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Aligning data that must be preserved to the correct tier of storage until it is no longer useful is anexample of:()

  • A、Business Continuity
  • B、Disaster Recovery Plan
  • C、Storage Consolidation
  • D、Information Lifecycle Management


更多 “Aligning data that must be preserved to the correct tier of storage until it is no longer useful is anexample of:()A、Business ContinuityB、Disaster Recovery PlanC、Storage ConsolidationD、Information Lifecycle Management” 相关考题
考题 ( 36 ) 设有定义 :struct complex{ int real,unreal; } data1={1,8},data2;则以下赋值语句中错误的是A ) data2=data1;B ) data2= ( 2,6 ) ;C ) data2.real=data1.real;D ) data2.real=data1.unreal;

考题 有定义如下:struct sk{ int a;float b;}data,*p;如果p=data;则对于结构变量data的成员a的正确引用时( )A)(*).data.a B)(*p).aC)p-data.a D)p.data.a

考题 已知:structsk{inta;floatb;}data,*p;若有p=data,则对data中的成员a的正确引用是()。 A.(*p).data.aB.(*p).aC.p-data.aD.p.data.a

考题 若要对Data类中重载的加法运算符成员函数进行声明,下列选项中正确的是( )。A) Data+(DatA) ;B) Data operator+{Data};C) Data+operator{Data};D) operator+(Data,DatA) ;A.B.C.D.

考题 In data communication, data link is those parts of two data terminal equipments that are controlled by a protocol along with the(71) data circuit, which together enable data(72). So-called protocol means, in short, a set of rules that determines the behavior. of functional units in achieving communication.Data circuit, however, consists of a pair of(73) transmission channels that provides a means of two-way data transmission. Between data switching exchanges, the data circuit may or may not include data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), depending on the type of(74) used at the data switching exchange. Between a data station and a data switching exchange or data concentrator, the data circuit includes the DCE at the data station end, and may include equipment(75) to a DCE at the data switching exchange or dam concentrator location.A.handshakingB.interconnectingC.linkageD.joining

考题 若要对Date类中重载的加法运算符成员函数进行声明,下列选项中正确的是( )。A.Data+{Data};B.Dataoperator+{Data};C.Data+operator{Data};D.operator+{Data.Data};

考题 若要对Data类中重载的加法运算符成员函数进行声明,下列选项中正确的是( )。 A.Data+(DatA.;SXB 若要对Data类中重载的加法运算符成员函数进行声明,下列选项中正确的是( )。A.Data+(DatA.;B.Data operator+(DatA.;C.Data+operator(DatA.;D.operator+(Data,DatA.;

考题 设有定义: Struct complex {int real,unreal;}data1={1,8},data2; 则以下赋值语句中错误的是( )。A.data2={data1.rea1,data1.unrea1};B.data2=(2,6);C.data2.rea1=data1->rea1;D.data2->rea1=data1.unrea1;

考题 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ). Which store subsets of data from a warehouse.A.OLTPsB.transactionsC.data sartsD.OLAPs

考题 在有13个元素构成的有序表data[1..13]中,用折半查找(即二分查找,计算时向下取整)方式查找值等于data[8]的元素时,先后与(41)等元素进行了比较。A.data[7]. data[6]. data[8]B.data[7]. Data[8]C.data[7]. data[10]. data[8]D.data[7]. data[10]、data[9]. data[8]

考题 A PC on a network segment sends data to another PC on a different segment.Which of the following correctly describe the correct order of how this data will be encapsulated?() A. Data, Frame, Packet, Segment, BitB. Data, Frame, Segment, Packet, BitC. Data, Packet, Frame, Segment, BitD. Data, Packet, Segment, Frame, BitE. Data, Segment, Frame, Packet, BitF. Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Bit

考题 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ). Which store subsets of data from a warehouse. A、OLTPsB、transactionsC、data sartsD、OLAPs

考题 访问应用文件目录下的文件”其中的目录是什么?()A、/data/应用包名/filesB、/data/data/应用包名/fileC、/data/data/应用包名/filesD、/data/data/files

考题 设有如下定义,structsk{inta;floatb;}data,*p=data;则对data中的a成员的正确引用是()。A、(*p).data.aB、(*p).aC、p-data.aD、p.data.a

考题 UDC是()的缩写A、User Data ConvergenceB、User Data centerC、User Data ConceptD、User Data carrier

考题 A PC on a network segment sends data to another PC on a different segment.Which of the following correctly describe the correct order of how this data will be encapsulated?()A、Data, Frame, Packet, Segment, BitB、Data, Frame, Segment, Packet, BitC、Data, Packet, Frame, Segment, BitD、Data, Packet, Segment, Frame, BitE、Data, Segment, Frame, Packet, BitF、Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Bit

考题 Which of the following is a distinguishing factor between data archiving and data backups?()A、Data archives are kept for disaster recovery purposes while data backups are kept for indefiniteperiods of time so that there is an information record.B、Data archives are kept for documentation purposes to easily recover data while data backupsare kept for immediate server recovery.C、Data archives are kept off-site for data warehousing purposes while data backups are keptlocally for immediate server recovery purposes.D、Data archives are kept for indefinite periods of time so there is a record while data backups arekept for disaster recovery purposes.

考题 Why is a data source required?()A、 Data source contains data required for impact event enrichment.B、 Data source contains data required for calculating server downtime.C、 Data source contains data required for services and other related service information.D、 Data source contains data required for LDAP configurations, including login attempts and errors.

考题 单选题Which of the equipment listed is most effective in processing bilge slops for overboard discharge?()A 100PPM oily water separatorB Assembling the lube oil purifier as a separator and aligning bilge overboardC A 15PPM oily water separatorD A magnetic duplex strainer

考题 单选题访问应用文件目录下的文件”其中的目录是什么?()A /data/应用包名/filesB /data/data/应用包名/fileC /data/data/应用包名/filesD /data/data/files

考题 单选题EDI的英文全称为()。A Easy Data InterchangeB Electronic Data InterchangeC Electronic Data InterconnectionD Easy Data Interconnection

考题 单选题You are administering a database stored in Automatic Storage management (ASM). The files are storedin the DATA disk group. You execute the following command:SQL ALTER DISKGROUP data ADD ALIAS ‘+data/prod/myfile.dbf’ FOR ‘+data.231.45678’;What is the result?()A The file ‘+data.231.54769’ is physically relocated to ‘+data/prod’ and renamed as ‘myfile.dbf’.B The file ‘+data.231.54769’ is renamed as ‘myfile.dbf’, and copied to ‘+data/prod’.C The file ‘+data.231.54769’ remains in the same location and a synonym 'myfile.dbf' is created.D The file ‘myfile.dbf’ is created in ‘+data/prod’ and the reference to ‘+data.231.54769’ in the data dictionary removed.

考题 单选题有如下程序:#include int convert(int *data){  return (*data)++; }main(){ int data=56;  convert(data);  printf("%d,",data);  data = convert(data);  printf("%d,",data);  printf(""); }程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A 56,57,B 57,58,C 57,57,D 55,57,

考题 单选题Why is a data source required?()A  Data source contains data required for impact event enrichment.B  Data source contains data required for calculating server downtime.C  Data source contains data required for services and other related service information.D  Data source contains data required for LDAP configurations, including login attempts and errors.

考题 单选题A data manipulation language statement ().A completes a transaction on a tableB modifies the structure and data in a tableC modifies the data but not the structure of a tableD modifies the structure but not the data of a table

考题 单选题You design a Business Intelligence (BI) solution by using SQL Server 2008. You design a SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services (SSAS) solution. Customer data is stored in the tables named CustomerDetails and CustomerContact. The solution uses the following two data sources from two different servers: ·Contoso that accesses the CustomerDetails table ·ContosoCRM that accesses the CustomerContact table You plan to create a dimension named DimCustomer to analyze customer data. You need to ensure that the DimCustomer dimension represents the tables as a snowflake schema to include attributes from the two tables. What should you do?()A  Create a data source view named DsvContoso that is associated with the two data sources and add the tables to the data source view.B  Create a data source view named DsvContoso that is associated with the two data sources and create a named query in the data source view to merge the tables.C  Create a data source view named DsvCustomer that is associated with the Contoso data source and add the CustomerDetails table to the data source view.Create a data source view named DsvCustomerContact that is associated with the ContosoCRM data source and add the CustomerContact table to the data source view.D  Create a data source view named DsvCustomer that is associated with the Contoso data source and create a named query in the data source view to select data from the CustomerDetails table.Create a data source view named DsvCustomerContact that is associated with the ContosoCRM data source and create a named query in the data source view to select data from the CustomerContact table.

考题 单选题有以下程序:#include struct link{ int data; struct link *next;};main(){ struct link *h,a,b; h=a; a.data=10; a.next = b; b.data = 20;}程序运行时不能输出10,20的语句是(  )。A printf(%d,%d,h-data,a.next.data);B printf(%d,%d,a.data,(*a.next).data);C printf(%d,%d,h-data,(*a.next).data);D printf(%d,%d,a.data,a.next-data);