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There is something wrong with my TV set:I must have it _____.





to check




根据句意“我要让我的电视机被检查”,要用have sth. done结构,故为D。
更多 “单选题There is something wrong with my TV set:I must have it _____.A checkingB cheekC to checkD checked” 相关考题
考题 54. The manager called my neighbor in when he saw him because______.A. he didn’t have enough shoes for his customers(顾客)B. my neighbor’s mother had taken a wrong pair of shoesC. there was something wrong with his checkD. he found it hard to satisfy his customers

考题 There is something wrong with my TV set, I must have it (). A.checkingB.checkC.to checkD.checked

考题 Something must be wrong with the post office—Sam didn’t _______ my package sent two months ago. A.acceptB.receiveC.arriveD.take

考题 Hello, everyone. I'd like to talk about myself. My name is Lily. I am an IT worker. I work at the ABC company in Shanghai. Now I am working as a trainee (实习) Information Technology Manager. I am in charge of about 45 people. I am here on my own. My family is in Hong Kong. I don't have any brothers, but I have a sister. She works on newspaper advertisements. She is now sitting in front of the TV set and watching me on TV in our house in Hong Kong. I believe, my mother and father are together with her too. I would like to say hello to my family. Hi, Mum and Dad! Hello, Rose! Can you see me and hear me clearly? I am now in the TV studio (演播室) of Shanghai TV Station. We are making a program about our company. These people around me are my colleagues. That one over there is our boss.(1). Lily works in IT.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(2). Lily has got a big family in Hong Kong.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(3). Lily is working on a training program in the TV studio of Shanghai TV Station.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(4). Lily is going to be the IT Manager.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(5). Lily's boss and her colleagues are in Shanghai now.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.

考题 If I lived on a desert island, I wouldn’t be bored or lonely. I prefer being on my own, and I think I’d enjoy that. I’d make my own entertainment. If I had a pen and some paper, I’d write a novel. I’ve always wanted to do that, but I’ve never had time. If I didn have to go to work, I抎 have lots of time, wouldn I? I be happy to leave my job as I don like my bossshe always complaining. If I had some tools, I have a garden and grow my own food. I quite good at gardening and really enjoy working outside. I grow lots of vegetables and fruit. I eat fish if I could catch them. I haven抰 been fishing since I was a child, but I抦 sure I could remember how to do it. I wouldn抰 miss watching television or driving my car. The programmes are all boring, and the roads are too busy these days. I’d miss my family and friends, but I think I’d be happier than I am now!(1). I wouldn’t be bored or lonely if I lived on a desert island.A、 RightB、Wrong(2). I’ve never had time to read a novel.A、 RightB、Wrong(3). I would grow my own food.A、 RightB、Wrong(4). I won’t remember how to fish.A、 RightB、Wrong(5).I would miss TV.A、 RightB、Wrong

考题 9. I haven-t checked my e-mails,because there's__________wrong with my computer.A.somethingB.anything ,C. everythingD. nothing

考题 Where is my pen? I ______ it.A. might loseB. would have lostC. should have lostD. must have lost

考题 --I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn't recognize her voice.--Oh, it _________my aunt Jean.A. must beB. must have beenC. might beD. can have been

考题 I think I must have ______ my purse at home.A. forgottenB. missedC. leftD. taken

考题 —I’d like to have credit information about my corporate partner in Australia.—() A. Well, our department deals with all kinds of consultant service.B. Please call me at any time, if you have any questions.C. I have something wrong with the credit of my cooperate partner.

考题 There is something wrong with my TV set;I must have it _____.A. repairingB. repairC. to repairD. repaired

考题 Look ! The traffic light is red.I ( ) stop my car. A、oughtB、must haveC、mustD、have to

考题 There is _______ with the TV. A.anything wrongB.wrong somethingC.wrong anythingD.something wrong

考题 There must be something wrong with my computer,()there?A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. isn't

考题 Hello, is that service center? The elevator of our apartment doesn't work.()A. Oh, I don't know what's wrong with it.B. Sorry,I'll have it checked out at once.C. OK, I see.

考题 Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?()ADon‘t worry about me.BJust stay in bed and have a good rest.CThere must be something wrong.DYes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy.

考题 Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?()A、Don‘t worry about me.B、Just stay in bed and have a good rest.C、There must be something wrong.D、Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy.

考题 Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.A、had better toB、don'tC、must notD、don't have to

考题 — What if my computer doesn't work? —()A、I’m not good at computerB、Ask Anne for helpC、I’ve called the repair shopD、There must be something wrong

考题 单选题程序读入用户输入的一个值,要求创建一个异常,如果输入值大于10,使用throw语句显示地引发异常,异常输出的信息为“something‟s wrong!”,语句为()A if(i10) throw Exception (“something‟s wrong!”);B if(i10) throw Exception e (“something‟s wrong!”);C if(i10) throw new Exception (“something‟s wrong!”);D if(i10) throw new Exception e (“something‟s wrong!”);

考题 单选题A: I can’t seem to find a color TV of the new model.  B: _______A Why don’t you try the new store on King’s Road?B There’s also something wrong with my TV set.C Don’t you know the new model you want is not on the market yet?D The new model is far more expensive than those old ones.

考题 单选题A: Hello. There's something wrong with my computer. It doesn't work now.  B: All right. May I have your contact number?  A: ______  B: I mean your telephone number.A What do you want?B Sorry?C Please just forgive me.D Sure. Here you are.

考题 单选题There is something wrong with my TV set:I must have it _____.A checkingB cheekC to checkD checked

考题 单选题— What if my computer doesn't work? —()A I’m not good at computerB Ask Anne for helpC I’ve called the repair shopD There must be something wrong

考题 单选题Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?()A Don‘t worry about me.B Just stay in bed and have a good rest.C There must be something wrong.D Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy.

考题 单选题—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like______ .  —I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better ______ at home.A to throw up...to eatB throwing up...eatingC to throw up...eatD throwing up...eat

考题 单选题I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the native Americans, but I must say, that my researches have _____ been to no effect.A thereforeB hithertoC howeverD nevertheless

考题 单选题—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like ______.   —I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better ______ at home.A to throw up ... to eatB throwing up ... eatingC to throw up ... eatD throwing up ... eat