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During normal cluster processing in a five-node cluster,one of the nodes unexpectedly crashes. A review of the system dump indicates that a DMS timeout has occurred. The cluster is configured to use disk heartbeats as a Point-to-Point network.  What should be done to address the problem with this configuration?()  

  • A、 More disk should be added to the disk heartbeat network,allowing more paths for heartbeats.
  • B、 An RS232 network is required to supply a more robust non-IP network when disk heartbeating is implemented.
  • C、 The network tunable parameters should be changed to allow more missed heartbeats since the disks may be heavily used.
  • D、 An error notification method is required to determine the action to take in response to a failure of the disk heartbeat.


更多 “ During normal cluster processing in a five-node cluster,one of the nodes unexpectedly crashes. A review of the system dump indicates that a DMS timeout has occurred. The cluster is configured to use disk heartbeats as a Point-to-Point network.  What should be done to address the problem with this configuration?()  A、 More disk should be added to the disk heartbeat network,allowing more paths for heartbeats.B、 An RS232 network is required to supply a more robust non-IP network when disk heartbeating is implemented.C、 The network tunable parameters should be changed to allow more missed heartbeats since the disks may be heavily used.D、 An error notification method is required to determine the action to take in response to a failure of the disk heartbeat.” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is the correct sequence of order states during normal order processing?()A、Completed, Deposited, Released, ShippedB、Completed, Released, Shipped, DepositedC、Deposited, Released, Shipped, CompletedD、Released, Shipped, Completed, DepositedE、Released, Shipped, Deposited, Completed

考题 Company.com has a cluster with nodes that support "hot swap" adapters. During an upgrade of  The network infrastructure,an additional network adapter has been added to the nodes and configured in AIX.  What is the next step required to add this adapter to HACMP?()  A、 Stop the node.B、 Stop the cluster.C、 Run autodiscovery.D、 Configure the IP adapter.

考题 During a cluster functionality test, and administrator performs a graceful stop for Node ’B’ in a three-node cluster. What is the expected state of the cluster after Node ’B’successfully completes?()  A、 All cluster resources halt on Node ’B’,and one or both surviving nodes will gracefully acquire the resources.B、 All cluster processes halt on Node ’B’,the cluster resources remain active,and the remaining  nodes take no action.C、 All cluster processes stay active on Node ’B’,cluster resources are halted,and the remaining nodes take no action.D、 All cluster resources will stop,cluster processes halt on Node ’B’,and the remaining cluster nodes take no action.

考题 Company.com has a three-node cluster (Node ’A’, Node ’B’, and Node ’C’) with three resource  Groups (rg1, rg2, and rg3). Node ’A’ has twice as many CPUs and twice as much memory as the two test add development Nodes ’B’ and ’C’. During normal production processing, all resource groups are active on Node ’A’.  What is most efficient way to configure the cluster to manage the workload?()   A、 Use thee cascading resource groups where ’rg1’ and ’rg2’ fallover to Node ’B’ and ’rg3’ falls over to Node ’C’B、 Use Dynamic Node Priority resource groups with a priority chain consisting of Node ’A’ then Node ’B’ then Node ’C’C、 Use three rotating resource groups with ’rg1’ and ’rg2’ falling over to node ’B’ and ’rg3’ falling over to Node ’C’D、 Upgrade Nodes ’B’ and ’C’ to be equal to Node ’A in CPU and memory resources to enable the cluster to synchronize three resource groups

考题 When deploying IPCC Express 4.0 for the first time, when and where is the licensing of the customer specified? ()A、during Installation Cluster Setup, in the CRS Installer  B、after installation, during first-time login, in CRS Application Administration  C、after installation, in CRS License Update Utility  D、during Installation Server Setup, in the CRS Installer

考题 During implementation of a two-node cluster,it is determined that error notification for the shared Disk subsystem would be beneficial.  Which of the following is a pre-requisite for implementing automatic error notification?()  A、 The cluster must not be running.B、 The cluster.es.server.utils lpp must be installed.C、 The error notification module must be enabled in RSCT.D、 The permissions on /tmp/hacmp.out need to be changed to 774.

考题 What is required during the initial creation of a cluster?()A、 Nothing,because HACMP will discover the configurationB、 The cluster name and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodesC、 The cluster name and ID and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodesD、 The cluster name and ID node names and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodes

考题 An administrator has made several topology and resource group changes on one node in a running cluster.During verification and synchronization, using the "Emulate" option, many errors are reported. Theadministrator decided the best course of action was to roll back the changes. Prior to the changes beingmade, a cluster snapshot was taken. Which of the following actions will roll back the changes with the least disruption?()A、Perform a synchronization from a node without the changes.B、Apply the cluster snapshot on both nodes while the cluster is running.C、"Restore HACMP Configuration Database from Active Configuration" on the node where the changes weremadeD、Stop the cluster using the option "Unmanage Resource Groups" and apply the cluster snapshot on thenode where the changes were made

考题 The first step documented in Company.com’s HACMP test plan is to start the cluster manager on the normal service node and verify that HACMP daemons have started with the ’lssrc -g cluster" command.  What daemons MUST show as active in the ’lssrc -g cluster" command to have an operational cluster?()  A、 clstrmgrES,clsmuxpdESB、 topsvcsd,grpsvcsd,exaixosC、 topsvcsd,grpsvcsd,clinfoES,grglsmdD、 clstrmgrES,clsmuxpdES,topsvcsd,grpsvcsd

考题 An enterprise has two nodes: -Node ’A’ runs a large relational database and ha six CPUs and  32GB of memory. -Node ’B’ is an application server with three CPU’s and 16GB of memory. During peak production periods, the CPU load for Node ’A’ is normally between 30% and 40%. For Node ’B’, the CPU load is 10% to 20% during peak production periods.  Which of the following describes the best solution for an HACMP cluster?()  A、 Two cluster with two resource groups in a mutual takeover configuration.B、 One cluster with two cascading resource groups in a mutual takeover configuration.C、 One cluster with two rotating resource groups in a one-sided hot standby configuration.D、 Two clusters with two resource groups in a hot-standby configuration with a newly acquired third node.

考题 During an internal IT organization planning session, it is decided that a new cluster node would  Enhance the performance of a distributed corporate application. Planning details have been assigned to the administrator. System outages are limited to one weekend per month; therefore, availability will be a key issue in the planning process.  How much cluster downtime will need to be allocated for adding a new node?()  A、 None,everything can be done with the cluster active.B、 Minimal downtime will be required to import the volume groups.C、 Several hours are required for testing before final synchronization.D、 Minimal downtime will be required to connect and test the serial network.

考题 During an HACMP migration,two nodes of a four-node cluster have been migrated. The existing hardware of the remaining two nodes do not meet the pre-requisites of the HACMP level that is being installed.  Which of the following is the best method for resolving this issue?()A、 Upgrade the unsupported hardware and continue with the migration.B、 Restore the two nodes that have been migrated with a cluster snapshot.C、 Restore the two nodes that have not been migrated with a cluster snapshot.D、 Synchronize the cluster to allow the nodes that didn’t migrate to join the cluster.

考题 单选题The purpose of a preventer as it is used on a conventional yard and stay cargo rig is to().A allow greater than normal loads to be handled by the gearB act as an inboard guy in the event the inboard guy parts during cargo handlingC assist the outboard guy in supporting stresses during cargo handlingD prevent the inboard guy from parting due to stresses during cargo handling

考题 单选题During an HACMP migration,two nodes of a four-node cluster have been migrated. The existing hardware of the remaining two nodes do not meet the pre-requisites of the HACMP level that is being installed.  Which of the following is the best method for resolving this issue?()A  Upgrade the unsupported hardware and continue with the migration.B  Restore the two nodes that have been migrated with a cluster snapshot.C  Restore the two nodes that have not been migrated with a cluster snapshot.D  Synchronize the cluster to allow the nodes that didn’t migrate to join the cluster.

考题 单选题You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. On two cluster-ready nodes, you intend to perform an installation of a SQL Server 2008 mission-critical cluster. Constant availability is needed by the mission-critical cluster. You have to configure the SQL Server cluster to failover and reduce the service disruption to the least. Which failover option should you use?()A You should allow failback only during non-business hours B You should immediately allow failbackC You should prevent automatic failback D You should allow failback only during business hours

考题 单选题During a resource group takeover operation, the resource group was found to go into error state. A tail of thehacmp.out file released the following message: Aug 3 12:57:20 EVENT FAILED:// -1: event_error 1 TE_RG_MOVE -1 WARNING:// Cluster PowerHA has beenrunning recovery program ’/usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/rg_move.rp’ for 360 seconds. Please check clusterstatus. What command can the administrator issue to cause the cluster to continue processing?()A clruncmdB clrestartC clcontinueD clresactive

考题 单选题Company.com has a cluster with nodes that support "hot swap" adapters. During an upgrade of  The network infrastructure,an additional network adapter has been added to the nodes and configured in AIX.  What is the next step required to add this adapter to HACMP?()A  Stop the node.B  Stop the cluster.C  Run autodiscovery.D  Configure the IP adapter.

考题 单选题Company.com has a three-node cluster (Node ’A’, Node ’B’, and Node ’C’) with three resource  Groups (rg1, rg2, and rg3). Node ’A’ has twice as many CPUs and twice as much memory as the two test add development Nodes ’B’ and ’C’. During normal production processing, all resource groups are active on Node ’A’.  What is most efficient way to configure the cluster to manage the workload?()A  Use thee cascading resource groups where ’rg1’ and ’rg2’ fallover to Node ’B’ and ’rg3’ falls over to Node ’C’B  Use Dynamic Node Priority resource groups with a priority chain consisting of Node ’A’ then Node ’B’ then Node ’C’C  Use three rotating resource groups with ’rg1’ and ’rg2’ falling over to node ’B’ and ’rg3’ falling over to Node ’C’D  Upgrade Nodes ’B’ and ’C’ to be equal to Node ’A in CPU and memory resources to enable the cluster to synchronize three resource groups

考题 多选题Which two statements are true when when a Coherence cluster member is lost ? ()ARemaining members recover by repartitioning the data across the remainig cluster members in parallel with normal request processingBSome latencies may be experienced due to higher priority of recoveryCIn flight operations may be lostDA system administrator must manually assist recovery of the lost data

考题 单选题A customer synchronizes the cluster in a virtualized environment. During the process the following warning isdisplayed: "For nodes with a single Network Interface Card per logical network configured, it is recommended to includethe file ’/usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf’ with a pingable IP address as described in the PowerHA PlanningGuide". What should the customer do next?()A Ignore the warning as synchronization completed successfully.B Populate the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf file with one or many IP addresses external to the cluster.C Create another virtual adapter on each node and set-up PowerHA networking in a more traditional fashionD Populate the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf file with any of the boot IP addresses on one of the othercluster nodes

考题 单选题Which of the following is the correct sequence of order states during normal order processing?()A Completed, Deposited, Released, ShippedB Completed, Released, Shipped, DepositedC Deposited, Released, Shipped, CompletedD Released, Shipped, Completed, DepositedE Released, Shipped, Deposited, Completed

考题 单选题During normal cluster processing in a five-node cluster,one of the nodes unexpectedly crashes. A review of the system dump indicates that a DMS timeout has occurred. The cluster is configured to use disk heartbeats as a Point-to-Point network.  What should be done to address the problem with this configuration?()A  More disk should be added to the disk heartbeat network,allowing more paths for heartbeats.B  An RS232 network is required to supply a more robust non-IP network when disk heartbeating is implemented.C  The network tunable parameters should be changed to allow more missed heartbeats since the disks may be heavily used.D  An error notification method is required to determine the action to take in response to a failure of the disk heartbeat.

考题 单选题During a cluster functionality test, and administrator performs a graceful stop for Node ’B’ in a three-node cluster. What is the expected state of the cluster after Node ’B’successfully completes?()A  All cluster resources halt on Node ’B’,and one or both surviving nodes will gracefully acquire the resources.B  All cluster processes halt on Node ’B’,the cluster resources remain active,and the remaining  nodes take no action.C  All cluster processes stay active on Node ’B’,cluster resources are halted,and the remaining nodes take no action.D  All cluster resources will stop,cluster processes halt on Node ’B’,and the remaining cluster nodes take no action.

考题 单选题Large, two-stroke/cycle, main propulsion, diesel engine cylinders can be successfully pressure charged during normal operation, by using the ().A exhaust gas temperature systemB exhaust load systemC constant or pulse pressure systemD constant volume system

考题 单选题The first step documented in Company.com’s HACMP test plan is to start the cluster manager on the normal service node and verify that HACMP daemons have started with the ’lssrc -g cluster" command.  What daemons MUST show as active in the ’lssrc -g cluster" command to have an operational cluster?()A  clstrmgrES,clsmuxpdESB  topsvcsd,grpsvcsd,exaixosC  topsvcsd,grpsvcsd,clinfoES,grglsmdD  clstrmgrES,clsmuxpdES,topsvcsd,grpsvcsd

考题 单选题A customer has a resource group rg1 configured on a two node cluster with the following policies:The customer has observed the following scenarios as nodes join the cluster during cluster start up. Scenario 1 Node1 joins cluster as first node - rg1 is acquired by Node1 Node2 joins cluster as second node - rg1 ismoved from Node1 to Node2 Scenario 2 Node2 joins cluster as first node - rg1 is acquired by Node2 Node1 joins cluster as second node - rg1 remainson Node2 Which of the following is the reason for this behavior?()A rg1 is configured with a delayed fallback timerB Settling time policy has not been configured for rg1C Node1 does not have sufficient resources to support rg1D Node2 is the first in the ’Default Node Priority’ list for resource group rg1

考题 单选题During a planning session, the customer indicates that they intend to build two independent two- Node clusters (cluster ’A’ and ’B’) that will be provided shared storage form an IBM TotalStorage FAStT900 server. The customer intends to present 2 LUNs to cluster ’A’, and 2 LUNs to cluster ’B’. All hosts will be dual attached via fibre.  What additional hardware or software is necessary to make this a valid configuration?()A  SAN switchesB  Fibre channel Hub(s)C  IBM Storage Manager AgentsD  IBM Subsystem Device Driver

考题 单选题What is required during the initial creation of a cluster?()A  Nothing,because HACMP will discover the configurationB  The cluster name and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodesC  The cluster name and ID and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodesD  The cluster name and ID node names and a TCP/IP path to each of the nodes