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本段前文讲到,大学毕业后先工作再继续进修研究生是有好处的,第三段讲到全体教职员支持该观点,并引用教授的原话加以论证。weigh in为美国俚语,意为“参加讨论;发表评论”。所以B项“全体教职员参与讨论”符合段落大意,故为答案。
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考题 单选题Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.A currentlyB fastC readilyD instantly

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考题 单选题Which of the following word can best describe anthropology?A Passionate.B Realistic.C Tolerant.D Creative.

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考题 单选题What do you find difficult in learning English?()A Listening and speaking.B Don‘t be afraid of difficulties.C Learning English is useful.D Don‘t be disappointed.

考题 单选题The author cites bicycle here to depict that _____.A bicycle is preferred in the case of transportation in short distanceB bicycle is still popular even in rich countriesC bicycle can give better exercises to human’s bodies despite of some defectsD bicycle is more risky without protection equipment

考题 单选题Hello, may I talk to the director now?()A Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B No, you can't.C Sorry, you can't.D I don't know.

考题 单选题()him go out if he wants to.A AllowB LeaveC LetD Permit

考题 单选题We often get()when people cut in line.A annoyingB annoyedC to annoyD annoy

考题 单选题How()do you have?A many baggageB much baggagesC many baggagesD much baggage

考题 单选题She was happy,()A So are youB So you areC So you wereD So were you

考题 单选题Banking panics may be prevented by means of _____.A deposit insuranceB growth strategyC long-term borrowingD warning memo

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考题 单选题____A limitedB committedC dedicatedD confined

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考题 单选题Will you have some dessert, Judy?()A No, thank you. I‘m on a diet.B Yes, I‘ve had enough.C You are so good at making it.D Oh, I don‘t mind.

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考题 单选题It is()that he has to ask for help.A so a big jobB a so big jobC a such big jobD such a big job