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Any extinguishing agent used on a Class C fire must have which important property?()

Cooling ability


Leaves no residue


Penetrating power




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更多 “单选题Any extinguishing agent used on a Class C fire must have which important property?()A Cooling abilityB Leaves no residueC Penetrating powerD Nonconductivity” 相关考题
考题 One of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam ______.A.cannot be made with salt waterB.is heavier than oil and sinks below its surfaceC.is corrosive and a hazard to fire fightersD.conducts electricity

考题 Halogenated hydrocarbon, Halon in short form,is used on board ship as ________ .A.fire-extinguishing mediumB.a standard fire testC.a non-combustible materialD.a fire main

考题 All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being ______.A.carried by hand to a fireB.carried or rolled to a fireC.recharged in the fieldD.used on class “B” fire

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考题 单选题Which extinguishing agent is recommended in the Chemical Data Guide for use on a carbon disulfide fire?()A Alcohol foamB Dry chemicalC Chemical foamD Water fog

考题 单选题Which extinguishing agent is effective in combating an isoprene fire?()A Dry chemicalsB CO2C FoamD All the above

考题 单选题On a bulk chemical carrier,water should NOT be used as an extinguishing agent to fight a fire if the water may come into contact with the chemical called().A acrylic acidB benzeneC oleumD vinyl toluene

考题 单选题A class B fire is most successfully fought by().A preventing oxygen from reaching the burning materialB cooling the burning material below its ignition temperatureC using the extinguishing agent to make the burning material fire-resistantD using the extinguishing agent to absorb the heat

考题 单选题Each hand portable,semi-portable and fixed fire extinguishing unit on a ship must be tested and inspected at least once every().A six weeksB six monthsC twelve monthsD two years

考题 单选题For which of the listed classes of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent ().A Class A and class BB Class B and class CC Class A and class CD Class C, class D, and class E

考题 单选题Which portable fire extinguisher should be used on a class C fire on board a vessel?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C FoamD Carbon tetrachloride

考题 单选题Water is a very effective fire extinguishing agent because it()A will remove all the toxic fumes from the airB has the greatest cooling abilityC will leave no harmful residueD completely removes combustible vapors from the air

考题 单选题Which extinguishing agent is best for use on a magnesium fire?()A WaterB SandC CO2D Dry chemical

考题 单选题Which fire extinguishing agent can NOT be used on an ethylenediamine?()A Water foamB Dry chemical powderC Water fogD Alcohol foam

考题 单选题Which extinguishing agent is NOT recommended in the Chemical Data Guide for use on a cyclohexane fire?()A FoamB Carbon dioxideC Dry chemicalD Water fog

考题 单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to().A remove oxygen from the areaB cool fuel below ignition temperatureC smother with CO2D smother fire with foam

考题 单选题Which characteristic of Halon is a disadvantage when it is used as a fire extinguishing medium?()A Leaves a residueB Cost,relative to other agentsC Breaks down while under prolonged storageD Conducts electricity

考题 单选题What is the most important characteristic of the extinguishing agent in fighting a class C fire?()A WeightB TemperatureC Electrical nonconductivityD Cost

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning Halon 1301 fire extinguishing equipment?()A The agent is considered nontoxic at room temperature in low concentrationsB The agent is less effective than carbon dioxideC Halon primarily extinguishes the fire by coolingD The agent cannot be used on electrical fires because it leaves a residue

考题 单选题Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?()A CO2B FoamC Water fogD Soda acid

考题 单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to ().A remove oxygen from the areaB smother fire with foamC smother fire with CO2D cool fuel below ignition temperature

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent?()A Carbon dioxide is corrosive when exposed to fireB Carbon dioxide should be applied slowly to a large engine room fireC Its total cooling effect is far greater than waterD Its smothering effect is excellent for class B fires

考题 单选题Fire extinguishing agents used on Class C fires must be().A able to absorb heatB water basedC nonconductingD nontoxic

考题 单选题Halon extinguishers used on a class C fire should be directed at the().A base of the equipmentB top of the equipmentC power sourceD source of the fire

考题 单选题0ne of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam().A cannot be made with salt waterB is heavierthan oil and sinks below its surfaceC is corrosive and to fire fightersD conducts electricity

考题 单选题Any extinguishing agent used on a Class “C” fire must have which important property? ()A Cooling abilityB Leaves no residueC Penetrating powerD Nonconductivity

考题 单选题Foam is a very effective smothering agent and().A it provides cooling as a secondary effectB works well on extinguishing electrical firesC can be used to combat combustible metal firesD All of the above

考题 单选题The preferred agent used in fighting a helicopter crash fire is().A CO2B dry chemicalC waterD foam