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凝集反应(aggregation reaction)


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更多 “名词解释题凝集反应(aggregation reaction)” 相关考题
考题 反应曲线(Reaction curve)

考题 In base e-Commerce module designs, where should firewall perimeters be placed?() A. core layerB. Internet boundaryC. aggregation layerD. aggregation and core layersE. access and aggregation layers

考题 Adverse Drug Reaction

考题 在交换机SWA 上执行display 命令后,交换机输出如下: display link-aggregation summary Aggregation Interface Type: BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-Aggregation Aggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- Dynamic Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing Actor System ID:// 0x8000, 000f-e267-6c6a AGG AGG Partner ID Select Unselect Share Interface Mode Ports Ports Type ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BAGG1      S   none   3 0 Shar 从以上输出可以判断()A、聚合组的类型是静态聚合B、聚合组的类型是动态聚合C、聚合组中包含了3个处于激活状态的端口D、聚合组中没有处于激活状态的端口

考题 Which unique characteristics of the Data Center Aggregation layer must be considered by an Enterprise Campus designer?()A、 Layer 3 routing between the Access and Aggregation layers facilities the ability to span VLANsacross multiple access switches, which is a requirement for many server virtualization andclustering technologies.B、 “East-west” server-to-server traffic can travel between aggregation modules by way of the core,but backup and replication traffic typically remains within an aggregation module.C、 Load balancing, firewall service, and other network service are commonly integrated by the useof service modules that are inserted in the aggregation switched.D、 Virtualization tools allow a cost effective approach for redundancy in the network design byusing two or four VDCs from the same physical switch.

考题 A distribution area provides an aggregation point for which components?()A、edge devicesB、aggregation switchesC、core devicesD、access-area switches

考题 简述Ethernet Channel Technology 与PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol ) 的区别

考题 类白血病反应(leukemoid reaction)

考题 在S3610交换机上创建包含有端口Ethernet1/0/1,ID为2的聚合端口,其正确命令是()。A、[SWA] interface bridge-aggregation 2B、[SWA] interface bridge-aggregation 2 port Ethernet1/0/1C、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/1] interface bridge-aggregation 2D、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/1] interface bridge-aggregation 2 mode static

考题 在S3610交换机上创建包含有端口Ethernet1/0/1,ID为2的聚合端口,其正确命令是()。A、[SWA]interfacebridge-aggregation2B、[SWA]interfacebridge-aggregation2portEthernet1/0/1C、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/1]interfacebridge-aggregation2D、[SWA-Ethernet1/0/1]interfacebridge-aggregation2modestatic

考题 LAG(Link Aggregation Group)只能配置在UNI端口上。

考题 凝集反应(aggregation reaction)

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考题 In which area of the campus LAN are the user computers attached to the network?()A、coreB、accessC、distributionD、aggregation

考题 In base e-Commerce module designs, where should firewall perimeters be placed? ()A、 core layerB、 Internet boundaryC、 aggregation layerD、 aggregation and core layersE、 access and aggregation layers

考题 Link aggregation is also known as port:()A、distributionB、mirroringC、spanningD、trunking

考题 Which smit fastpath should be used to configure Link Aggregation on a server?()A、tcpipB、linkAggC、failoverD、etherchannel

考题 名词解释题凝集反应(aggregation reaction)

考题 问答题Explain Route Aggregation in BGP.

考题 单选题What are the four steps, in their correct order, to mitigate a worm attack?()A contain,inoculate,quarantine,and treatB inoculate,contain,quarantine,and treatC quarantine,contain,inoculate,and treatD preparation,identification,traceback,and postmortemE preparation,classification,reaction,and treatF identification,inoculation,postmortem,and reaction

考题 单选题Which unique characteristics of the Data Center Aggregation layer must be considered by an Enterprise Campus designer?()A  Layer 3 routing between the Access and Aggregation layers facilities the ability to span VLANsacross multiple access switches, which is a requirement for many server virtualization andclustering technologies.B  “East-west” server-to-server traffic can travel between aggregation modules by way of the core,but backup and replication traffic typically remains within an aggregation module.C  Load balancing, firewall service, and other network service are commonly integrated by the useof service modules that are inserted in the aggregation switched.D  Virtualization tools allow a cost effective approach for redundancy in the network design byusing two or four VDCs from the same physical switch.

考题 名词解释题顶体反应(acrosomal reaction)

考题 单选题In base e-Commerce module designs, where should firewall perimeters be placed? ()A  core layerB  Internet boundaryC  aggregation layerD  aggregation and core layersE  access and aggregation layers