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They()the flood after a heroic fight lasting five days and four nights.









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更多 “单选题They()the flood after a heroic fight lasting five days and four nights.A conqueredB combatedC wonD withdrew” 相关考题
考题 After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. __________

考题 First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __first impression.A. a; theB. the; theC. a; aD. the; a

考题 I ( )the picture last month/five days ago. A.paintedB.have paintedC.had paintedD.was painting

考题 Do you rant to wait? Five days()too long for me to wait.A、 areB、 isC、 were

考题 Wernment , a large number of people____after the flood in 1991.A: survivedB: suspendedC: sufferedD: subfected

考题 I can hardly imagine Peter()across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A、to have sailedB、to sailC、SailingD、sail

考题 Youhaveissuedthefollowingcommand:RMANCONFIGURERETENTIONPOLICYTORECOVERYWINDOWOF100DAYS;Whatwillbetheresultofusingtheabovecommand?() A.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedinthecontrolfilefor100days.B.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintherecoverycatalogfor100days.C.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintheflashrecoveryareafor100days.D.After100days,thebackupsetsandimagecopieswillbedeletedfromthemedia.

考题 Lay days ______ to commence after the expiry of a specified time after the giving of the notice of readiness to load or discharge.A.isB.areC.will beD.shall be

考题 How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board ________.A.At least two years after the last entryB.At least one year after the last entryC.At least 90 days after the last entryD.At least 30 days after the last entry

考题 It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days.A.frighteningB.threateningC.scatteringD.Warning

考题 The committee __________ a conclusion only after days of discussion. A.released B.achieved C.reached D.accomplished

考题 汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。Aat sightBat  xx days  after sightCat  xx days  after dateDat  xx days  after shipment

考题 Do you want to wait? Five days()too long for me to wait.AwasBwereCisDare

考题 票的付款期限在下述记载方式中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期。A、at sightB、at××days after sightC、at××days after dateD、at××days after shipment

考题 汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。A、at sightB、at  xx days  after sightC、at  xx days  after dateD、at  xx days  after shipment

考题 下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A、Payment byD/P30days after sightB、Payment at sightC、Payment by sightL/CD、PaymentD/A30days after sight

考题 After running the CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 7 DAYS command, what has been accomplished?()A、Retain the data file backup for 7 days.B、Run the recover process every 7 days.C、Destroy the physical backup files every 7 days.D、Destroy the physical backup files older than 7 days.E、Retain one backup of each data file for at least 7 days.F、Keep the catalog information in the control file for 7 days.

考题 You issue the following command on the RMAN prompt.   RMAN REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS = 5 DATABASE;   Which statement is true about executing this command?()A、 It will display a list of files that need incremental backup.B、 It will display a list of files that need backup after five days.C、 It will display a list of files that were backed up in the last five days.D、 It will display a list of files that have not been backed up in the last five days.E、 It will apply the current retention policy to determine the files that need to be backed up.

考题 单选题She ______ ill for five days.A isB has beenC was

考题 单选题Do you want to wait? Five days()too long for me to wait.A wasB wereC isD are

考题 单选题You issue the following command on the RMAN prompt.   REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS 5;   Which statement is true about executing this command?()A  It will display a list of files that need incremental backupB  It will display a list of files that need backup after five daysC  It will display a list of files that were backed up in the last five daysD  It will display a list of files that have not been backed up in the last five daysE  It will apply the current retention policy to determine the files that need to be backed up

考题 单选题汇票的付款期限的下述记载中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款时间。A at sightB at  xx days  after sightC at  xx days  after dateD at  xx days  after shipment

考题 单选题You issue the following command on the RMAN prompt. REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS 5; Which statement is true about executing this command?()A It will display a list of files that need incremental backupB It will display a list of files that need backup after five daysC It will display a list of files that were backed up in the last five daysD It will display a list of files that have not been backed up in the last five daysE It will apply the current retention policy to determine the files that need to be backed up

考题 单选题下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A Payment byD/P30days after sightB Payment at sightC Payment by sightL/CD PaymentD/A30days after sight

考题 填空题After the flood, life was (extreme) ____ difficult for the farmers in this area.

考题 单选题You issue the following command on the RMAN prompt.   RMAN REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS = 5 DATABASE;   Which statement is true about executing this command?()A  It will display a list of files that need incremental backup.B  It will display a list of files that need backup after five days.C  It will display a list of files that were backed up in the last five days.D  It will display a list of files that have not been backed up in the last five days.E  It will apply the current retention policy to determine the files that need to be backed up.

考题 单选题票的付款期限在下述记载方式中,()必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期。A at sightB at××days after sightC at××days after dateD at××days after shipment