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They were nicer and gentler.


They paid more attention to their appearance.


They were willing to spend more money on clothes.


They were more aware of changes in fashion.


细节题。录音提到“Haven’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier?”,言外之意是过去人们对待人都很友好、慷慨,故A项正确。
更多 “单选题A They were nicer and gentler.B They paid more attention to their appearance.C They were willing to spend more money on clothes.D They were more aware of changes in fashion.” 相关考题
考题 根据下列材料请回答 26~30 题:BToday there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger and more and more people began to live there. The city was very dirty and many people were poor. There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes as much as possible.In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called "Bow Street Runners" because they worked near Bow Street.Fifty years later, there were 120 "Bow Street Runners", but London had become very big and needed more policemen. So in 1829, the first Metropolitan (or London)Police Force was started with 3,000 officers. Most of the men worked on foot, but a few rode horses. Until 1920 all the police in London were men.Today. the London police are quite well paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses, the pay is even better than for the others.第 26 题 In 1700, the men who protected the streets were paid __________.A. a fewB. nothingC. a littleD. a lot

考题 He had more dictionaries than_________ for his work.() A.they are neededB.were necessaryC.it was neededD.necessary were they to him

考题 Nowadays, more and more attention is being paid ______ “Business Ethics”. A. toB. forC. of

考题 As time passed, many more () for the laser were developed. A.applicationsB.applicantsC.appliesD.applying

考题 What Mr. Smith did was important , but ______. A. more important the way of he did things wasB. the way of he did things was more importantC. more important was the way he did thingsD. more important the way were he did things

考题 It can be inferred from the increase of fruit consumption that ______.A) people had to spend more on transportation and furnitureB) people were more health consciousC) people were more money consciousD) the price of fruit dropped dramatically

考题 A It was a village in India . The people were poor. However , they were not unhappy .After all, their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.Then one day. Some visitors from the city arrived. The told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog’s legs . However , they did not have enough frogs of their own ,and so they wanted to buy frogs from other place.This seemed like money for nothing .There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them .Agreement was reached ,and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the first time , the people were able to dream of a batter future ,But the dream didn’t last long.The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well. More worrying was that the children fell ill more ofen, and, there seeemed to be more insects aroud lately.The vilagers decided that they couldn’t just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides(杀虫剂) and medicines.Soon there was no money left.Then the peaple realized what was happening. It was the frog. They hadn’t been useless.They had been doing an important job---eating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects wereIncreasing more rapidly. They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.Now, the peaple are still poor.But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs.These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning .from paragraoh I we learn that the villagers __________.A.worked very hard for centuriesB.dreamed of having a better lifeC.were poor but somewhat contentD.lived a different life from their forefathers

考题 If there were fewer management staff, more work ().Awould be doneBwill be doneCwould have be doneDshould be done

考题 In 1905 two more provinces were created.They were()AOntario and QuebecBManitoba and British ColumbiaCAlberta and SaskatchewanDNewfoundland and Prince Edward Island

考题 In 1905 two more provinces were created.They were().A、Ontario and QuebecB、Manitoba and British ColumbiaC、Alberta and SaskatchewanD、Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island

考题 单选题If there were fewer management staff, more work ().A would be doneB will be doneC would have be doneD should be done

考题 单选题The structures designed by Ralph C. Harris were fifteen-and seventeen-story buildings, and for their time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residences in existence.A time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesB era, they were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesC era, were some of the largest and more luxurious hotels and residencesD time, they were some of the largest and most luxurious hotels and residencesE era, were some of the largely and more luxuriously hotels and residences

考题 单选题In 1905 two more provinces were created.They were()A Ontario and QuebecB Manitoba and British ColumbiaC Alberta and SaskatchewanD Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island

考题 单选题According to Karen Norberg, ______.A among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys.B the chance of a woman giving birth to a girl is higher if she has been living with a man before the child was conceived.C for parents who were not cohabiting, boys were born 51.5% of the time.D women who have not been living with a man are more likely to have daughters.

考题 单选题Only then he became aware of the fact that there were more difficulties ahead than he had expected.A Only thenB he becameC the factD than

考题 单选题Which of the following about those who were breast-fed is NOT mentioned?A They stayed longer in school.B They were happier.C They were smarter.D They made more money.

考题 单选题Outbreak of small-arms fire along the frontier became more frequent in May but _______ officially investigated.A hardly any such incidents wereB hardly were any such incidentsC hardly were such any incidentsD hardly such any incidents were

考题 单选题Other non-dominant males were hyperactive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting each other.A hardly activeB relatively activeC extremely inactiveD pathologically active

考题 单选题The chairman requested that _____.A the members studied the problem more carefullyB the problems were more carefully studiedC the problems could be studied with more careD the members study the problem more carefully

考题 单选题Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.A whichB itC whatD that

考题 单选题According to the passage, Asian civilizations, which were ahead of Europe’s, fell behind because ______.A Asian languages were more difficult to learnB European languages had simple alphabetsC they didn’t have the technology to spread ideasD people’s communication skills were not good enough

考题 单选题A They were nicer and gentler.B They paid more attention to their appearance.C They were willing to spend more money on clothes.D They were more aware of changes in fashion.

考题 单选题The employees were able to network more efficiently as ______ began using the new intranet system.A themselvesB themC theirD they

考题 单选题What impact did color printing have on children’s books?A Sales increased by the middle of the 19th century.B Rough illustrations were now more appealing.C Illustrations told more of the story and were more appealing.D Books became more amusing.

考题 单选题A They tried to collect more money than the ruler asked for.B They were given some silver and gold coins by the ruler.C They were excused from paying income tax.D They enjoyed being invited to dinner at the ruler’s palace.

考题 问答题Changes in the way people live bring about changes in the jobs that they do.More and more people live in towns and cities instead on farms and in villages.  (1)_______Cities and states have to provide services city people want, such like more    (2)_______police protection, more hospitals, and more schools. This means that morepolicemen, more nurses and technicians, and more teachers must be hired.Advances in technology, has also changed people’s lives. Dishwashers and     (3) _______shing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. The widespread use    (4) _______of such electrical appliances means that there is a need for servicemen to keep it(5) _______running properly.  People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads changes in the way  (6) _______of life. As income goes down, people may not want more food to eat or more    (7) _______clothes to wear. But they may want more and better care from doctors, dentistsand hospitals. They are likely to travel more and to want more education.Nevertheless, many more jobs are available in these services.          (8) _______  The government also affects the kind of works people do. The governments  (9) _______of most countries spend huge sums of money for international defense. They    (10) _______hire thousands of engineers, scientists, clerks, typists and secretaries to work onthe many different aspects of defense.

考题 单选题The writer seems to hope that ______.A people will spend more money on the National LotteryB people will give more money to charityC most of the lottery money will go to charityD most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research

考题 单选题A stayed far away from cat's unneB moved around the area freely and tearlesslyC because more sensitive to cat's smellD were more afraid of cats