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It is easier to dock a right-hand,single-screw vessel().

starboard side to the wharf


either side to the wharf


port side to the wharf


stern to the wharf


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更多 “单选题It is easier to dock a right-hand,single-screw vessel().A starboard side to the wharfB either side to the wharfC port side to the wharfD stern to the wharf” 相关考题
考题 A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.A.turning maneuverB.course settingC.position fixingD.regulating speed

考题 Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when ______.A.a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoesB.a large,fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tankerC.there is an electrical storm in the vicinityD.there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

考题 The lines led forward from the bow and aft from the stern when a vessel is moored to the dock are ______.A.bow and stern linesB.breast linesC.halyardsD.warps

考题 When turning a ship in restricted space with a strong wind,it is normally best to ______.A.Go ahead on both engines with the rudder hard to one side,if on a twin-screw vesselB.Back down with the rudder hard to one side,if on a single-screw vesselC.Take advantage of the tendency to back to port,if on a twin-screw vesselD.Turn so that the tendency to back into the wind can be used,if on a single-screw vessel

考题 The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the ______.A.bossB.knuckleC.skegD.strut

考题 The use of an anchor to assist in turning in restricted waters is ______.A.A last resortB.Good seamanshipC.The sign of a novice shiphandlerD.To be used only with a single-screw vessel

考题 In order to back a right-handed, single-screw vessel in a straight line, you will probably need to use ______.A.very little rudderB.some left rudderC.some right rudderD.full left rudder

考题 单选题In order to back a right-handed,single-screw vessel in a straight line,you will probably need to use().A very little rudderB some left rudderC some right rudderD full left rudder

考题 单选题A twin-screw vessel is easier to maneuver than a single-screw vessel because the twin-screw vessel().A permits the rudder to move fasterB generates more powerC can turn without using her rudderD can suck the water away from the rudder

考题 单选题A single-screw vessel going ahead tends to turn more rapidly to port because of propeller().A discharge currentB suction currentC sidewise forceD thrust

考题 单选题A mooring line that prevents a vessel from moving sideways away from the dock is a().A bow lineB breast lineC stern lineD spring line

考题 单选题A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in()than a vessel with single screw.A turning maneuverB course settingC position fixingD regulating speed

考题 单选题On a single-screw vessel,when coming port side to a pier and being set off the pier,you should().A swing wide and approach the pier so as to land starboard side toB approach the pier on a parallel course at reduced speedC make your approach at a greater angle than in calm weatherD point the vessel's head well up into the slip and decrease your speed

考题 单选题One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it().A is the fastest methodB is easy for a single-screw vessel to performC requires the least shiphandling skills to performD can be used in reduced visibility

考题 单选题The effect known as bank cushion acts in which of the following ways on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel? ()A It forces the bow away from the bankB It forces the stern away from the bankC It forces the entire vessel away from the bankD It heels the vessel toward the bank

考题 单选题The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the().A bossB knuckleC skegD strut

考题 单选题Inspection of a vessel’s propeller during dry-dock should include ()A noting the condition of the fairwaterB inspection of the keywayC logging inspection results in the official deck logD all of above

考题 单选题How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?().A It pulls the bow toward the bankB It pushes the entire vessel away from the bankC It pulls the stern toward the bankD It heels the vessel toward the bank

考题 单选题You are docking a vessel starboard side to with the assistance of two tugs.You are attempting to hold the vessel off by operating both tugs at right angles to the vessel and at full power.You must ensure that().A steerageway is not taken offB the bow doesn't close the dock firstC the bow closes the dock firstD the ship has no headway at the time

考题 单选题The function of the bilge keel is to().A reduce the rolling of the vesselB serve as the vessel's main strength memberC add strength to the bilgeD protect the vessel's hull when alongside a dock

考题 单选题Your vessel is to dock bow in at a pier without the assistance of tugboats. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?()A Bow spring lineB Inshore head lineC Stern breast lineD Bow breast line

考题 单选题Vessel shall be placed at the()of the Charterers in such dock or at such berth or place as the Charterers may direct.A disposalB controlC operationD option

考题 单选题A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a dry dock. Under these circumstances,the vessel’s owner can claim().A actual total lossB constructive total lossC general averageD particular average

考题 单选题You are landing a single-screw vessel,with a right-hand propeller,starboard side to the dock.When you have approached the berth and back the engine,you would expect the vessel to ().A Lose headway without swingingB Turn her bow toward the dockC Turn her bow away from the dockD Head into the wind,regardless of the side the wind is on

考题 单选题When a vessel is in dry-dock, the vessel’s engineers should ().A examine the condition of the propellerB chip and paint all hull protection zincsC install new docking plugs in all cofferdamsD inspect the hull for hogging or sagging

考题 单选题When turning a ship in restricted space with a strong wind,it is normally best to().A Go ahead on both engines with the rudder hard to one side,if on a twin-screw vesselB Back down with the rudder hard to one side,if on a single-screw vesselC Take advantage of the tendency to back to port,if on a twin-screw vesselD Turn so that the tendency to back into the wind can be used,if on a single-screw vessel

考题 单选题The lines led forward from the bow and aft from the stern when a vessel is moored to the dock are().A bow and stern linesB breast linesC halyardsD warps