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录音中提到“It isn’t a good idea to borrow money for non-essentials”,也就是说不应该借钱买一些非必需品,空格前有aren’t表示否定,故应填入essentials。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题What does the passage mainly talk about?A Scribbler50’s attitude towards smoking bans.B The research on how people can stop smoking.C The effectiveness of smoking bans.D Smoking bans in restaurants and bars.

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考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The moment I met her, I couldn’t _____ her name.A memorizeB remindC rememberD recall

考题 单选题After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____.A deterioratedB dispersedC dissipatedD drained

考题 单选题Every room in the house _____ entered, and $10 in notes and a gold watch were missing.A wasB had beenC has beenD have been

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考题 问答题What is the significance to understanding the sunspot component according to the passage?

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考题 单选题He blew out the candle and _____ his way to the door.A convergedB gropedC stroveD wrenched

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____A “mental cosmetics” is already a reality.B a new generation of mind-enhancing drugs may be a near future.C Ritalin and Modafinil have no mind-enhancing properties.D cognitive enhancers have been developed perfectly.

考题 单选题Which of the following past particle (过去分词) is used as an predicative(表语)?A Autumn comes, and there are many fallen leaves on the street.B His right hand got burnt in that big fire.C I want the letter posted.D He wants to buy a used car.

考题 单选题To ensure maximal voter participation in a presidential election, thorough planning and a voter registration _____ are usually required.A restrictionB encouragementC investigationD drive

考题 单选题Within ten years they have turned the _____ hill into green woods.A vacantB barrenC weirdD wasteful

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考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following can probably lead to women’s work-related strain?A They are not creative enough in their work.B They could not afford to lose their job.C They have no say in decision-making.D They are underpaid compared with men.

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考题 问答题What are the features of the recruiters according to the passage?

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考题 单选题A To be a book editor.B To produce a film.C To write a book.D To be an actress.

考题 单选题Which of the following italicized phrases indicates PURPOSE?A Her parents wish her to be a teacher.B The best way to learn English is to use it.C His family was too poor to support him.D She took a plane to come back soon.

考题 单选题A It is helpful in reflecting the way people link information in the brain.B It prevents people from arranging things logically.C It makes people’s brain function the opposite way.D It affects people’s way of thinking.

考题 单选题Ninety-five per cent of its magnificent collection will remain _____ to the public.A incredibleB infectiousC incompatibleD inaccessible