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broaching the anchor


shifting the anchor


walking the anchor


weighing the anchor


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更多 “单选题LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called().A broaching the anchorB shifting the anchorC walking the anchorD weighing the anchor” 相关考题
考题 “The anchor was heaved aweigh” means ________A.“The anchor was let go”B.“The anchor was foul”C.“The anchor was clear of the bottom”D.“The anchor leading abeam”

考题 MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______.A.Dredging ( of anchor )B.Dragging ( of anchor )C.Weighing anchorD.Walking out anchor

考题 The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to ______.A.reduce the length of the cableB.pay out more anchor cableC.back the enginesD.swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom

考题 The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by ______.A.using a small scope ratioB.replacing that portion with a short length of chainC.using a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottomD.using a synthetic line

考题 The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called ______.A.camberB.sheerC.rakeD.rise of bottom

考题 The perforated,elevated bottom of the chain locker,which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a ______.A.cradleB.draftC.harpingD.manger

考题 LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called ______.A.broaching the anchorB.shifting the anchorC.walking the anchorD.weighing the anchor

考题 When the anchor()(到底),hoist the anchor ball by day.A、to the bottomB、reaches the bottomC、get the bottomD、bottom

考题 从水面到甲板之间的高度称之为干舷。()A、The height from the bottom of a vessel to the weather deck is called freeboard.B、The depth from water level to the bottom of a vessel is called freeboard.C、The length from the bow to stern of a vessel is called freeboard.D、The height from water level to the main deck is called freeboard.

考题 “The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”.A、The anchor was clear of the waterB、The anchor was let goC、The anchor was foulD、The anchor was clear of the bottom

考题 The ()from waterline to the bottom of the ship is called draft.A、breadthB、depthC、widthD、height

考题 单选题MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM INVOLUNTARILY BECAUSE IT IS NO LONGER PREVENTING THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines().A Dredging (of anchor)B Dragging (of anchor)C Weighing anchorD Walking out anchor

考题 单选题The part of the anchor windlass that engages the anchor chain for lifting is called the ().A warping headB fairleadC wildcatD capstan

考题 单选题The perforated,elevated bottom of the chain locker,which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a().A cradleB draftC harpingD manger

考题 单选题Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel defines().A dredging ( of anchor )B dragging ( of anchor )C weighing anchorD walking out anchor

考题 单选题THE ANCHOR WAS HEAVED AWEIGH means().A The anchor was weightedB The anchor was let goC The anchor was lostD The anchor was clear of the bottom

考题 单选题The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by().A Using a small scope ratioB Replacing that portion with a short length of chainC Using a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottomD Using a synthetic line

考题 单选题When the anchor reaches the bottom ,hoist the anchor ()by day.A ballB flagC lightD lamp

考题 单选题LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called().A broaching the anchorB shifting the anchorC walking the anchorD weighing the anchor

考题 单选题Which is the correct procedure for anchoring a small to medium size vessel in deep water ().A Let the anchor fall free from the hawsepipe,but apply the brake at intervals to check the rate of fallB Back the anchor slowly out of the hawsepipe a few feet,and then let it fall in the normal fashionC Let the anchor fall off the brake right from the hawsepipe,but keep a slight strain on the brakeD Under power,back the anchor out until it is near,but clear,of the bottom before letting it fall

考题 单选题What effect is achieved from soaking an anchor().A It allows the bottom soil to consolidateB It gives the palms time to trip the anchorC It stabilizes the mooring systemD It lubricates the anchor for better tripping

考题 单选题From the ()(水线) to the ship’s bottom is called draft.A waterlineB centerlineC frameD freeboard

考题 单选题The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to().A reduce the length of the cableB pay out more anchor cableC back the enginesD swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom

考题 单选题The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called().A camberB sheerC rakeD rise of bottom

考题 单选题Mechanical lifting of air by the upslope slant of the terrain is called().A vertical liftingB convective liftingC advective liftingD topographic lifting

考题 单选题Longitudinal and transverse separtions between the tanks,which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other ,are called().A double bottomsB cofferdamC navigating bridgeD superstructure

考题 单选题“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”.A The anchor was clear of the waterB The anchor was let goC The anchor was foulD The anchor was clear of the bottom

考题 单选题从水面到甲板之间的高度称之为干舷。()A The height from the bottom of a vessel to the weather deck is called freeboard.B The depth from water level to the bottom of a vessel is called freeboard.C The length from the bow to stern of a vessel is called freeboard.D The height from water level to the main deck is called freeboard.