates a hazard to the environmentD At the owner's discretion

考题 单选题The owner wouldn’t _____ to our making any structural change in the flat.A consentB contendC contestD contact

考题 单选题In what way is being arrogant different from being interested?A Being arrogant means you refuse to change your mind.B Being arrogant means you only care about your own affairs.C Being arrogant means you believe nothing is worth your attention.D Being arrogant means you think your way is superior to that of others.

考题 单选题Nothing in these Rules shall()any vessel,or the owner,master or crew thereof,from the consequences of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman,or by the special circumstances of the case.A exonerateB exhaustC exerciseD examine

考题 单选题Any vessel()any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel().A overtaking/overtakenB being overtake/being overtakenC overtaking/being overtakenD being overtaking/overtaken

考题 问答题翻译:any war risk insurance on the ship to be for owner’s account。

考题 单选题A casualty report of an intentional grounding is required under what condition?().A Under any conditionB If the grounding lasts over 24 hoursC If it creates a hazard to the environmentD At the owner's discretion

考题 单选题Services rendered notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition of the owner or the master of the vessel or the owner of any other property in danger()on board the vessel shall not give rise to payment under this Convention.A which is not and has not beenB which was notC which wasD which is not but will be taken by the salver

考题 单选题It is a Rule requirement that the Owner should advise LR of any damage which may affect the classification of a ship and that all repairs necessary for the ship to retain her class are carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors. In which circumstances, the Owner/Master may not necessary report to the classification?()A Portside anchor lostB Starboard auxiliary engine broken downC Fresh water cock in Kitchen found drip leakingD Cargo hold hopper plating cracked by grab

考题 单选题His hard-working spirit attracted and activated others. As a result, the work was completed ahead of schedule.A strove for B stirred up C stripped awayD stretched out