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After the flood, life was (extreme) ____ difficult for the farmers in this area.


更多 “填空题After the flood, life was (extreme) ____ difficult for the farmers in this area.” 相关考题
考题 65. From the last paragraph(段落) we know that the writer thinks _____.A. only school courses are useful to kidsB. some extra-curricular courses kids learn after school are not necessaryC. some extra-curricular courses are even more difficult for adultsD. kids shouldn’t learn difficult courses

考题 David likes country life and has decided to () farming. A.go in forB.go intoC.go throughD.go after

考题 Mr. Hodges was the owner and editor of a small newspaper.He always tried to bring his readers the latest news.One day, he received an exciting telephone call from someone who claimed that he had just come through a big flood in a village it in his paper that evening. He was delighted to see that no other paper had got hold of the story.Unfortunately, however, angry telephone calls soon showed that he had been tricked, so in the next day's paper he wrote: "We were the first and only newspaper to report yesterday that the village of Greenbridge had been destroyed by a flood. Today, we are proud to say that our newspaper is the first one to bring our readers the news that yesterday's story was quite false."6.Mr. Hodges always tries to bring to his readers a lot of pleasure.A.TB.F7.A big flood up in the mountains was the news that someone gave Mr. Hodges one day.A.TB.F8.After Mr. Hodges received the news, he published it right away.A.TB.F9.Mr. Hodges found later the flood was really terrible.A.TB.F10.Mr. Hodges is a good editor.A.TB.F

考题 “Juggling one\'s life” probably means living a life characterized by _______ .A nonmaterialistic lifestyle.B a bit of everythingC extreme streeD anticonsumerism

考题 Wernment , a large number of people____after the flood in 1991.A: survivedB: suspendedC: sufferedD: subfected

考题 ______ is the use of seemingly plausible arguments either to justify something that is difficult to accept or to make it seem ‘not so bad after all’. A、CirculationB、AssumptionC、RationalizationD、Dishonesty

考题 It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A、sleepB、to sleepingC、sleptD、to sleep

考题 Good web pages for children can ( ).A. be a waste of timeB. help them with their studiesC. do homework for themD. make life difficult

考题 Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced ______.A.every 6 months after initial installationB.every 12 months after initial installationC.every 24 months after initial installationD.on or before the expiration date of the power source

考题 After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a life raft to ______.A.keep the life raft from capsizingB.navigate against the currentC.keep personnel from getting seasickD.stay in the general location

考题 It______that 200 people died and over 5,000 lost their shelters after the flood.A.reported B.reports C.has been reported D.has reported

考题 These plants are rather difficult()Ato look afterBto be looked afterCbeing looked afterDlooking after

考题 These plants are rather difficult()A、to look afterB、to be looked afterC、being looked afterD、looking after

考题 单选题What describes a flood current().A Horizontal movement of the water toward the land after high tideB Horizontal movement of the water toward the land after low tideC Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following high tideD Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following low tide

考题 单选题The Eos authors claim all of the following EXCEPT that _____.A the possible higher frequency of flood raises concerns about dam safetyB conventional dam design hasn’t realized the possible feedback mechanismsC dam design protocol shouldn’t assume unchanging extreme precipitation eventsD the dams’ function has been weakened mainly because it is getting older

考题 单选题If you wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning ship it will().A weigh you downB preserve body heatC reduce your body heatD make it more difficult to breathe

考题 填空题What is the-second goal for buying life insurance?To pay off a mortgage or ____ after death.

考题 单选题A bridge over a navigable waterway is being repaired. There is a traveller platform under the bridge’s deck that significantly reduces the vertical clearance. If required by the CG district commander,how will this be indicated at night?()A Illumination by flood lightsB A quick flashing red light at each lower cornerC A strobe light visible both up and downstreamD Fixed amber lights under the extreme outer edges of the traveller

考题 填空题The purpose of new technology is to make life (easy) ____, not to make it more difficult.

考题 单选题To make sure of getting the full advantage of a favorable current,you should reach an entrance or strait at what time in relation to the predicted time of the favorable current?()A One hour after the predicted timeB At the predicted timeC 30 minutes before flood,one hour after an ebbD 30 minutes before the predicted time

考题 单选题They()the flood after a heroic fight lasting five days and four nights.A conqueredB combatedC wonD withdrew

考题 单选题After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a life raft to().A keep the life raft from capsizingB navigate against the currentC keep personnel from getting seasickD stay in the general location

考题 单选题The purpose of the refrigeration system low pressure cutout switch is to ()A protect the compressor from liquid flood backB protect the compressor from low discharge pressureC start and stop the compressor upon system demandD start the compressor after a drop in the evaporator pressure

考题 问答题练习4  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

考题 单选题The light on a life jacket must be replaced().A when the power source is replacedB each year after installationC every six monthsD when it is no longer serviceable

考题 单选题Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced().A every 6 months after initial installationB every 12 months after initial installationC every 24 months after initial installationD on or before the expiration date of the power source

考题 填空题After the flood, life was (extreme) ____ difficult for the farmers in this area.

考题 单选题These plants are rather difficult()A to look afterB to be looked afterC being looked afterD looking after