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It can be inferred from the first paragraph that mankind _____.

has just begun to exploit the natural resources of the earth


believes that natural resources can be used in stages


has discovered that there are unlimited sources of raw materials


believes that the entire earth can be used as raw materials


文中第一段在提出一些人的“仓库式”观点后指出“Instead, the fact seems to be that the first storehouse in which man found himself was only one in a series”,与此相反,事实上似乎那第一个仓库只是一系列仓库中的一个。可见,人们对现有的自然资源的开发和利用还只是初步的阶段,总会有新的探索和发现,故答案为A。B选项不严密,似乎是说人们主观能动地把自然资源分阶段使用,而事实并非如此。C选项在文中有明确提及,不属“推断”的范畴。
更多 “单选题It can be inferred from the first paragraph that mankind _____.A has just begun to exploit the natural resources of the earthB believes that natural resources can be used in stagesC has discovered that there are unlimited sources of raw materialsD believes that the entire earth can be used as raw materials” 相关考题
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