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考题 问答题What does the word “piquant” in the last paragraph probably mean?

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考题 单选题According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.A human societies will be much more cooperativeB man will live in a highly organized worldC machines will replace manD living beings will disappear from Earth

考题 单选题Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A Florence Nightingale at Hospital.B Changes to Hospital Made by Nightingale.C Nightingale’s Contribution to Nursing.D Lifesaver Hero—Florence Nightingale.

考题 单选题How should we understand the richness of these three civilizations according to the passage?A It meant people’s ability to produce commodities.B It meant people’s ability to domesticate plants and animals.C In population it meant the ability to raise a ruling class.D In population it meant the ability to draw other peoples to the area.

考题 问答题端午节是为了纪念中国古代一位博学多闻的官吏屈原。他热爱人民,受到尊崇,但是其他官吏出于嫉妒陷害了他,从此在朝廷中被皇帝冷落。由于无法获得皇帝的重视,屈原在忧郁中投汨罗江自尽。由于对屈原的爱戴,汨罗江畔的居民匆忙的划船在江内寻找屈原,并且将米丢入汨罗江中,以平息江中的蛟龙。虽然当时并没有找到屈原,但是他们的行动,直到今天还在端午节中被人们传颂纪念着。

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考题 问答题“看完之后觉得像以前做过的梦,或者是别人告诉我的一个故事,也许是以前读Coco小说时一瞬间产生的情绪,总而言之我很喜欢这种感觉……比如先把什么东西打碎了,然后重新拼凑起来,令人多愁善感。”  莎米尔做了个用手掩胸的姿势,“真的吗?”她说话的声音里有种奇怪的童音,举手投足忽而沉静如水,然后又会突然爆发。当她同意你的意见时就会伸手抓住你的手腕,用令人信服的口气强调说:“是的,就是这样子的。”

考题 问答题Why can’t the cars made by European manufacturer sell well in China?

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考题 问答题According to SustainAbility, what is the reason for the appearance of so many different definitions for globalization?

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following does the author probably advocate?A A name brand phone company supply mobile phones with high-quality MP3 player.B A Chinese restaurant boasts of genuine Sichuan cuisine.C A western restaurant has best decoration and high-ranking service.D A famous restaurant provides entertainment performance to customers.

考题 单选题Rachel Trickett seems to indicate the term “lady”______.A is preferred by feminists.B is too old-fashioned to use.C victimizes women in society.D has acquired a different meaning.

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考题 单选题Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to _____.A behave properlyB attain his goal as soon as possibleC show his affection for his parentsD talk quietly

考题 问答题The modern Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event nowadays. However, there are constant voices to call for stopping the Olympic Games. The followings are opinions on whether we should abolish the Olympics from different media. Read them carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.http://camilla.com.au/  The Olympic charter’s call for a “peaceful society” and the “preservation of human dignity” is a very noble one, but its means are rather odd. Through fierce athletic competition between nations, individual rivalries between athletes, who, training for 75% of their waking life, probably play a very little role in their society anyway.  The Olympics is an arena for individual achievement: however, if someone is to win a race, others must lose. Emphasis is not placed on athletes improving their personal best but on who wins.  Having many nations come together shows worldwide solidarity, but it is a strange sort of solidarity, nations united by their athletes in Lycra and branded shoes. The cultures of nations are shown by little more than flag waving and the appearance of their mascots.The Guardian  The original “spirit” of the Olympics was supposedly that of sporting competition between amateurs who competed for the honor of doing so, and to test themselves against the best sportspeople from around the world. However, the Olympics has become ever more commercialized, high-jacked by corporations and turned into a giant advertising hoarding. The kinds of moneys and rewards potentially available from excelling on the international stage has served to incentivise not only professionalization, also corruption and cheating. The professed aspirations of the Olympic movement and the grubby reality of the contemporary Olympics are now utterly opposed.The New York Times  Citizens of the host city, often uninterested in the Olympic spectacle, can end up having to foot the bill by paying extra taxes, or having their existing taxes routed away from other services. The construction of Olympic facilities, company investment and the regeneration of areas in host cities can be very disruptive, pricing local residents and shopkeepers out of their areas. Building an Olympic site can necessitate the demolition of homes and historical places. Previous Olympics have shown that Olympic resources, when the games are over, do not always benefit the host city or society. Olympic sites can become ghost towns, so characteristic of the year they were built in as to be aesthetically odd, impractical, inhospitable and unfashionable a decade later.TIME  The athletes competing in the Olympic games have worked hard for years, showing dedication to achieving physical greatness. They keep to a strict diet, and put in hundreds of hours training in a week, all for the honor of competing against the best athletes in the world. Those that are caught cheating are dealt with harshly, which teaches against honesty and dedication to one’s dreams.  Athletes dedicate the best part of their lives to this ideal, by constantly improving their performance. Individual performance stands here for “celebration of collective values”—including that of fair competition. Individual athletes represent whole nations—their competing actualizes transnational togetherness and the search for commonality and global cooperation.  Above all, the Olympic spirit is a beacon of hope. Countless times the games have instilled hope and togetherness in many. In a world of growling animosity, it is encouraging to see a sense of peace and togetherness gather every four years.

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考题 问答题The emergence of the Uber digital tide finder and the regulation questions it tends to raise have inspired debates, protests and supports around the world. The following are comments on legalization of ride-hailing service both from officials and ordinary citizens. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the comments from both sides;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Government Authorities  Maranda Gibson, a representative from Los Angeles Department of Transportation: The drivers for Uber are not required to pass background checks or have their vehicles inspected for safety. They don’t have to pay the same taxes, insurance fees and licensing fees that taxi drivers do. While taxi drivers go through an extensive training course called “the Knowledge”, where drivers must learn 320 routes covering 25,000 streets, as well as important buildings and points of interest, Uber drivers can come straight with a car and GPS.  Boris Johnson, a British politician: I have sympathy for taxi drivers, but it would be “difficult” for the government to ban Uber. We’ve gone to the high court to get a ruling on this, and the issue is basically: is the driver’s mobile in the cab equivalent to a taxi meter? I can see why my learned friends might think that it is, because it’s receiving data about, or it’s calculating, the distance and time and the fare. And there are other lawyers who say that it isn’t, and that was the advice of the counsel to Transport for London. And so we’ve got a legal problem.Ordinary Citizens  Mary Williams: I think as long as the Uber drivers have the necessary background checks done (they don’t have any warrants, are not reckless drivers, and are properly insured) then they should be allowed to offer their services. The transportation market is changing as it should with technology. I think it’s great that Uber users are able to see their driver’s ratings and can hail them quicker than they can get a cab. It’s just a different way of doing business.  Matthew Yglesias: I think it’s pretty obvious that Uber does in fact need to be regulated. And regulated pretty heavily. After all, here’s the business: You’ve got people cruising around cities in medium sized metal boxes capable of traveling at high speeds and powered by burning gasoline. Left unregulated, these vehicles would poison the air and crush huge numbers of innocent pedestrians. Which is why it’s good that the federal government regulates what kind of automobiles are considered safe to drive and regulates what kind of vehicle emissions are acceptable, and it’s why state and local governments regulate both who is allowed to drive cars (with driver’s licenses), under what circumstances (with drunk driving laws), and of course what you’re allowed to do with a vehicle (with road rules). These are important things for the government to do.  Daniel Tencer: The regulatory issue around Uber is whether the rules governing rides-for-hire need to be drastically different than the rules governing driving-yourself-around. But you don’t need rules that specifically discriminate against rides for hire. Anything you want to do around driving yourself is presumptively legal, and you want to do around hiring someone else to drive you is presumptively illegal. But by all means, regulate cars-for-hire, just regulate them the same way you regulate the other cars.

考题 问答题Which kind of models do children tend to imitate?

考题 问答题More and more students are renting flats to live away from campus, and some of them are student lovers. Some students think this is unacceptable, but others find it attractive. What is your opinion on student lovers living together? Write an article of about 400 words to express your opinion. You should supply a title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

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