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更多 “单选题_____A OnceB UntilC HoweverD Unless” 相关考题
考题 Thomas is afraid of the dark, () he sleeps with a light on in his room. A、thereforeB、becauseC、howeverD、then

考题 ______ hard he tried, he could not lift it. A.WhateverB.No matterC.HoweverD.Although

考题 ______you pick up the case , you wi11 never give up. A.OnceB./C.Only

考题 Amanescapedfromtheprisonlastnight.Itwasalongtime_____theguardsdiscoveredthat. A.whenB.untilC.sinceD.before

考题 38_____A.onceB.ifC.becauseD.though

考题 The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult.A. onceB. whenC. ifD. unless

考题 27.A.FinallyB.FirstlyC.HoweverD.Anyway

考题 _______ the game had begun that Jim and Tony arrived at the sports ground.A. It was not untilB. It was untilC. Not untilD. Until

考题 44_______A.ifB.untilC.unlessD.as

考题 John was bored,__________he left his life in England.A. in additionB. soC. howeverD. furthermore

考题 Tom will come to see us ___ he is free tomorrow. A.ifB.untilC.whileD.as

考题 Don’t come___ I call you. A、sinceB、untilC、IfD、unless

考题 This shirt will lose its colour( )it's washed.A. asB. untilC. afterD. before

考题 Foreign words are easily forgotten _____ constantly repeated. A. sinceB. untilC. IfD. unless

考题 Ifeltsomewhatdisappointedandwasabouttoleave,________somethingoccurredwhichattractedmyattention.A)unlessB)untilC)whenD)while

考题 We’llvisitEuropenextyear_________wehaveenoughmoney.A)lestB)untilC)unlessD)provided

考题 A indeedB henceC howeverD therefore

考题 Come earlier next time; ______ you'll be punished.A. unlessB. untilC. otherwiseD. meanwhile

考题 The manager ordered the work__________A.to start at onceB.to be started at onceC.start at onceD.started at once

考题 36.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when

考题 All entries in Logbook,______ made,must not be erased or amended.A.onceB.whetherC.previousD.just

考题 The origins of human speech remain a mystery,__________ we have a fairly accurate idea of when writing began. A.once B.if C.though D.since

考题 第42题答案是__________A.so B.but C.however D.had

考题 Miss Gao is in the classroom at the moment.A:at once B:right now C:now D:all the time

考题 请选出读音不同的选项。( )A.thousand B.young C.however D.town

考题 We′11 visit Europe next year__________we have enough money.A.lest B.until C.unless" D.provided

考题 You may not go out_______your work is done.( )A.before B.until C.where D.as

考题 She didn’t leave for the airport () you came.A、unlessB、untilC、if