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更多 “单选题____A culturalB literateC nativeD responsible” 相关考题
考题 I was()devising sales strategies and targets for the West RegionA、responsible withB、responsible forC、responsible in

考题 “in general, credit card holders are only __________ up to $50 of any unauthorized charge.“ A. responsible forB. responsible withC. responsible inD. responsible to

考题 I see by a ___ paper that the New Jersey town where I live will hold a bicycle safety check. A、localB、locallyC、nativeD、natively

考题 Whichthreearevalidonline12?() A.finalB.staticC.nativeD.publicE.privateF.abstractG.protected

考题 publicinterfaceStatus{12./*insertcodehere*/intMY_VALUE=10;13.}Whichthreearevalidonline12?() A.finalB.staticC.nativeD.publicE.privateF.abstractG.protected

考题 GivenWhich three are valid on line?() A.finalB.staticC.nativeD.publicE.privateF.abstractG.protected

考题 Given11.publicinterfaceStatus{12./*insertcodehere*/intMY_VALUE=10;13.}Whichthreearevalidonline12?() A.finalB.staticC.nativeD.publicE.private

考题 Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) uses the Authoritative Edge Device (AED) to perform which tasks?()A、 The AED is responsible for sending all unicast traffic in a site, while either node in a site can transmit multicast and broadcast.B、 The AED is responsible for load balancing all traffic for all VLANs across the transport network.C、 The AED is responsible for handling all unicast, broadcast, and multicast traffic for a given VLAN within a site.D、 The AED is responsible for MAC address dispute contention for a given VLAN.

考题 Which statement is true about a certificate authority?()A、An entity responsible for registering the private key encryption used in a PKIB、An agency responsible for granting and revoking public-private key pairsC、A trusted third party responsible for signing the public keys of entities in a PKIbased systemD、A trusted third party responsible for signing the private keys of entities in a PKIbased system

考题 大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。()A、The chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.B、The second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.C、The third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.D、The chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.

考题 11. public interface Status {  12. /* insert code here */ int MY_VALUE = 10;  13. }  Which three are valid on line 12?()A、 finalB、 staticC、 nativeD、 publicE、 privateF、 abstractG、 protected

考题 Given 11.public interface Status { 12./* insert code here */ int MY_VALUE = 10; 13.} Which three are valid on line 12?()A、finalB、staticC、nativeD、publicE、private

考题 单选题The line manager is responsible for _____.A Giving a pay raiseB signing a contractC Arranging annual leaveD helping with personal affairs

考题 单选题Which of the following protocols is responsible for the resolution of IP addresses to MAC addresses?()A DHCPB ARPC DNSD RARP

考题 单选题Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().A Owners are to be responsible for loss or damage even such loss or damage is not caused by the improper stowageB Owners are only responsible for the loss or damage or delay caused by improper or negligent stowageC Both A and B are rightD Both A and B are wrong

考题 单选题When the chief engineer is in the machinery spaces, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall()A continue to be responsible for machinery space operations despite the presence of the CEB hand over the responsibility activelyC be responsible for the watching together with the chief engineerD assistant the chief engineer to control the machinery

考题 单选题You are responsible for ()hatches today.A closeB tocloseC closingD closed

考题 单选题Which of the followings needs not to be considered for bunkering?()A When to bunker?B Type of FOC Pollution prevention measuresD Engineer to be responsible for

考题 单选题大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。()A The chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.B The second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.C The third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.D The chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.

考题 单选题According to the Sale Contract,it’s of FOB plus S.T.term.It’s quite obvious that().A our ship is not responsible for trimming and stowingB our ship is responsible for trimming and stowingC our ship is responsible for expensesD our ship is not responsible for expenses

考题 单选题Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) uses the Authoritative Edge Device (AED) to perform which tasks?()A  The AED is responsible for sending all unicast traffic in a site, while either node in a site can transmit multicast and broadcast.B  The AED is responsible for load balancing all traffic for all VLANs across the transport network.C  The AED is responsible for handling all unicast, broadcast, and multicast traffic for a given VLAN within a site.D  The AED is responsible for MAC address dispute contention for a given VLAN.

考题 单选题Which statement is true about a certificate authority?()A An entity responsible for registering the private key encryption used in a PKIB An agency responsible for granting and revoking public-private key pairsC A trusted third party responsible for signing the public keys of entities in a PKIbased systemD A trusted third party responsible for signing the private keys of entities in a PKIbased system

考题 填空题Who should be responsible for the fault?____ should be responsible for the fault.

考题 单选题Which device is responsible for assigning label values in an MPLS network?()A upstream nodeB originating nodeC destination nodeD downstream node

考题 单选题Which of the following technologies is responsible for communication with the CPU?()A eSATAB PCI expressC SouthbridgeD Northbridge

考题 单选题Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens.Therefore,the stevedores()the cost of repairs effected.A should hold responsible forB should hear in mindC should be held responsible forD should bear no compensation for

考题 单选题I have to be responsible()my Shipowner.A againstB forC toD with

考题 单选题A pilot should be responsible()the safety of all the passengers on board.A againstB atC forD with