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public class Holt extends Thread{    private String sThreadName;  public static void main(String argv[]){         Holt h = new Holt();           h.go();       }  Holt(){}  Holt(String s){  sThreadName = s;    }  public String getThreadName(){        return sThreadName;    }  public void go(){  Holt first = new Holt("first");       first.start();  Holt second = new Holt("second");        second.start();    }  public void start(){  for(int i = 0; i < 2; i ++){  System.out.println(getThreadName() +i);            try{   Thread.sleep(100);                }   catch(InterruptedException e){  System.out.println(e.getMessage());              }            }         } }  当编译运行上面的Java代码时,将会出现()。 

  • A、编译时错误
  • B、输出first0, second0, first0, second1
  • C、输出first0, first1, second0, second1
  • D、运行时错误


更多 “ public class Holt extends Thread{    private String sThreadName;  public static void main(String argv[]){         Holt h = new Holt();           h.go();       }  Holt(){}  Holt(String s){  sThreadName = s;    }  public String getThreadName(){        return sThreadName;    }  public void go(){  Holt first = new Holt("first");       first.start();  Holt second = new Holt("second");        second.start();    }  public void start(){  for(int i = 0; i  2; i ++){  System.out.println(getThreadName() +i);            try{   Thread.sleep(100);                }   catch(InterruptedException e){  System.out.println(e.getMessage());              }            }         } }  当编译运行上面的Java代码时,将会出现()。 A、编译时错误B、输出first0, second0, first0, second1C、输出first0, first1, second0, second1D、运行时错误” 相关考题
考题 下面程序段的输出结果是______。 class Test{ public static void main(String args[ ]){ MyThread t=new MyThread( ); t.displayOutput("t has been created"); t.start( ); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void display Output(String s){ System.out,println(s); } public void run( ){ displayOutput("t is running"); } }A.t has been created t is runningB.t has been createdC.t is runningD.编译错误

考题 下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test\ { public static void main (String args[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1.equals(s2))); } }A.falseB.trueC.0D.1

考题 下列程序的执行结果是______。 public class Test9 { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = new String("I am a girl"); String s2 = new String("I am a girl"); System.out.println (s1.equal (s2)); } }A.trueB.假C.I amgirlD.都不正确

考题 public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Something s = new Something();System.out.println("s.doSomething() returns " + doSomething());}public String doSomething() {return "Do something ...";}}看上去很完美。

考题 阅读下面程序 public class OperatorsAndExpressions { void equalsMethodl(){ String s1=new String("how are you"); String s2=new String("how are you"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } public static void main(String args[]){ OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions(); OperAndExp.equalsMethod1(); } } 程序运行结果是( )。A. ==B.trueC.假D.equal

考题 下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test { public static void main(StringArgsl[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1==s2)); } }A.falseB.trueC.1D.0

考题 下列程序通过实现Runnable接口创建一个线程,选择正确的语句填入程序的横线处。 class MyRun implements Runnable { String str; MyRun(String s) { str = s; } public void run() System.out.println(str); } } public class ex40 { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "实现阶段Runnable 接口"; MyRun my = new MyRun(name); Thread th = th. start ( ); } }A.new MyRun(my)B.new Thread()C.new Thread(my)D.Thread(my)

考题 执行以下代码后,下面哪些描述是正确的() public  class  Student{  private String name = “Jema”;  public void setName(String name){  this.name = name;  }  public String getName(){  return this.name;  }  public static void main(String[] args){  Student s;  System.out.println(s.getName()); } }A、输出nullB、第10行编译报错C、第11行编译报错D、输出Jema

考题 Which declarations will allow a class to be started as a standalone program?()  A、public void main(String args[])B、public void static main(String args[])C、public static main(String[] argv)D、final public static void main(String [] array)E、public static void main(String args[])

考题 public class Base {  public static final String FOO = “foo”;  public static void main(String[] args) {  Base b = new Base();  Sub s = new Sub();  System.out.print(Base.FOO);  System.out.print(Sub.FOO);  System.out.print(b.FOO);  System.out.print(s.FOO);  System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);  } }  class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO=bar;}  What is the result?() A、 foofoofoofoofooB、 foobarfoobarbarC、 foobarfoofoofooD、 foobarfoobarfooE、 barbarbarbarbarF、 foofoofoobarbarG、 foofoofoobarfoo

考题 class Super {  public int i = 0;  public Super(String text) {  i = 1; }  }  public class Sub extends Super {  public Sub(String text) {  i = 2;  }   public static void main(String args[]) {  Sub sub = new Sub(“Hello”);  System.out.println(sub.i);  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 Compilation fails.

考题 class Mineral {   static String shiny() { return "1"; }   }   class Granite extends Mineral {   public static void main(String [] args) {   String s = shiny() + getShiny();   s = s + super.shiny();   System.out.println(s);   }   static String getShiny() { return shiny(); }   }   结果为:()  A、3B、12C、111D、编译失败

考题 下面哪些选项是正确的main方法说明?()A、 public main(String args[])B、 public static void main(String args[])C、 private static void main(String args[])D、 void main()

考题 声明Java独立应用程序main()方法时,正确表达是()。A、public static void main(String[]args){…}B、private static void main(String args[]){…}C、public void main(String args[]){…}D、public static void main(){…}

考题 Public class Holt extends Thread{   Private String sThreadName;   Public static void main(String argv[]) {  Holt  h=new Holt(); h.go(); Holt(){};  Holt(String s){ sThreadName=s;  Public String getThreadName() {  return sThreadName;} }  Public void go(){  Hot first=new Hot("first"); first.start();  Hot second=new Hot("second"); second.start();  }  Public void start() {  For(int i=0;i2;i++) {  System.out.print(getThreadName()+i); Try{  Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){  System.out.print(e.getMessage()) ;  } } }  }  当编译运行上面代码时,将会出现() A、编译时错误B、输出first0,second0,first0,second1C、输出first0,first1,second10,second1D、运行时错误

考题 final class Tree {  private static String tree = "tree ";  String getTree() { return tree; }  }  class Elm extends Tree {  private static String tree = "elm "; public static void main(String [] args) {  new Elm().go(new Tree());  }  void go(Tree t) {  String s = t.getTree()+Elm.tree+tree+(new Elm().getTree());  System.out.println(s);  } }  结果为:() A、elm elm elm elmB、tree elm elm elmC、tree elm tree elmD、编译失败

考题  public class X {   public static void main (String[]args)   {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s)  {   s += “world!”;      }   }      What is the result?()    A、 The program runs and prints “Hello”B、 An error causes compilation to fail.C、 The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D、 The program runs but aborts with an exception.

考题 Public class test (  Public static void stringReplace (String text)  (  Text = text.replace (‘j’ , ‘i’);  )  public static void bufferReplace (StringBuffer text)  (  text = text.append (“C”)  )   public static void main (String args[]}  (  String textString = new String (“java”); StringBuffer text BufferString = new StringBuffer (“java”);  stringReplace (textString);  bufferReplace (textBuffer);  System.out.printLn (textString + textBuffer);  ) )  What is the output?()

考题 Given the following code:     1) class Parent {     2) private String name;     3) public Parent(){}     4) }  5) public class Child extends Parent {     6) private String department;  7) public Child() {}  8) public String getValue(){ return name; }     9) public static void main(String arg[]) {     10) Parent p = new Parent();     11) }  12) }  Which line will cause error?()   A、 line 3B、 line 6C、 line 7D、 line 8E、 line 10

考题 public class X {   public static void main (Stringargs) {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s) {   s += “world!”;   }   }   What is the result?() A、The program runs and prints “Hello”B、An error causes compilation to fail.C、The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D、The program runs but aborts with an exception.

考题 多选题Which declarations will allow a class to be started as a standalone program?()Apublic void main(String args[])Bpublic void static main(String args[])Cpublic static main(String[] argv)Dfinal public static void main(String [] array)Epublic static void main(String args[])

考题 单选题public class X {   public static void main (Stringargs) {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s) {   s += “world!”;   }   }   What is the result?()A The program runs and prints “Hello”B An error causes compilation to fail.C The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D The program runs but aborts with an exception.

考题 单选题Given the following code:     1) class Parent {     2) private String name;     3) public Parent(){}     4) }  5) public class Child extends Parent {     6) private String department;  7) public Child() {}  8) public String getValue(){ return name; }     9) public static void main(String arg[]) {     10) Parent p = new Parent();     11) }  12) }  Which line will cause error?()A  line 3B  line 6C  line 7D  line 8E  line 10

考题 单选题public class X {   public static void main (String[]args)   {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s)  {   s += “world!”;      }   }      What is the result?()A  The program runs and prints “Hello”B  An error causes compilation to fail.C  The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D  The program runs but aborts with an exception.

考题 单选题现有:  class Tree {  private static String tree = "tree ";  String getTree ()  {  return tree;  }       }  class Elm extends Tree {  private static String tree = "elm ";  public static void main (String  []  args)  {       new Elm() .go (new Tree())  ;      } }  void go (Tree t)  {  String  s =  t.getTree () +Elm.tree  +  tree  +   (new  Elm() .getTree ()) ;      System.out.println (s) ;}     结果为:()A  elm elm elm elmB  tree elm elm elmC  tree elm elm treeD  tree elm tree elm

考题 单选题class Mineral {   static String shiny() { return "1"; }   }   class Granite extends Mineral {   public static void main(String [] args) {   String s = shiny() + getShiny();   s = s + super.shiny();   System.out.println(s);   }   static String getShiny() { return shiny(); }   }   结果为:()A 3B 12C 111D 编译失败

考题 单选题public class Base {  public static final String FOO = “foo”;  public static void main(String[] args) {  Base b = new Base();  Sub s = new Sub();  System.out.print(Base.FOO);  System.out.print(Sub.FOO);  System.out.print(b.FOO);  System.out.print(s.FOO);  System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);  } }  class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO=bar;}  What is the result?()A  foofoofoofoofooB  foobarfoobarbarC  foobarfoofoofooD  foobarfoobarfooE  barbarbarbarbarF  foofoofoobarbarG  foofoofoobarfoo