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Static wep is configured on the access point. you are authenticated and associated to the access point but are unable to obtain an ip address. Which of the following will cause this problem?()

  • A、invalid radio type selected
  • B、no wep key configured on the client
  • C、invalid ssid configured
  • D、invalid wep key


更多 “ Static wep is configured on the access point. you are authenticated and associated to the access point but are unable to obtain an ip address. Which of the following will cause this problem?()A、invalid radio type selectedB、no wep key configured on the clientC、invalid ssid configuredD、invalid wep key” 相关考题
考题 802.llb定义了无线网的安全协议WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)。下面关于WEP的描述中不正确的是( )。A) WEP使用RC4流加密协议B) WEP支持40位密钥和128位密钥C) WEP是一种对称密钥机制D) WEP支持端到端的加密和认证

考题 11b定义了无线网的安全协议WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)。以下关于WEP的描述中,正确的是____.A.采用的密钥长度是80位B.其加密算法属于公开密钥密码体系C.WEP只是对802.11站点之间的数据进行加密D.WEP也可以保护AP有线网络端的数据安全

考题 以下关于无线网安全协议WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)的描述中,哪项是不正确的?——A.WEP使用RC4流加密协议B.WEP支持端到端的加密和认证C.WEP支持40位密钥和128位密钥D.WEP是一种对称密钥机制

考题 11b定义了无线网的安全协议WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)。以下关于WEP的描述中,不正确的是(58)。A.WEP使用RC4流加密协议B.WEP支持40位密钥和128位密钥C.WEP支持端到端的加密和认证D.WEP是一种对称密钥机制

考题 在无线网络中通常要用WEP加密,请解释WEP的含义。

考题 下列对WEP加密的描述,错误的是()。 A.WEP加密采用一种流加密算法B.WEP加密加入了IV来破坏密钥的规律性C.WEP加密中IV的长度为48bitsD.WEP加密允许设备同时储存四把密钥

考题 无线中的WEP的核心算法时AES()。

考题 关于WEP和WPA加密方式的说法中正确的有()A、802.11b协议中首次提出WPA加密方式B、802.11i协议中首次提出WPA加密方式C、采用WEP加密方式,只要设置足够复杂的口令就可以避免被破解D、WEP口令无论多么复杂,都很容易遭到破解

考题 简述WEP的含义。

考题 下列对WEP加密的描述,错误的是()。A、WEP加密采用一种流加密算法B、WEP加密加入了IV来破坏密钥的规律性C、WEP加密中IV的长度为48bitsD、WEP加密允许设备同时储存四把密钥

考题 Static WEP is configured on the access point. You are authenticated and associated to the accesspoint but are unable to obtain an IP address. Which of the following will cause this problem?()A、invalid radio type selectedB、no WEP key configured on the clientC、invalid SSID configuredD、invalid WEP key

考题 Which two statements about the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption mechanism are true? ()A、the two methods of authentication using the WEP encryption are open and shared keyB、the 802.11 standard defines WEP security using 128-bit keysC、WEP can provide stronger authentication through the use of LEAP, PEAP, or EAP-FASTD、WEP is a scalable encryption solution that uses static keys for authenticationE、WEP security provides only one-way authenticationF、WEPv2 offers improved encryption by replacing the RC4 encryption mechanism with the AES (symmetric block cipher) mechanism

考题 什么是WEP?

考题 WEP有何优、缺点?

考题 对WEP加密方式描述不正确的有()。A、WEP称为共享式加密B、WEP方式对网络资源的开销比较小C、WEP方式是对数据包进行加密D、WEP方式比较容易破解

考题 Which statements about static inner classes are true?()A、 A static inner class requires a static initializer.B、 A static inner class requires an instance of the enclosing class.C、 A static inner class has no reference to an instance of the enclosing class.D、 A static inner class has access to the non-static members of the outer class.E、 Static members of a static inner class can be referenced using the class name of the static inner  class.

考题 WEP在选择加密算法中选择了()算法,WEP规定的密钥长度为()。A、RC3,40bitB、RC3,64bitC、RC4,40bitD、RC4,64bit

考题 判断题WEP协议使用了CAST算法。A 对B 错

考题 问答题什么是WEP?

考题 单选题Static wep is configured on the access point. you are authenticated and associated to the access point but are unable to obtain an ip address. Which of the following will cause this problem?()A invalid radio type selectedB no wep key configured on the clientC invalid ssid configuredD invalid wep key

考题 单选题Static WEP is configured on the access point. You are authenticated and associated to the accesspoint but are unable to obtain an IP address. Which of the following will cause this problem?()A invalid radio type selectedB no WEP key configured on the clientC invalid SSID configuredD invalid WEP key

考题 问答题WEP有何优、缺点?

考题 单选题There are three static routes in the routing table that need to be announced to your OSPF preers. Which method is used to accomplish this?()A Apply an import policy to OSPF that injects the static routes into OSPFB Apply an import policy to the static routes that injects the static routes into OSPFC Apply an export policy to the static routes that injects the static routes into OSPFD Apply an export policy to OSPF that injects the static routes into OSPF

考题 多选题Which statements about static inner classes are true?()AA static inner class requires a static initializer.BA static inner class requires an instance of the enclosing class.CA static inner class has no reference to an instance of the enclosing class.DA static inner class has access to the non-static members of the outer class.EStatic members of a static inner class can be referenced using the class name of the static inner  class.

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibit. When a profile is configured in the Aironet Desktop Utility, which security option  permits the configuration of host-based Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)?()A  WPA/WPA2/CCKMB  WPA/WPA2 PassphraseC  802.1xD  Pre-Shared Key (Static WEP)

考题 单选题WEP在选择加密算法中选择了()算法,WEP规定的密钥长度为()。A RC3,40bitB RC3,64bitC RC4,40bitD RC4,64bit

考题 多选题Which two statements about the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption mechanism are true? ()Athe two methods of authentication using the WEP encryption are open and shared keyBthe 802.11 standard defines WEP security using 128-bit keysCWEP can provide stronger authentication through the use of LEAP, PEAP, or EAP-FASTDWEP is a scalable encryption solution that uses static keys for authenticationEWEP security provides only one-way authenticationFWEPv2 offers improved encryption by replacing the RC4 encryption mechanism with the AES (symmetric block cipher) mechanism

考题 单选题Portable CO2 fire extinguishers should NOT be used to inert a space containing flammable liquids due to the danger of().A the CO2 being inhaled by personnelB reflash of burning liquidsC vapor condensation on the extinguisherD the discharge causing a static spark