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The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are _____.









更多 “单选题The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are _____.A surprisingB confusingC illogicalD questionable” 相关考题
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考题 The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he__________.A.just reads about other people's observations and discoveries B.comes up with solution in most natural ways C.has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic D.lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

考题 The author was required to submit an()of about 200 words together with his research paper. A.edition B.editorial C.article D.abstract

考题 单选题The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he _____.A just reads about other people’s observations and discoveriesB comes up with solutions in most natural waysC has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmeticD lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

考题 单选题By calling it “tap-dancing to work”, Warren Buffett thinks the author’s job is _____A a great challenge to brain power.B significant in the development of technology.C enjoyable in spite of any possible hardships.D a window through which people are shown a new world.

考题 单选题Why does the author say that the important part of this research began when two Harvard researchers were brought in?A Until then the research had been poorly conducted.B They took a multifaceted approach.C The results of the original research did not make sense.D Harvard had a good reputation in conducting research.

考题 单选题The author of the text is primarily concerned with ______.A advancing a new methodology for changing a monkey’s social behaviorB comparing the methods of several research studies on aggression among monkeysC explaining the reasons for researcher’s interest in monkey’ s social behaviorD discussing the development of investigators’ theories about aggression among monkeys

考题 单选题The author thinks that ______.A packing is actually useless and could be ignoredB people will soon stop using packaging altogetherC enough research has been done into recyclingD it is better to produce new materials than to re-use old ones

考题 单选题The author of Passage 2. most likely thinks that macroevolution ______.A explains the dysfunctional genes present in hemoglobinB has been proved to be true by scientific investigationsC is a theory that lacks sufficient evidenceD has never taken place on any scaleE provides insight into our biological cousins

考题 单选题A She thinks she needs more acting experience.B She is excited about learning new acting skills.C She thinks she is not very skilled at acting.D She thinks she is better at acting than directing.

考题 单选题By saying “condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging and doing push-ups against eternity”, the author means that .A she thinks people shouldn’t be so concerned about physical fitnessB she feels too old and tired to do such hard exerciseC American society is overemphasizing youth and physical appearanceD what happened to children centuries ago may occur to adults in America soon

考题 填空题The author thinks the electricity is something existed all along that can’t be described as an invention.____

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 1 (reproduced below)?Mike Reynolds who is the author of the book, The New Girl came to our school to speak about his book, which tells about him portraying a woman for six weeks.A (As it is now)B Mike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, spoke at our school about his book, in which he describes how he portrayed a woman for six weeks.C Mike Reynolds, the author of The New Girl, came to our school and told us about his book, where he portrayed a woman for six weeks.D The author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds came to our school to speak, in it he portrayed a woman for six weeks,E The author of The New Girl, Mike Reynolds, spoke at our school about his book, that portrays a woman for six weeks.

考题 单选题The author thinks of advertisements as to teenagers ______.A inevitableB influentialC instructiveD attractive

考题 单选题The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Milankovitch theory?A It is the only possible explanation for the ice ages.B It is too limited to provide a plausible explanation for the ice ages, despite recent research findings.C It cannot be tested and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.D It is one plausible explanation, though not the only one, for the ice ages.E It is not a plausible explanation for the ice ages, although it has opened up promising possibilities for future research.

考题 单选题The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are _____.A surprisingB confusingC illogicalD questionable

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考题 单选题In the passage, the author is primarily interested in ______.A suggesting an alternative to an out-dated research methodB introducing a new research method that calls an accepted theory into questionC emphasizing the instability of data gathered from the application of a new scientific methodD presenting a theory and describing a new method to test that theoryE initiating a debate about a widely accepted theory

考题 单选题How does the British Queen feel about the Internet?A She is enthusiastic about the Internet.B She thinks the Internet is boring.C She dislikes the Internet.

考题 单选题The author thinks that _____.A many people have labored to be leadersB leaders are beyond our understandingC the essence of leadership has not been graspedD the definitions of leadership should vary

考题 单选题In the research conducted by Daniel Langleben, _____.A many liars were not detected by the researchersB many subjects were caught lying by the researchersC no subject successfully deceived the researchersD the mixed results failed to lead to credible conclusions

考题 单选题The author thinks living alone is disastrous mainly because singleton is _____.A harmful to people’s lifeB destructive to our ecosystemC dangerous to plants and animalsD unworkable in our society