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Shipment will be effected this month,subject to your L/C()us in one week.

  • A、reaching
  • B、reaches
  • C、will reach
  • D、has reached


更多 “Shipment will be effected this month,subject to your L/C()us in one week.A、reachingB、reachesC、will reachD、has reached” 相关考题
考题 The analysis of the first shipment is not ( ). A.satisfyB.satisfiedC.satisfactoryD.satisfaction

考题 -I’m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight. - __________________________ A I’m afraid we really couldn’t accept that. ;B I suggest maybe should check it again. ;C I’m sorry to say the shipment didn’t turn out to be satisfactory.

考题 What’s the insurance________for the shipment? A rate ;B value ;C ratio

考题 - When can you effect shipment I’m worried about late shipment. -() A、The shipment will be effected soon.B、The shipment won’t be late.C、About in June.

考题 When can you effect shipment I'm worried about late shipment.()

考题 We are pleased to advise you that we complete the shipment of your order 123.()

考题 听力原文:W: Why is the bill of lading so important?M: Because it shows the terms of the contract of carriage, gives evidence of the shipment of goods, and makes sure that the holder of it has the property in the goods.Q: Which is one of the functions of a bill of lading but not mentioned in the conversation?(18)A.The receipt of the goods given by the ship master.B.The evidence of the terms of the contract of carriage.C.The evidence of the shipment of goods.D.The evidence that the holder of it has the property in the goods.

考题 We offer firm CIF, Lagos shipment()30 days, subject to your reply here ()10 a.m., our time.A、within,withinB、for,byC、during,byD、in,untill

考题 The insurance shall be ()from the time of the engineer’s departure from China up to the time of his arrival in China on return.A、effectiveB、effectingC、effectD、effected

考题 As requested in your fax of Dec.15, shipment of 500 m/ts of soybeans will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment. Please, therefore, honor the draft accordingly.(英译中)

考题 Partial shipment(短语翻译)

考题 听力原文:M: We have agreed on the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment in August???W: I'm afraid not. Mid September, I think.Q: When is the earliest possible time of shipment?(13)A.July.B.August.C.September.D.October.

考题 A regardedB impressedC influencedD effected

考题 The cargo must be shipped directly to China, that is, ( ) is not allowed. A. partial shipment B. transshipment C. through shipment D. total shipment

考题 英译中:Aggregate shipment

考题 买卖合同规定“Shipment:to be effected on May 29th ,2011 from Shanghai to Kuwait”,此一运输条款的拟定是正确的。

考题 下列属于近期交货术语的为()A、Immediate shipmentB、Prompt shipmentC、shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/CD、shipment within 30 days

考题 翻译:Shipment during May from London to Shanghai.The Sellers shall advise the Buyers 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods will be ready for Shipment.Partial shipment and transshipment allowed.

考题 “Shipment is to be made in the second half of a month.” means shipment to be made from ().A、the 1st to the 10thB、the 11th to the 20thC、the 1st to the 15thD、the 16th to the last day of such month

考题 单选题Shaft sealing in a centrifugal pump can be effected by ().A the mechanical sealB packed stuffing boxesC either A or BD neither A nor B

考题 单选题If the ship sustains such damage that repairs are necessary,the master must put into the nearest port()such repairs can be effected.A whichB at whichC thereD at there

考题 名词解释题英译中:Aggregate shipment

考题 问答题我某食品进出口公司向意大利出口3000公吨冷冻食品,合同规定2000年4—7月份交货,即期信用证支付。来证规定:Shipment during April/July, April Shipment 800M/T,May Shipment 800 M/T,July Shipment 600M/T。我公司实际出口情况是:4、5月份交货正常,并顺利结汇,6月份因船期延误,拖延到7月12日才实际装运出口。7月15日我方在同轮又装了600M/T,付款行收到单据后来电表示拒绝支付这两批货的款项,问:我方有何失误?付款行拒付有何依据?

考题 单选题Shipment will be effected this month,subject to your L/C()us in one week.A reachingB reachesC will reachD has reached

考题 问答题翻译:Shipment during May from London to Shanghai.The Sellers shall advise the Buyers 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods will be ready for Shipment.Partial shipment and transshipment allowed.

考题 判断题买卖合同规定“Shipment:to be effected on May 29th ,2011 from Shanghai to Kuwait”,此一运输条款的拟定是正确的。A 对B 错

考题 单选题“Shipment is to be made in the second half of a month.” means shipment to be made from ().A the 1st to the 10thB the 11th to the 20thC the 1st to the 15thD the 16th to the last day of such month